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Last active September 28, 2022 22:48
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ingress auto passcode
function sleep (time) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
function f(){
var pass = document.getElementById('passcode'); //получаем доступ к полю passcode
var passcodes = "ada3zc36qq9 ada9yv83mp5 algorithm9gh35cj3 bletchley9ob65ca4 blue3dg99cm6 cassandra2yu35cp6 cern5wu99oq2 chaotic5gg23pf9 conflict5av38pw2 cube8aa87xd2 drone5sg25ez6 drone9rc88jy5 evolution6xu68ru7 evolve5uu33zd4 evolve7yo65nm9 ezekiel7eu89au4 field5jk36yh6 glyph7jb25yw3 glyphs6gj75yq2 green3ou25jt4 green7dv85mp8 hubert4su42qt2 hubert6db54fa6 hulong7tr85ub6 ingress9tu32jk7 inveniri2hc78yy4 jackland8vf92qz5 jarvis5ye63mv9 johnson3ba26qb2 johnson3fx84aw9 kureze2sg38gt2 kureze3ft26jc6 lightman8nd48zb2 message5ka73rp4 minotaur8dm83gg5 moyer4wr38qz8 moyer5pp56fg2 ni7up28fu6 niantic4rv29wc6 niantic9ns77ww9 phillips6wc29mc7 portal7cc88cd2 powercube3hu72ut7 resonate3yd72he7 resonate6wb48ec4 roland8cx62mk4 spacetime7ap46rr6 symbols4ye57bs7 timezero2kk78gx5 tycho7vu99ta2 tycho9uo99qa2 vi2jo15nd0 vi8zu85il7 vi9bb02fk7 vi9rp62ex1 voynich6sx52zr5 voynich8cg82pb6 wolfe7jq38cj3 4mpk9operativet4d8v 8kmr6samsaraq3w9t 3jxz9codeq8a9y 5uud8created7g5s";
passcodes = passcodes.split(" "); //делаем массив
for (i=0; i<passcodes.length; i++) { //вводим пасскоды
sleep(3000).then(() => {
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