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Last active August 16, 2023 13:03
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  • Save pilot22/724b472792aae656242c3c26e79bf087 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pilot22/724b472792aae656242c3c26e79bf087 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple batch file to create an simple gmod addon :D
@echo off
set /p e=Quel nom?:
set /p abv=Quel table?:
mkdir %e%
cd %e%
mkdir lua
cd lua
mkdir autorun
cd autorun
echo %abv% = %abv% or {}> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo. >> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo local function loadFile(strPath, folder)>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo local files, folders = file.Find(strPath .. "*", "LUA")>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo. >> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo for _, v in pairs(files) do>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo if SERVER then>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo if string.find(v, "cl_") or string.find(v, "sh_") or string.find(strPath, "cl") or string.find(strPath, "sh") then>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo AddCSLuaFile(strPath .. v)>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo end>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo. >> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo if string.find(v, "sv_") or string.find(v, "sh_") or string.find(strPath, "server") or string.find(strPath, "sh") then>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo include(strPath .. v)>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo end>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo else>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo include(strPath .. v)>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo end>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo end>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo.>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo for _, v in pairs(folders) do>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo loadFile(strPath .. v .. "/", v)>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo end>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo end>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo.>> "%e%_loader.lua"
echo loadFile("%e%/")>> "%e%_loader.lua"
cd ..
mkdir %e%
cd %e%
echo %abv%.Config = %abv%.Config or {}>>"sh_config.lua"
mkdir client
cd client
echo -- >>"cl.lua"
cd ..
mkdir shared
cd shared
echo -- >>"sh.lua"
cd ..
mkdir server
cd server
echo -- >>"sv.lua"
exit /b
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