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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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react-native DependencyResolver using Bluebird
* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
'use strict';
var ModuleDescriptor = require('../../ModuleDescriptor');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var fs = require('fs');
var docblock = require('./docblock');
var path = require('path');
var isAbsolutePath = require('absolute-path');
var debug = require('debug')('DependecyGraph');
var util = require('util');
var declareOpts = require('../../../lib/declareOpts');
var readFile = Promise.promisify(fs.readFile);
var readDir = Promise.promisify(fs.readdir);
var lstat = Promise.promisify(fs.lstat);
var realpath = Promise.promisify(fs.realpath);
var validateOpts = declareOpts({
roots: {
type: 'array',
required: true,
ignoreFilePath: {
type: 'function',
default: function(){}
fileWatcher: {
type: 'object',
required: true,
assetRoots: {
type: 'array',
default: [],
assetExts: {
type: 'array',
default: ['png'],
function DependecyGraph(options) {
var opts = validateOpts(options);
this._roots = opts.roots;
this._assetRoots = opts.assetRoots;
this._assetExts = opts.assetExts;
this._ignoreFilePath = opts.ignoreFilePath;
this._fileWatcher = options.fileWatcher;
this._loaded = false;
this._queue = this._roots.slice();
this._graph = Object.create(null);
this._packageByRoot = Object.create(null);
this._packagesById = Object.create(null);
this._moduleById = Object.create(null);
this._debugUpdateEvents = [];
// Kick off the search process to precompute the dependency graph.
DependecyGraph.prototype.load = function() {
if (this._loading != null) {
return this._loading;
this._loading = Promise.all([
return this._loading;
* Given an entry file return an array of all the dependent module descriptors.
DependecyGraph.prototype.getOrderedDependencies = function(entryPath) {
var absolutePath = this._getAbsolutePath(entryPath);
if (absolutePath == null) {
throw new NotFoundError(
'Cannot find entry file %s in any of the roots: %j',
var module = this._graph[absolutePath];
if (module == null) {
throw new Error('Module with path "' + entryPath + '" is not in graph');
var self = this;
var deps = [];
var visited = Object.create(null);
// Node haste sucks. Id's aren't unique. So to make sure our entry point
// is the thing that ends up in our dependency list.
var graphMap = Object.create(this._moduleById);
graphMap[] = module;
// Recursively collect the dependency list.
function collect(module) {
module.dependencies.forEach(function(name) {
var id = sansExtJs(name);
var dep = self.resolveDependency(module, id);
if (dep == null) {
'WARNING: Cannot find required module `%s` from module `%s`.',
if (!visited[]) {
visited[] = true;
visited[] = true;
return deps;
* Given a module descriptor `fromModule` return the module descriptor for
* the required module `depModuleId`. It could be top-level or relative,
* or both.
DependecyGraph.prototype.resolveDependency = function(
) {
if (this._assetMap != null) {
// Process asset requires.
var assetMatch = depModuleId.match(/^image!(.+)/);
if (assetMatch && assetMatch[1]) {
if (!this._assetMap[assetMatch[1]]) {
debug('WARINING: Cannot find asset:', assetMatch[1]);
return null;
return this._assetMap[assetMatch[1]];
var packageJson, modulePath, dep;
// Package relative modules starts with '.' or '..'.
if (depModuleId[0] !== '.') {
// 1. `depModuleId` is simply a top-level `providesModule`.
// 2. `depModuleId` is a package module but given the full path from the
// package, i.e. package_name/module_name
if (this._moduleById[sansExtJs(depModuleId)]) {
return this._moduleById[sansExtJs(depModuleId)];
// 3. `depModuleId` is a package and it's depending on the "main"
// resolution.
packageJson = this._packagesById[depModuleId];
// We are being forgiving here and raising an error because we could be
// processing a file that uses it's own require system.
if (packageJson == null) {
'WARNING: Cannot find required module `%s` from module `%s`.',
return null;
var main = packageJson.main || 'index';
modulePath = withExtJs(path.join(packageJson._root, main));
dep = this._graph[modulePath];
// Some packages use just a dir and rely on an index.js inside that dir.
if (dep == null) {
dep = this._graph[path.join(packageJson._root, main, 'index.js')];
if (dep == null) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot find package main file for package: ' + packageJson._root
return dep;
} else {
// 4. `depModuleId` is a module defined in a package relative to
// `fromModule`.
packageJson = this._lookupPackage(fromModule.path);
if (packageJson == null) {
throw new Error(
'Expected relative module lookup from ' + + ' to ' +
depModuleId + ' to be within a package but no package.json found.'
