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Forked from ChadSikorra/DataTable.php
Created January 23, 2013 15:56
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Save pilot/4608570 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Recognizes mData sent from DataTables where dotted notations represent a related
* entity. For example, defining the following in DataTables...
* "aoColumns": [
* { "mData": "id" },
* { "mData": "description" },
* { "mData": "customer.first_name" },
* { "mData": "customer.last_name" }
* ]
* ...will result in a a related Entity called customer to be retrieved, and the
* first and last name will be returned, respectively, from the customer entity.
* There are no entity depth limitations. You could just as well define nested
* entity relations, such as...
* { "mData": "customer.location.address" }
* Félix-Antoine Paradis is the author of the original implementation this is
* built off of, see:
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Helper;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\Exception;
class Datatable
* Doctrine innerJoin type
const JOIN_INNER = 'inner';
* Doctrine leftJoin type
const JOIN_LEFT = 'left';
* @var string The default join type to use
protected $defaultJoinType;
* @var object The Doctrine Entity Repository
protected $repository;
* @var object The Doctrine Entity Manager
protected $em;
* @var string Used as the query builder identifier value
protected $tableName;
* @var array All the request variables as an array
protected $request;
* @var array The parsed request variables for the DataTable
protected $parameters;
* @var array Information relating to the specific columns requested
protected $associations;
* @var array SQL joins used to construct the QueryBuilder query
protected $assignedJoins = array();
* @var array The SQL join type to use for a column
protected $joinTypes = array();
* @var object The QueryBuilder instance
protected $qb;
* @var array The results of the QueryBuilder instance
protected $fresults;
* @var integer The number of records the DataTable can display in the current draw
protected $offset;
* @var string Information for DataTables to use for rendering
protected $echo;
* @var integer The display start point in the current DataTables data set
protected $amount;
* @var string The DataTables global search string
protected $search;
* @var array The primary/unique ID for an Entity. Needed to pull partial objects
protected $identifiers = array();
* @var integer The total amount of results to get from the database
protected $limit;
public function __construct(array $request, EntityRepository $repository, ClassMetadata $metadata, EntityManager $em)
$this->em = $em;
$this->request = $request;
$this->repository = $repository;
$this->metadata = $metadata;
$this->tableName = Container::camelize($metadata->getTableName());
$this->defaultJoinType = self::JOIN_INNER;
$this->qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$this->echo = $this->request['sEcho'];
$this->search = $this->request['sSearch'];
$this->offset = $this->request['iDisplayStart'];
$this->amount = $this->request['iDisplayLength'];
* @return array All the paramaters (columns) used for this request
public function getParameters()
* Parse and configure parameter/association information for this DataTable request
public function setParameters()
if (is_numeric($this->request['iColumns'])) {
$params = array();
$associations = array();
for ($i=0; $i < intval($this->request['iColumns']); $i++) {
$fields = explode('.', $this->request['mDataProp_' . $i]);
$params[] = $this->request['mDataProp_' . $i];
$associations[] = array('containsCollections' => false);
if (count($fields) > 1)
$this->setRelatedEntityColumnInfo($associations[$i], $fields);
$this->setSingleFieldColumnInfo($associations[$i], $fields[0]);
$this->parameters = $params;
$this->associations = $associations;
* Parse a dotted-notation column format from the mData, and sets association
* information
* @param array Association information for a column (by reference)
* @param array The column fields from dotted notation
protected function setRelatedEntityColumnInfo(array &$association, array $fields) {
$mdataName = implode('.', $fields);
$lastField = Container::camelize(array_pop($fields));
$joinName = $this->tableName;
$entityName = '';
$columnName = '';
// loop through the related entities, checking the associations as we go
$metadata = $this->metadata;
while ($field = array_shift($fields)) {
$columnName .= empty($columnName) ? $field : ".$field";
$entityName = lcfirst(Container::camelize($field));
if ($metadata->hasAssociation($entityName)) {
$joinOn = "$joinName.$entityName";
if (!empty($fields) && $metadata->isCollectionValuedAssociation($entityName)) {
