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Created May 15, 2012 22:36
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IRC Bot in Python - Social functionals, mostly for entertainment purposes
# 28-Apr-2012
# reallyrose
# Python IRCEirtaBot
# Probably useless, poor thing.
import time, socket, sys, string, re, random, datetime, string, urllib2, GoodUrlList
from collections import defaultdict
from random import choice
# Global variables - a necessary evil:
TheChosen = eval ( open ( 'TheChosen.txt' ).read () ) # People that can do special things
IgnoreUser = eval ( open ( 'IgnoreUser.txt' ).read () ) # People to be ignore by the bot
botnick = 'LoriBot'
channel = '#xxxxxx'
#channel = '#testbot'
password = 'xxxxxxxxx'
port = 6667
server = ''
# Connecting to a server:
irc = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
irc.connect ( ( server, port ) )
print irc.recv ( 4096 )
# Set nick
irc.send ( 'NICK ' + botnick + '\r\n' )
irc.send ( 'USER ' + botnick + ' ' + botnick + ' ' + botnick + ' :BeepBeep\r\n' )
running = True
# Many Functions, fun for all the family:
def Volunteer (): # For potential volunteers
global User
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + User +
' : Why not become one of the awesome Green Shirts for xxxxxx! \r\n'
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + User +
' : If you have questions, highlight rooose or reallyrose (Just say the name into chat) or if she isn\'t here, email \r\n'
def Quit (): # only quit when I say so
global TheChosen
QUser = data [ 1:data.find ( '!' ) ] #Slice
if QUser in TheChosen:
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :I have to leave, bye-bye :( \r\n'
irc.send ( 'QUIT\r\n' )
global running
running = False # quit program
irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG ' + channel + ' :Only Goshujin-sama can tell me to do that, desu.\r\n' ) # if not...
def GreetNew (): # Greet new users
global IgnoreUser
global User
if data.find ( 'JOIN ' ) != -1:
if User in IgnoreUser:
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :Welcome to ' + channel + ', ' + User + '\r\n'
def RandAnime (): # Select a random anime from a pre-determined list. List is stored in a .py file in the same folder.
AnimeNum = random.choice ( GoodUrlList.GoodList )
AnimeSite = '' % AnimeNum
req = urllib2.Request ( url = AnimeSite )
f = urllib2.urlopen ( req )
scrape = ()
title = ' '.join ( re.findall ( '<title>.*</title>', scrape ) )
title = title.replace ( '<title>', '' ).replace ( '</title>', '' )
synoptitle = ' '.join ( re.findall ( '<td valign="top"><h2>Synopsis</h2>.*<br />', scrape ) )
synoptitle = synoptitle.replace ( '<td valign="top"><h2>Synopsis</h2>', '' ).replace ( '<br />', '' )
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :Why not try this? ' + AnimeSite + '\r\n'
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :' + title + '\r\n'
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :' + synoptitle + '\r\n'
def Fact (): # function to pull a random fact picture from a list of facts in a txt file
FactFile = 'FactDict.txt'
FactFile = eval ( open ( FactFile ).read () )
PickFact = random.choice ( FactFile )
# post it
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :' + PickFact + ' Fact! \r\n'
def Cat (): # function to pull a random cat picture from a dictionary of cat pictures in a txt file
CatFile = 'CatDict.txt'
CatFile = eval ( open ( CatFile ).read () )
PickCat = random.choice ( CatFile )
# post it
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :Kitteh! =^_^= ' + PickCat + '\r\n'
def Countdown (): # Count # days til xxxxxx!
diff = datetime.datetime ( 2012, 11, 9 ) - ()
date = str ( diff.days )
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :Just ' + date + ' days til xxxxxx 2012! \r\n'
def FactAdd (): # write link to txt file
global data
LinkFile = open ( 'FactLog.txt', 'a' )
LinkFile.write ( data )
LinkFile.close ()
# let user know link has been stored
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :Your fact has been stored, desu!\r\n'
def Committee (): # If someone wants someone from the committee
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :If you wait a bit, someone from the committee might be here. If not, email addresses are here! :D \r\n'
def Help (): # Halp!
