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Created November 5, 2011 14:24
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A script for showing the derived data folder for an Xcode workspace. Intended to be invoked from a custom behaviour
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#This script currently only works if you have your derived data in the default location
#First look for a project path as our workspace
xcodeWorkspacePath = ENV['XcodeProjectPath']
if xcodeWorkspacePath
workspaceName = /([\w\s]+).xcodeproj/.match(xcodeWorkspacePath)[1]
#If we don't have a project we have a workspace, check for that and exit with code 1 if that doesn't exist
xcodeWorkspacePath = ENV['XcodeWorkspacePath'] || exit(1)
workspaceName = /([\w\s]+).xcworkspace/.match(xcodeWorkspacePath)[1]
#Replace spaces with underscores
workspaceName = workspaceName.sub(/ /, "_")
#Loop through through the folders and check their workspace path to see if they match
derived_data = File.expand_path("~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData")
Dir["#{derived_data}/#{workspaceName}*"].each do |folder|
info ="#{folder}/info.plist");
workspacePath = /<key>WorkspacePath<\/key>\s*<string>(.*?)<\/string>/.match(info)[1]
if workspacePath == xcodeWorkspacePath
%x[open "#{folder}"]
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