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Created October 12, 2022 08:01
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My cheatsheet about typescript

Some examples here

  • Dynamic types are very similar to functions
  • You can use a map/array as type so you can reuse it for function params using as const
  • You can Pick/Omit properties of an interface
  • You can create conditional types that has different properties depending of a type
  • You can select (and reuse) a property type of an interface with Interface["propertyName"]
  • You can save type the return of a function by infering it ReturnType<typeof myFunction>
interface DynamicType<IdType> {
    id: IdType,
    title: string,

interface Book extends DynamicType<string> {
    publishedYear: number

const myBook: Book = {
    id: "5",
    title: "Lord of the rings: Fellowship of the ring",
    publishedYear: 1954

const ANIMAL_TYPES = {
    DOG: "dog" as const,
    SNAKE: "snake",
} as const

type AcceptedAnimalTypes = typeof ANIMAL_TYPES_VALUES[number]

interface Animal<AcceptedAnimalTypes> {
    animalType: AcceptedAnimalTypes,
    name: string,
    sound: string,
    eyes: number,
    legs: number,

interface Dog extends Animal<typeof ANIMAL_TYPES.DOG> { }
interface Snake extends Omit<Animal<typeof ANIMAL_TYPES.SNAKE>, "legs"> {
    termalViewCallback: (elementsSeen: number) => void

const myAnimals: Array<Dog | Snake> = [
    { animalType: ANIMAL_TYPES.DOG, name: "toby", sound: "guau guau", eyes: 2, legs: 4 },
    // { animalType: "snake", name: "devil", sound: "guau guau", eyes: 2, legs: 4 },
        animalType: ANIMAL_TYPES.SNAKE,
        name: "devil",
        sound: "shhhh",
        eyes: 2,
        termalViewCallback: (elementsSeen => console.log(`I see with my termal vission ${elementsSeen} elements`))

function callMyAnimals() {
    for (const animal of myAnimals) {
        const { animalType, sound } = animal
        const animalRespondToMe = () => console.log(sound)
        const isSnake = animalType === ANIMAL_TYPES.SNAKE
        if (!isSnake) continue
        const { termalViewCallback: tellMeHowManyElementsYouSee } = animal


// callMyAnimals()

function getAllBooksIds() {
    return [myBook].map(({ id, title }) => ({id, title}))
type getAllBookIdsResult = ReturnType<typeof getAllBooksIds>

const booksIds = getAllBooksIds()

function fetchBooksIds(ids: ReturnType<typeof getAllBooksIds>) {
    for (const {id, title} of ids) {
        console.log(`id ${id} and the title is "${title}"`)

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