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Created July 14, 2021 13:40
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Compare PyEphem and Skyfield modelled position to actual position
# Sentinel 1a position data taken from
# POD Precise Orbit Ephemerides AUX_POEORB (only last 366 days)
# S1A_OPER_AUX_POEORB_OPOD_20151028T122426_V20151007T225943_20151009T005943
# !! Coordinate system unknow, indicates fixed but not which one assume ITRF
# <OSV>
# <TAI>TAI=2015-10-08T21:51:09.000000</TAI>
# <UTC>UTC=2015-10-08T21:50:33.000000</UTC>
# <UT1>UT1=2015-10-08T21:50:33.218710</UT1>
# <Absolute_Orbit>+08067</Absolute_Orbit>
# <X unit="m">3803127.125157</X>
# <Y unit="m">-5968232.460514</Y>
# <Z unit="m">22940.818265</Z>
# <VX unit="m/s">-1353.493961</VX>
# <VY unit="m/s">-823.241903</VY>
# <VZ unit="m/s">7430.107470</VZ>
# <Quality>NOMINAL</Quality>
# </OSV>
import numpy as np
import dateutil.parser as dtparse
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, radians
# Unit m
rObs = np.array([3803127.125157, -5968232.460514, 22940.818265])
# Unit m/s
vObs = np.array([-1353.493961, -823.241903, 7430.107470])
# UTC Time
tObs = dtparse.parse("2015-10-08T21:50:33.000000")
# Sentinel 1a TLE from
tle = """Sentinel 1a
1 39634U 14016A 15281.91006962 -.00000329 00000-0 -60181-4 0 9993
2 39634 98.1821 287.3784 0001263 95.2589 264.8781 14.59197669 80679
# ephem calculations
import ephem
tlelines = tle.split("\n")
sentinel1a = ephem.readtle(tlelines[0], tlelines[1], tlelines[2])
tdiff = sentinel1a._epoch.datetime() - tObs
print "-"*80
print "Time diff between position measurement and TLE epoch (s): %s " % tdiff.total_seconds()
print "-"*80
# Compte SGP4 at time of obs
# Get radius and angles needed to convert from sphere to cartesian
r = sentinel1a.elevation + ephem.earth_radius
theta = sentinel1a.sublong
phi = radians(90.0) - sentinel1a.sublat
x = r * cos(theta) * sin(phi)
y = r * sin(theta) * sin(phi)
z = r * cos(phi)
rMod = np.array([x, y, z])
rDiff = sqrt(np.sum((rObs - rMod)**2, axis=0))
print " pyephem ".center(80, '-')
print "Total error in position sqrt(xd^2+yd^2+zd^2)(m): %s " % rDiff
print "Difference between observered and computed radius (m): %s" % (sqrt(sum(rObs ** 2)) - sqrt(sum(rMod ** 2)))
print "-"*80
# Skyfield
from skyfield import api, constants, timelib, sgp4lib
eph = api.load('de421.bsp')
earth = eph['earth']
sat = earth.satellite(tle)
jd = timelib.JulianDate(utc=tObs.replace(tzinfo=api.utc))
mod_gcrs = sat.gcrs(jd)
rGCRS = * constants.AU_M
rDiffGCRS = sqrt(np.sum((rObs - rGCRS)**2, axis=0))
print " skyfield ".center(80, '-')
print "Total error in position in GCRS sqrt(xd^2+yd^2+zd^2)(m): %s " % rDiffGCRS
print "Difference between observered and computed radius (m): %s" % (sqrt(sum(rObs ** 2)) - sqrt(sum(rGCRS ** 2)))
rTEME, vTEME, error = sat._position_and_velocity_TEME_km(jd)
rTEME /= constants.AU_KM
vTEME /= constants.AU_KM
vTEME *= constants.DAY_S
rITRF, vITRF = sgp4lib.TEME_to_ITRF(jd.ut1, rTEME, vTEME)
rITRF = rITRF * constants.AU_M
rDiffITRF = sqrt(np.sum((rObs - rITRF)**2, axis=0))
print "Total error in position in ITRF sqrt(xd^2+yd^2+zd^2)(m): %s " % rDiffITRF
print "Difference between observered and computed radius (m): %s" % (sqrt(sum(rObs ** 2)) - sqrt(sum(rITRF ** 2)))
# Include corrections for polar moitions
arcminute = constants.DEG2RAD / 60.0
arcsecond = arcminute / 60.0
second = 1.0 / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)
# Polar motion parameters taken from
# 2015 10 08 57303 0.206685 0.303262 0.2200140 0.0013979 -0.098966 -0.013020 0.000007 -0.000001 36
xp = 0.206685 * arcsecond
yp = 0.303262 * arcsecond
rITRF, vITRF = sgp4lib.TEME_to_ITRF(jd.ut1, rTEME, vTEME, xp=xp, yp=yp)
rITRF = rITRF * constants.AU_M
rDiffITRF = sqrt(np.sum((rObs - rITRF)**2, axis=0))
print "Total error in position in ITRF + polar sqrt(xd^2+yd^2+zd^2)(m): %s " % rDiffITRF
print "Difference between observered and computed radius (m): %s" % (sqrt(sum(rObs ** 2)) - sqrt(sum(rITRF ** 2)))
print " skyfield ".center(80, '-')
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