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Last active December 12, 2015 05:48
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Build a cuke-chef test lab
mkdir cuke-chef
cd cuke-chef/
rvm gemset create cuke-chef
rvm gemset use cuke-chef
rvm rvmrc create
git init
git add *
git commit -a -m 'just a rvmrc for now'
mkdir github-gems
cd github-gems/
git clone git://
cd cucumber-chef/
rake build
gem install pkg/cucumber-chef-2.1.0.rc.*
cd ../
git clone git://
cd librarian/
rake build
gem install pkg/librarian-0.0.26.gem
cd ../../
mkdir .cucumber-chef
mkdir .chef
cat >> .cucumber-chef/config.rb <<EOF
provider :vagrant
librarian_chef true
artifacts ({ "chef-client-log" => "/var/log/chef/client.log",
"chef-client-stacktrace" => "/var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out" })
vagrant.merge!( :identity_file => "#{ENV['HOME']}/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key",
:lab_user => "vagrant",
:lxc_user => "root" )
cat >> Vagrantfile <<EOF do |config| = "precise64"
config.vm.box_url = ""
config.vm.forward_port 4000, 4000
config.vm.forward_port 4040, 4040
config.vm.forward_port 8787, 8787
librarian-chef init
cat >> Cheffile <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#^syntax detection
site ''
cookbook 'chef-client', '=1.1.2'
librarian-chef install
mkdir .cucumber-chef/vagrant
touch .cucumber-chef/vagrant/knife.rb
cucumber-chef setup
rmdir .chef && ln -s .cucumber-chef .chef
cat >> Gemfile <<EOF
source ""
gem "cucumber-chef", :git => "git://", :tag => "v2.1.0.rc.8"
gem "librarian", :git => "git://"
bundle install
cucumber-chef create odi
cat >> features/odi/odi.feature <<EOF
Feature: Perform test driven infrastructure with Cucumber-Chef
In order to learn how to develop test driven infrastructure
As an infrastructure developer
I want to better understand how to use Cucumber-Chef
* I have a server called "odi"
* "odi" is running "ubuntu" "precise"
* "odi" has been provisioned
* the following cookbooks have been uploaded:
| cookbook | cookbook_path |
| chef-client | ./cookbooks |
* the "chef-client::service" recipe has been added to the "odi" run list
* the chef-client has been run on "odi"
* I ssh to "odi" with the following credentials:
| username | keyfile |
| $lxc$ | $lxc$ |
Scenario: Can connect to the provisioned server via SSH authentication
When I run "hostname"
Then I should see "odi" in the output
Scenario: Default root shell is bash
When I run "echo $SHELL"
Then I should see "bash" in the output
Scenario: Default gateway and resolver are using Cucumber-Chef Test Lab
When I run "route -n | grep 'UG'"
Then I should see "" in the output
When I run "cat /etc/resolv.conf"
Then I should see "" in the output
And I should see "" in the output
And I should see "" in the output
Scenario: Primary interface is configured with my IP address and MAC address
When I run "ifconfig eth0"
Then I should see the "IP" of "odi" in the output
And I should see the "MAC" of "odi" in the output
Scenario: Local interface is not configured with my IP address or MAC address
When I run "ifconfig lo"
Then I should see "" in the output
And I should not see the "IP" of "odi" in the output
And I should not see the "MAC" of "odi" in the output
Scenario: Chef-Client is running as a daemon
When I run "ps aux | grep [c]hef-client"
Then I should see "chef-client" in the output
And I should see "-d" in the output
And I should see "-i 1800" in the output
And I should see "-s 20" in the output
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Floppy commented Feb 7, 2013

So close. SSH authentication failed in cucumber tests.

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