$association['containsCollections'] = true;
$metadata = $this->em->getClassMetadata(
$joinName .= '_' . $this->getJoinName(
// The join required to get to the entity in question
if (!isset($this->assignedJoins[$joinName])) {
$this->assignedJoins[$joinName]['joinOn'] = $joinOn;
$this->assignedJoins[$joinName]['mdataColumn'] = $columnName;
$this->identifiers[$joinName] = $metadata->getIdentifierFieldNames();
else {
throw new Exception(
"Association '$entityName' not found ($mdataName)",
// Check the last field on the last related entity of the dotted notation
if (!$metadata->hasField(lcfirst($lastField))) {
throw new Exception(
"Field '$lastField' on association '$entityName' not found ($mdataName)",
$association['entityName'] = $entityName;
$association['fieldName'] = $lastField;
$association['joinName'] = $joinName;
$association['fullName'] = $this->getFullName($association);
* Configures association information for a single field request from the main entity
* @param array The association information as a reference
* @param string The field name on the main entity
protected function setSingleFieldColumnInfo(array &$association, $fieldName) {
$fieldName = Container::camelize($fieldName);
if (!$this->metadata->hasField(lcfirst($fieldName))) {
throw new Exception(
"Field '$fieldName' not found.)",
$association['fieldName'] = $fieldName;
$association['entityName'] = $this->tableName;
$association['fullName'] = $this->tableName . '.' . lcfirst($fieldName);
* Based on association information and metadata, construct the join name
* @param ClassMetadata Doctrine metadata for an association
* @param string The table name for the join
* @param string The entity name of the table
protected function getJoinName(ClassMetadata $metadata, $tableName, $entityName)
$joinName = $tableName;
// If it is self-referencing then we must avoid collisions
if ($metadata->getName() == $this->metadata->getName()) {
$joinName .= "_$entityName";
return $joinName;
* Based on association information, construct the full name to refer to in queries
* @param array Association information for the column
* @return string The full name to refer to this column as in QueryBuilder statements
protected function getFullName(array $associationInfo)
return $associationInfo['joinName'] . '.' . lcfirst($associationInfo['fieldName']);
* Set the default join type to use for associations. Defaults to JOIN_INNER
* @param string The join type to use, should be of either constant: JOIN_INNER, JOIN_LEFT
public function setDefaultJoinType($joinType)
if (defined('self::JOIN_' . strtoupper($joinType))) {
$this->defaultJoinType = constant('self::JOIN_' . strtoupper($joinType));
* Set the type of join for a specific column/parameter
* @param string The column/parameter name
* @param string The join type to use, should be of either constant: JOIN_INNER, JOIN_LEFT
public function setJoinType($column, $joinType)
if (defined('self::JOIN_' . strtoupper($joinType))) {
$this->joinTypes[$column] = constant('self::JOIN_' . strtoupper($joinType));
* Set the scope of the result set
public function setLimit()
if (isset($this->offset) && $this->amount != '-1') {
* Set any column ordering that has been requested
public function setOrderBy()
if (isset($this->request['iSortCol_0'])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < intval($this->request['iSortingCols']); $i++) {
if ($this->request['bSortable_'.intval($this->request['iSortCol_'. $i])] == "true") {
* Configure the WHERE clause for the Doctrine QueryBuilder if any searches are specified
* @param QueryBuilder The Doctrine QueryBuilder object
public function setWhere(QueryBuilder $qb)
// Global filtering
if (isset($this->search) && !empty($this->search)) {
$orExpr = $qb->expr()->orX();
for ($i=0 ; $i < count($this->parameters); $i++) {
if (isset($this->request['bSearchable_'.$i]) && $this->request['bSearchable_'.$i] == "true") {
$qbParam = "sSearch_global_{$this->associations[$i]['entityName']}_{$this->associations[$i]['fieldName']}";
$qb->setParameter($qbParam, "%" . $this->request['sSearch'] . "%");
// Individual column filtering
$andExpr = $qb->expr()->andX();
for ($i=0 ; $i < count($this->parameters); $i++) {
if (isset($this->request['bSearchable_'.$i]) && $this->request['bSearchable_'.$i] == "true" && !empty($this->request['sSearch_'.$i])) {
$qbParam = "sSearch_single_{$this->associations[$i]['entityName']}_{$this->associations[$i]['fieldName']}";
$qb->setParameter($qbParam, "%" . $this->request['sSearch_'.$i] . "%");
if ($andExpr->count() > 0) {
* Configure joins for entity associations
* @param QueryBuilder The Doctrine QueryBuilder object
public function setAssociations(QueryBuilder $qb)
foreach ($this->assignedJoins as $joinName => $joinInfo) {
$joinType = isset($this->joinTypes[$joinInfo['mdataColumn']]) ?