// Example: depModuleId: ../a/b
// fromModule.path: /x/y/z
// modulePath: /x/y/a/b
var dir = path.dirname(fromModule.path);
modulePath = withExtJs(path.join(dir, depModuleId));
dep = this._graph[modulePath];
if (dep == null) {
modulePath = path.join(dir, depModuleId, 'index.js');
dep = this._graph[modulePath];
if (dep == null) {
'WARNING: Cannot find required module `%s` from module `%s`.' +
' Inferred required module path is %s',
return null;
return dep;
* Intiates the filewatcher and kicks off the search process.
DependecyGraph.prototype._init = function() {
var processChange = this._processFileChange.bind(this);
var watcher = this._fileWatcher;
this._loading = this.load().then(function() {
watcher.on('all', processChange);
* Implements a DFS over the file system looking for modules and packages.
DependecyGraph.prototype._search = function() {
var self = this;
var dir = this._queue.shift();
if (dir == null) {
return Promise.resolve(this._graph);
// Steps:
// 1. Read a dir and stat all the entries.
// 2. Filter the files and queue up the directories.
// 3. Process any package.json in the files
// 4. recur.
return readAndStatDir(dir)
.spread(function(files, stats) {
var modulePaths = files.filter(function(filePath, i) {
if (self._ignoreFilePath(filePath)) {
return false;
if (stats[i].isDirectory()) {
return false;
if (stats[i].isSymbolicLink()) {
return false;
return filePath.match(/\.js$/);
var processing = self._findAndProcessPackage(files, dir)
.then(function() {
return Promise.all(;
return Promise.all([
.then(function() {
return self;
* Given a list of files find a `package.json` file, and if found parse it
* and update indices.
DependecyGraph.prototype._findAndProcessPackage = function(files, root) {
var self = this;
var packagePath;
for (var i = 0; i < files.length ; i++) {
var file = files[i];
if (path.basename(file) === 'package.json') {
packagePath = file;
if (packagePath != null) {
return this._processPackage(packagePath);
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
DependecyGraph.prototype._processPackage = function(packagePath) {
var packageRoot = path.dirname(packagePath);
var self = this;
return readFile(packagePath, 'utf8')
.then(function(content) {
var packageJson;
try {
packageJson = JSON.parse(content);
} catch (e) {
debug('WARNING: malformed package.json: ', packagePath);
return Promise.resolve();
if ( == null) {
'WARNING: package.json `%s` is missing a name field',
return Promise.resolve();
packageJson._root = packageRoot;
return packageJson;
DependecyGraph.prototype._addPackageToIndices = function(packageJson) {
this._packageByRoot[packageJson._root] = packageJson;
this._packagesById[] = packageJson;
DependecyGraph.prototype._removePackageFromIndices = function(packageJson) {
delete this._packageByRoot[packageJson._root];
delete this._packagesById[];
* Parse a module and update indices.
DependecyGraph.prototype._processModule = function(modulePath) {
var self = this;
return readFile(modulePath, 'utf8')
.then(function(content) {
var moduleDocBlock = docblock.parseAsObject(content);
var moduleData = { path: path.resolve(modulePath) };
if (moduleDocBlock.providesModule || moduleDocBlock.provides) { =
moduleDocBlock.providesModule || moduleDocBlock.provides;
// Incase someone wants to require this module via
// packageName/path/to/module
moduleData.altId = self._lookupName(modulePath);
} else { = self._lookupName(modulePath);
moduleData.dependencies = extractRequires(content);
var module = new ModuleDescriptor(moduleData);
return module;
* Compute the name of module relative to a package it may belong to.
DependecyGraph.prototype._lookupName = function(modulePath) {
var packageJson = this._lookupPackage(modulePath);
if (packageJson == null) {
return path.resolve(modulePath);
} else {
var relativePath =
sansExtJs(path.relative(packageJson._root, modulePath));
return path.join(, relativePath);
DependecyGraph.prototype._deleteModule = function(module) {
delete this._graph[module.path];
// Others may keep a reference so we mark it as deleted.
module.deleted = true;
// Haste allows different module to have the same id.
if (this._moduleById[] === module) {
delete this._moduleById[];
if (module.altId && this._moduleById[module.altId] === module) {
delete this._moduleById[module.altId];
* Update the graph and indices with the module.
DependecyGraph.prototype._updateGraphWithModule = function(module) {
if (this._graph[module.path]) {
this._graph[module.path] = module;
if (this._moduleById[]) {
'WARNING: Top-level module name conflict `%s`.\n' +
'module with path `%s` will replace `%s`',,
this._moduleById[] = module;
// Some module maybe refrenced by both @providesModule and
// require(package/moduleName).
if (module.altId != null && this._moduleById[module.altId] == null) {
this._moduleById[module.altId] = module;
* Find the nearest package to a module.