if data.find ( '!help' ) != -1:
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :!committee - If you\'re looking for the committee!, !fact - interesting facts, !AddFact <fact> - Add a fact to Lori, !countdown - countdown to xxxxxx, !pre-reg - pre-reg info, !volunteer - info on how to volunteer, !cat - provides a cat, !anime - provides an anime suggestion. Quality not guaranteed. \r\n'
# Core code
while running:
data = irc.recv ( 4096 )
User = data [ 1:data.find ( '!' ) ] # Slice
GreetNew ()
if data.find (
'Follow synIRC on Twitter! - Now looking for feedback on how we can improve the user experience. Tweet us your ideas!'
) != -1: # Don't join chan til server has finished spamming
irc.send ( 'JOIN ' + channel + '\r\n' )
if data.find ( 'End of /NAMES list.' ) != -1: # don't reg til joined chan
irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG nickserv IDENTIFY ' + password + ' \r\n' )
if data.find ( 'PING' ) != -1: # ping/pong server
irc.send ( 'PONG ' + data.split () [ 1 ] + '\r\n' )
elif data.find ( '!LoriBot Quit' ) != -1:
Quit ()
elif re.findall ( '^:reallyrose', data ) or re.findall ( '^:rooose', data ) and data.find ( 'Bad LoriBot' ) != -1:
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :\001ACTION is sorry. LoriBot will be good in future ;_; \001\r\n'
elif re.findall ( '^:reallyrose', data ) or re.findall ( '^:rooose', data ) and data.find ( 'Good LoriBot' ) != -1:
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :~Waaaiii!~ \001ACTION is a happy bot. =^_^= \001\r\n'
elif data.find ( ':!anime' ) != -1:
if User == 'SomeUser': # This is for a regular who likes pokemon. 1 out 5 times he asks for anime, he will get pokemon
PokeList = (
527, 1118, 11019, 11009, 1119, 1564, 9107, 10740, 12671, 9917, 2363, 1525, 1565, 10302, 5529, 1120, 5256, 2842,
6275, 8438, 6178, 11073, 4795, 1122, 4026, 1121, 1526, 13799, 1709, 6877, 4793, 11069, 7550, 5844, 8709, 6555,
4910, 4794, 4792, 11853, 5845, 5526, 4874, 10916, 10917, 2201, 6385, 528, 1527, 1117, 2847, 7695
random.seed ()
PokeNum = random.randint ( 1, 5 )
if PokeNum == 1:
PokeRand = random.choice ( PokeList )
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :Why not try this? \r\n'
) % PokeRand
RandAnime ()
if User == 'SomeOtherUser': # This is for another regular, who likes LoGH. 2 out 5 times he asks for anime, he will get LoGH
LOGHList = (
820, 3371, 3015, 3014, 3016, 3665
random.seed ()
LOGHNum = random.randint ( 1, 5 )
if LOGHNum == 1:
LOGHRand = random.choice ( LOGHList )
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :Why not try this? \r\n'
) % LOGHRand
if LOGHNum == 3:
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + channel +
' :Why not try this? \r\n'
RandAnime ()
RandAnime ()
elif re.findall ( channel + ' :!fact', data ):
Fact ()
elif re.findall ( channel + ' :!AddFact', data ):
FactAdd ()
elif re.findall ( channel + ' :!addfact', data ):
FactAdd ()
elif data.find ( channel + ' :!countdown' ) != -1:
Countdown ()
elif data.find ( channel + ' :!pre-reg' ) != -1: # Pre-reg command.
irc.send (
'PRIVMSG ' + User +
' :Pre-reg for xxxxxx 2012 here! \r\n'
elif data.find ( channel + ' :!committee' ) != -1:
Committee ()
elif data.find ( channel + ' :!cat' ) != -1:
Cat ()
elif data.find ( channel + ' :!volunteer' ) != -1:
Volunteer ()
elif data.find ( channel + ' :!help' ) != -1:
Help ()
print data
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