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Last active April 23, 2017 20:08
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zadanie 1
structure id291408 :> PART_ONE=
exception NotImplemented
datatype 'a tree =
Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
(*0.1. Funkcje liczb całkowitych.*)
fun sum n =
if n=1 then 1
else n + sum (n-1);
fun fac n =
if n=1 then 1
else n * fac (n-1);
fun fib n =
if n=0 orelse n=1 then 1
else fib (n-1)+fib (n-2);
fun gcd(a,b) =
if a=b then a
if a>b then gcd (a-b,b)
else gcd (a,b-a);
fun max (head::tail) = if head > max tail then head else max tail
| max (nil) = 0;
(* 0.2. Funkcje na drzewach binarnych *)
fun sumTree (Leaf n) = n
| sumTree (Node (left, n, right)) = (sumTree left) + n + (sumTree right);
fun depth (Leaf n) = 0
| depth (Node (l,n,r)) = if depth r > depth l then 1+depth r else 1+depth l;
fun binSearch (Leaf t) x = if t=x then true else false
| binSearch (Node (l,t,p)) x=
if t=x then true else
if x<t then binSearch l x
else binSearch p x;
fun preorder (Leaf t) = [t]
| preorder (Node (l,t,p))= [t] @ preorder l @ preorder p;
(* 0.3. Funkcje na listach liczb całkowitych. *)
fun listAdd (a::at) (b::bt) = [a+b] @ listAdd at bt
| listAdd (nil) (b::bt) = [b] @ listAdd nil bt
| listAdd (a::at) (nil) = [a] @ listAdd at nil
| listAdd (nil) (nil) = [];
fun insert el (a::at) = if el <= a then [el] @ [a] @ at else [a] @ insert el at
| insert el (nil) = [el];
fun insort (a::at) = insert a (insort at)
| insort (nil) = [];
(* 0.4. Funkcje wyższego rzędu. *)
fun compose f g = fn(x)=>g(f(x));
fun curry f a b= f(a,b);
fun uncurry f(a,b)= f a b;
fun multifun f n =
if n=1 then fn(x) => f(x)
else fn(x)=>f(multifun f (n-1) x);
(* 5. Funkcje na liście ’a list *)
fun ltake (l::lt) n = if n>0 then [l] @ ltake lt (n-1) else []
| ltake (nil) n = [];
fun lall f (l::lt) = if f l then true andalso lall f lt else false
| lall f (nil) = true;
fun lmap f (l::lt) = [f l] @ lmap f lt
| lmap f (nil) = [];
fun lrev (l::lt) = lrev lt @ [l]
| lrev (nil) = [];
fun lzip ((a::at),(b::bt)) = [(a,b)] @ lzip (at,bt)
| lzip ((nil),(b::bt)) = []
| lzip ((a::at),(nil)) = []
| lzip ((nil),(nil)) = [];
fun even (l::l2::lt) = [l2] @ even lt
| even (l::nil)= []
| even (nil) = [];
fun odd (l::l2::lt) = [l] @ odd lt
| odd (l::nil)= [l]
| odd (nil) = [];
fun split l = (odd l, even l);
fun cartprod (S::St) (T::Tt) = [(S,T)] @ cartprod [S] Tt @ cartprod St (T::Tt)
| cartprod (nil) (T::Tt)= []
| cartprod (S::St) (nil)= []
| cartprod (nil) (nil)= [];
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