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Last active March 26, 2020 21:53
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// UITestCase.swift
// Created by Gleb Tarasov on 23/04/2018.
import Foundation
import XCTest
import UIKit
class UITestCase: XCTestCase {
private func wait(forElement element: XCUIElement, exists: Bool, timeout: TimeInterval) {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "exists == %@", NSNumber(value: exists))
let e = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: predicate, object: element)
let result = XCTWaiter().wait(for: [ e ], timeout: timeout)
XCTAssert(result == .completed)
func wait(forWebViewElement element: XCUIElementTypeQueryProvider, timeout: TimeInterval = 20) {
// xcode has bug, so we cannot directly access webViews XCUIElements
// as a workaround we can check debugDesciption and parse it, that works
let predicate = NSPredicate { obj, _ in
guard let el = obj as? XCUIElement else {
return false
// If element has firstMatch, than there will be description of that at the end
// If no match - it will be ended with "FirstMatch\n"
return !el.firstMatch.debugDescription.hasSuffix("First Match\n")
// we need to take .firstMatch, because we parse description for that
let e = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: predicate, object: element.firstMatch)
let result = XCTWaiter().wait(for: [ e ], timeout: timeout)
XCTAssert(result == .completed)
func wait(forElement element: XCUIElement, timeout: TimeInterval = 20) {
wait(forElement: element, exists: true, timeout: timeout)
func wait(elementToHide element: XCUIElement, timeout: TimeInterval = 20) {
wait(forElement: element, exists: false, timeout: timeout)
func wait(seconds: TimeInterval) {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: seconds)
private func coordinate(forWebViewElement element: XCUIElement) -> XCUICoordinate? {
// parse description to find its frame
let descr = element.firstMatch.debugDescription
guard let rangeOpen = descr.range(of: "{{", options: [.backwards]),
let rangeClose = descr.range(of: "}}", options: [.backwards]) else {
return nil
let frameStr = String(descr[rangeOpen.lowerBound..<rangeClose.upperBound])
let rect = CGRectFromString(frameStr)
// tap on the center
let center = CGVector(dx: rect.midX, dy: rect.midY)
let coordinate = XCUIApplication().coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: .zero).withOffset(center)
return coordinate
func tap(onWebViewElement element: XCUIElement) {
// xcode has bug, so we cannot directly access webViews XCUIElements
// as workaround we can check debugDesciption, find frame and tap by coordinate
// wait for element to appear before tap
wait(forWebViewElement: element)
let coord = coordinate(forWebViewElement: element)
func exists(webViewElement element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
return coordinate(forWebViewElement: element) != nil
func typeText(_ text: String, toWebViewField element: XCUIElement) {
// xcode has bug, so we cannot directly access webViews XCUIElements
// as workaround we can check debugDesciption, find frame, tap by coordinate,
// and then paste text there
// wait for element to appear before tap
wait(forWebViewElement: element)
guard let coordBeforeTap = coordinate(forWebViewElement: element) else {
XCTFail("no element \(element)")
// "typeText" doesn't work, so we paste text
// first tap to activate field
UIPasteboard.general.string = text
// wait for keyboard to appear
wait(forWebViewElement: XCUIApplication().keyboards.firstMatch)
// after tap coordinate can change
guard let coordAfterTap = coordinate(forWebViewElement: element) else {
XCTFail("no element \(element)")
// tap one more time for "paste" menu 1)
wait(forElement: XCUIApplication().menuItems["Paste"])
if XCUIApplication().menuItems["Select All"].exists {
// if there was a text - remove it, by pressing Select All and Cut
XCUIApplication().menuItems["Select All"].tap()
// close keyboard
// call this method one more time
typeText(text, toWebViewField: element)
// close keyboard
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Thank you for your quick reply and article actually( this is the one of a few articles about this issue) i am trying to reference this article but i am little confused. Should i use this functions to test my webview login screen ? Since i have just coordinates from debugdescription of my textfields no placeholders.
let textfield = app.textFields["username"]
typeText("", toWebViewField: textfield)

it fails because dont find username so only solution remains coordinate ? Thank you

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pilot34 commented Mar 26, 2020

I'm not in the context, this was 2 years ago. But as I remember, you should be able to enter the text into the text field inside WKWebView just with XCUIElement default method:


So the hack in this Gist is not needed at all. But maybe I'm wrong.

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