$this->joinTypes[$joinInfo['mdataColumn']] : $this->defaultJoinType;
call_user_func_array(array($qb, $joinType . 'Join'), array(
* Configure the specific columns to select for the query
* @param QueryBuilder The Doctrine QueryBuilder object
public function setSelect(QueryBuilder $qb)
$columns = array();
$partials = array();
// Combine all columns to pull
foreach ($this->associations as $column) {
$parts = explode('.', $column['fullName']);
$columns[$parts[0]][] = $parts[1];
// Partial column results on entities require that we include the identifier as part of the selection
foreach ($this->identifiers as $joinName => $identifiers) {
if (!in_array($identifiers[0], $columns[$joinName])) {
array_unshift($columns[$joinName], $identifiers[0]);
// Make sure to include the identifier for the main entity
$identifiers = $this->metadata->getIdentifierFieldNames();
if (!in_array($identifiers[0], $columns[$this->tableName])) {
array_unshift($columns[$this->tableName], $identifiers[0]);
foreach ($columns as $columnName => $fields) {
$partials[] = 'partial ' . $columnName . '.{' . implode(',', $fields) . '}';
$qb->select(implode(',', $partials));
$qb->from($this->metadata->getName(), $this->tableName);
* Method to execute after constructing this object. Configures the object before
* executing getSearchResults()
public function makeSearch()
* Check if an array is associative or not.
* @link
* @param array An arrray to check
* @return bool true if associative
protected function isAssocArray(array $array) {
return (bool)count(array_filter(array_keys($array), 'is_string'));
* Execute the QueryBuilder object, parse the results, and send back the
* DataTable data
* @return array Data results for DataTables.js
public function getSearchResults()
$this->fresults = $this->qb->getQuery()->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
$output = array("aaData" => array());
foreach ($this->fresults as $item) {
// Go through each requested column, transforming the array as needed for DataTables
for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($this->parameters); $i++) {
// Results are already correctly formatted if this is the case...
if (!$this->associations[$i]['containsCollections']) {
$rowRef = &$item;
$fields = explode('.', $this->parameters[$i]);
// Check for collection based entities and format the array as needed
while ($field = array_shift($fields)) {
$rowRef = &$rowRef[$field];
// We ran into a collection based entity. Combine, merge, and continue on...
if (!empty($fields) && !$this->isAssocArray($rowRef)) {
$children = array();
while ($childItem = array_shift($rowRef)) {
$children = array_merge_recursive($children, $childItem);
$rowRef = $children;
$output['aaData'][] = $item;
$outputHeader = array(
"sEcho" => (int) $this->echo,
"iTotalRecords" => $this->getCountAllResults(),
"iTotalDisplayRecords" => (string) $this->getCountFilteredResults()
return array_merge($outputHeader, $output);
* @return int Total query results before searches/filtering
public function getCountAllResults()
return (int) $this->repository->createQueryBuilder($this->tableName)
->select('count(' . $this->tableName . '.id)')->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult();
* @return int Total query results after searches/filtering
public function getCountFilteredResults()
$qb = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder($this->tableName);
$qb->select('count(' . $this->tableName . '.id)');
return (int) $qb->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult();
public function getOffset()
return $this->offset;
public function getEcho()
return $this->echo;
public function getAmount()
return $this->amount;
public function getSearch()
return "%" . $this->search . "%";
public function getQueryBuilder()
return $this->qb;
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