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Last active April 9, 2024 18:35
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// This Script is for actionscript in case of Naver smartstore web scarapping
// Naver Smartstore 상품페이지의 드랍다운 옵션에 복수의 선택지 전체를 자동으로 선택하는 스크립트입니다.
// 예제 페이지, 개발자도구에서 실행하십시오.
const el = path => document.querySelector( path )
const elAll = path => document.querySelectorAll( path )
const SHARE_ROOT = '#content > div fieldset'
const APPENDED_ITEM = 'li[class="bd_2PDrk"] > div '
const ITEM_INFO = 'div:nth-of-type(1)'
const OPTION_LIST = '.bd_2dy3Y'
const result_items = el( SHARE_ROOT ).querySelectorAll( APPENDED_ITEM )
const create = ( tag, text ) =>
const elem = document.createElement( tag )
if ( text )
const txt = document.createTextNode( text )
elem.appendChild( txt )
return elem
const appendOptions = async ( group ) =>
const resultItems = el( SHARE_ROOT ).querySelectorAll( APPENDED_ITEM )
return Array.from( resultItems ).reduce( ( parent, item, idx ) =>
const itemGroup = create( 'div' )
const productName = item.querySelector( 'p' ).cloneNode(true)
const productPrice = item.querySelector( 'div > span' ).cloneNode(true)
itemGroup.append( ...[productName, productPrice] )
parent.appendChild( itemGroup )
return parent
}, group )
const SearchOptions = async optionList =>
const dropbox = () => optionList.children
const toSelect = ( list, index ) => list[index].lastChild
const currentIdx = Array( dropbox().length ).fill( 0 )
const limit = Array( dropbox().length ).fill( -1 )
const selectAllOptions = async idx =>
for ( let i = 0; i < dropbox().length; i++ )
console.log( idx, i, limit, currentIdx )
if ( idx > 0 && currentIdx[i] > limit[i] ) return idx
// 드랍박스 클릭
const dropboxToClick = toSelect( dropbox(), i )
if ( !dropboxToClick.innerText.includes( '품절' ) )
// 드랍박스 펼쳐진 리스트에서 옵션 선택
const children = toSelect( dropbox(), i ).children
limit[i] = children.length - 1
if ( !toSelect( children, currentIdx[i] ).innerText.includes( '품절' ) )
toSelect( children, currentIdx[i] ).click()
if ( i >= dropbox().length - 1 )
if ( currentIdx[i] >= limit[i] )
if ( limit[i - 1] )
currentIdx[i - 1] += 1
currentIdx[i] = 0
} else
} else currentIdx[i] += 1
return await selectAllOptions( idx )
return await selectAllOptions( 0 )
const init = async () =>
const root = document.getElementsByTagName( 'body' )[0]
const optionList = el( OPTION_LIST ) // 옵션
const defaultData = el( SHARE_ROOT ).querySelector( ITEM_INFO )
const group = create( 'section' )
group.appendChild( defaultData.cloneNode( true ) )
if ( optionList )
await SearchOptions( optionList )
await appendOptions( group )
// body 상단에 전체 드랍다운 선택 결과 리스트를 추가합니다.
root.prepend( group.cloneNode(true) )
await init()
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