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Created November 27, 2022 10:53
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playing around with Effect/io
import { pipe } from '@fp-ts/data/Function';
import * as E from '@fp-ts/data/Either';
import * as Effect from '@effect/io/Effect';
// import * as Layer from '@effect/io/Layer';
// import * as Context from '@fp-ts/data/Context';
import { z } from 'zod';
import debug_ from 'debug';
export function decode<T>(schema: z.ZodSchema<T>) {
return (input: unknown): E.Either<z.ZodError<T>, T> => {
const result = schema.safeParse(input);
if (result.success) {
return E.right(;
} else {
return E.left(result.error);
export const debug =
(namespace: string) =>
(formatter: any, ...args: any[]) =>
Effect.sync(() => {
debug_(namespace)(formatter, ...args);
export const httpDebug = debug('http');
export const GetJson = (url: string, schema: z.Schema) =>
() => fetch(url),
err => E.left({ message: 'fetch failed', err }),
Effect.flatMap(res =>
() => res.json(),
err => E.left({ message: 'json parse failed', err }),
Effect.flatMap(r => httpDebug('%O', r)),
export const GetJsonGen = (url: string, schema: z.Schema) =>
Effect.gen(function* ($) {
const res = yield* $(
() => fetch(url),
err => E.left({ message: 'fetch failed', err }),
const json = yield* $(
() => res.json(),
err => E.left({ message: 'json parse failed', err }),
const result = yield* $(pipe(json, decode(schema), Effect.fromEither));
// yield* $(httpDebug('%O', result));
// dal momento che siamo dentro un generatore possiamo anche chiamare il
// codice sincrono... un bene o un male:?
debug_('http')('%O', result);
const GistsSchema = z.array(
z.object({ id: z.string(), description: z.string().nullable() }),
const program = GetJsonGen('', GistsSchema);
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