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Created October 28, 2014 03:19
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knight_travails.go ported from
package main
import (
var p = fmt.Println
var LETTERS = [] string {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"}
var DIGITS = [] uint8 {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
//Helper methods
func Contains(slice interface{}, val interface{}) bool {
sv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
for i := 0; i < sv.Len(); i++ {
if reflect.DeepEqual(sv.Index(i).Interface(), val) {
return true
return false
//Helper class
type Tile struct {
x,y uint8
func named(s string) Tile{
tile := Tile{x:s[0]-"a"[0],y:s[1]-"0"[0]}
if !tile.valid() {
fmt.Println("this tile is not valid",tile)
return tile
func (tile Tile) valid() bool {
return Contains(DIGITS,tile.x) && Contains(DIGITS,tile.y)
// func (tile Tile) String() string {
// if tile.valid() {
// return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", LETTERS[tile.x],DIGITS[tile.y])
// }
// fmt.Println("WARNING: this tile is not valid",tile.x,tile.y)
// return ""
// }
func (tile Tile) adjacent(tile_ Tile) bool {
var dx = math.Abs(float64(tile.x) - float64(tile_.x))
var dy = math.Abs(float64(tile.y) - float64(tile_.y))
return tile.valid() && tile_.valid() && (dx ==1 && dy ==2 || dx==2 && dy==1)
type Board struct {
board [] Tile
func (b *Board) Pop() {
if len(b.board) == 0 { return }
b.board = b.board[:len(b.board)-1]
func (b *Board) Del(item Tile) {
found := -1
for i, el := range(b.board){
if item.x==el.x && item.y ==el.y {
found = i
if found >0 {
b.board = append(b.board[:found],b.board[found+1:len(b.board)]...)
fmt.Println("found item at ", item, found, len(b.board))
func (b *Board) Add(tile... Tile) {
b.board = append(b.board, tile...)
func (b *Board) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v",b.board)
func (b *Board) find_all_adjacent(tile Tile) [] Tile {
ret := make([]Tile, 0)
for _, el := range(b.board){
if tile.adjacent(el) {
fmt.Println("Found adjacent: ", el)
ret = append(ret, el)
fmt.Println("Finding adjacent of tile ",tile, ret)
return ret
func (b *Board) reject_all(black_list... Tile) {
fmt.Println("starting rejecting all tile in ", black_list)
list_tile_tobe_rejected := make([]Tile, 0)
for _, el := range(b.board){
if Contains(black_list,el) {
list_tile_tobe_rejected = append(list_tile_tobe_rejected, el)
if len(list_tile_tobe_rejected) > 0 {
for _,el := range(list_tile_tobe_rejected) {
fmt.Println("Reject: ", el)
func knights_trip(start Tile, finish Tile, forbidden... Tile) [] Tile{
// First, build big bucket o' tiles.
board := &Board{}
for i:=0;i<64;i++ {
// Second, pull out forbidden tiles.
// TODO : Implement forbidden
// # Third, prepare a hash, where layer 0 is just the start.
// # Remove start from the board.
x := 0
flood := map[int][]Tile{x: {start}}
// # Fourth, perform a "flood fill" step, finding all board tiles
// # adjacent to the previous step.
for len(flood[x]) > 0 && !Contains(flood[x], finish) {
x +=1
flood[x] = make([]Tile, 0)
for _, obj := range(flood[x-1]) {
flood[x] = append(flood[x], board.find_all_adjacent(obj)...)
// # Remove those found from the board.
fmt.Println("Checking layer x= ",x)
fmt.Println("Current adjacent: ", flood[x])
path := make([]Tile, 0)
if len(flood[x]) > 0 {
// # We found a way. Time to build the path. This is built
// # backwards, so finish goes in first.
fmt.Println("found a way with . Here it is ", x)
path = append(path,finish)
for x >0 {
x -=1
// # Find in flood[x] a tile adjacent to the head of our
// # path. Doesn't matter which one. Make it the new head
// # of our path.
jumps := make([]Tile, 0)
for _, el := range(flood[x]){
if el.adjacent(path[0]) {
jumps = append(jumps, el)
// Insert at top. copyright by Golang !!!!
// append a dummy node (tile)
path = append(path, named("a9"))
copy(path[i+1:], path[i:])
path[i] = jumps[0]
return path
func main() {
var args [2] Tile
for i, arg := range os.Args[1:]{
args[i] = named(arg)
for _, arg := range(args) {
if !arg.valid() {
fmt.Println("Invalid arg: ", arg)
trip := knights_trip(args[0],args[1])
if len(trip) < 1 {
fmt.Println("No path found")
fmt.Println("Route: ", trip)
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