DependecyGraph.prototype._lookupPackage = function(modulePath) {
var packageByRoot = this._packageByRoot;
* Auxiliary function to recursively lookup a package.
function lookupPackage(currDir) {
// ideally we stop once we're outside root and this can be a simple child
// dir check. However, we have to support modules that was symlinked inside
// our project root.
if (currDir === '/') {
return null;
} else {
var packageJson = packageByRoot[currDir];
if (packageJson) {
return packageJson;
} else {
return lookupPackage(path.dirname(currDir));
return lookupPackage(path.dirname(modulePath));
* Process a filewatcher change event.
DependecyGraph.prototype._processFileChange = function(
) {
var absPath = path.join(root, filePath);
if (this._ignoreFilePath(absPath)) {
this._debugUpdateEvents.push({event: eventType, path: filePath});
if (this._assetExts.indexOf(extname(filePath)) > -1) {
this._processAssetChange(eventType, absPath);
var isPackage = path.basename(filePath) === 'package.json';
if (eventType === 'delete') {
if (isPackage) {
var packageJson = this._packageByRoot[path.dirname(absPath)];
if (packageJson) {
} else {
var module = this._graph[absPath];
if (module == null) {
} else if (!(stat && stat.isDirectory())) {
var self = this;
this._loading = this._loading.then(function() {
if (isPackage) {
return self._processPackage(absPath);
return self._processModule(absPath);
DependecyGraph.prototype.getDebugInfo = function() {
return '<h1>FileWatcher Update Events</h1>' +
'<pre>' + util.inspect(this._debugUpdateEvents) + '</pre>' +
'<h1> Graph dump </h1>' +
'<pre>' + util.inspect(this._graph) + '</pre>';
* Searches all roots for the file and returns the first one that has file of
* the same path.
DependecyGraph.prototype._getAbsolutePath = function(filePath) {
if (isAbsolutePath(filePath)) {
return filePath;
for (var i = 0; i < this._roots.length; i++) {
var root = this._roots[i];
var absPath = path.join(root, filePath);
if (this._graph[absPath]) {
return absPath;
return null;
DependecyGraph.prototype._buildAssetMap = function() {
if (this._assetRoots == null || this._assetRoots.length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve();
this._assetMap = Object.create(null);
return buildAssetMap(
DependecyGraph.prototype._processAsset = function(file) {
var ext = extname(file);
if (this._assetExts.indexOf(ext) !== -1) {
var name = assetName(file, ext);
if (this._assetMap[name] != null) {
debug('Conflcting assets', name);
this._assetMap[name] = new ModuleDescriptor({
id: 'image!' + name,
path: path.resolve(file),
isAsset: true,
dependencies: [],
DependecyGraph.prototype._processAssetChange = function(eventType, file) {
if (this._assetMap == null) {
var name = assetName(file, extname(file));
if (eventType === 'change' || eventType === 'delete') {
delete this._assetMap[name];
if (eventType === 'change' || eventType === 'add') {
* Extract all required modules from a `code` string.
var requireRe = /\brequire\s*\(\s*[\'"]([^"\']+)["\']\s*\)/g;
var blockCommentRe = /\/\*(.|\n)*?\*\//g;
var lineCommentRe = /\/\/.+(\n|$)/g;
function extractRequires(code) {
var deps = [];
.replace(blockCommentRe, '')
.replace(lineCommentRe, '')
.replace(requireRe, function(match, dep) {
return deps;
* `file` without the .js extension.
function sansExtJs(file) {
if (file.match(/\.js$/)) {
return file.slice(0, -3);
} else {
return file;
* `file` with the .js extension.
function withExtJs(file) {
if (file.match(/\.js$/)) {
return file;
} else {
return file + '.js';
function handleBrokenLink(e) {
debug('WARNING: error stating, possibly broken symlink', e.message);
return Promise.resolve();
function readAndStatDir(dir) {
return readDir(dir)
return Promise.all( {
return realpath(path.join(dir, filePath)).catch(handleBrokenLink);
}).then(function(files) {
files = files.filter(function(f) {
return !!f;
var stats = {
return lstat(filePath).catch(handleBrokenLink);
return [
* Given a list of roots and list of extensions find all the files in
* the directory with that extension and build a map of those assets.
function buildAssetMap(roots, processAsset) {
var queue = roots.slice(0);
function search() {
var root = queue.shift();
if (root == null) {
return Promise.resolve();
return readAndStatDir(root).spread(function(files, stats) {
files.forEach(function(file, i) {
if (stats[i].isDirectory()) {
} else {
return search();
return search();
function assetName(file, ext) {
return path.basename(file, '.' + ext).replace(/@[\d\.]+x/, '');
function extname(name) {
return path.extname(name).replace(/^\./, '');
function NotFoundError() {;
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
var msg = util.format.apply(util, arguments);
this.message = msg;
this.type = = 'NotFoundError';
this.status = 404;
NotFoundError.__proto__ = Error.prototype;
module.exports = DependecyGraph;
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