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Created October 8, 2020 04:07
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import kopf
import kubernetes
import yaml
@kopf.on.create('', 'v1', 'databases')
def create_fn(body, spec, **kwargs):
# Get info from Database object
name = body['metadata']['name']
namespace = body['metadata']['namespace']
type = spec['type']
# Make sure type is provided
if not type:
raise kopf.HandlerFatalError(f"Type must be set. Got {type}.")
# Pod template
pod = {'apiVersion': 'v1', 'metadata': {'name' : name, 'labels': {'app': 'db'}}}
# Service template
svc = {'apiVersion': 'v1', 'metadata': {'name' : name}, 'spec': { 'selector': {'app': 'db'}, 'type': 'NodePort'}}
# Update templates based on Database specification
if type == 'mongo':
image = 'mongo:4.0'
port = 27017
pod['spec'] = { 'containers': [ { 'image': image, 'name': type } ]}
svc['spec']['ports'] = [{ 'port': port, 'targetPort': port}]
if type == 'mysql':
image = 'mysql:8.0'
port = 3306
pod['spec'] = { 'containers': [ { 'image': image, 'name': type, 'env': [ { 'name': 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD', 'value': 'my_passwd' } ] } ]}
svc['spec']['ports'] = [{ 'port': port, 'targetPort': port}]
# Make the Pod and Service the children of the Database object
kopf.adopt(pod, owner=body)
kopf.adopt(svc, owner=body)
# Object used to communicate with the API Server
api = kubernetes.client.CoreV1Api()
# Create Pod
obj = api.create_namespaced_pod(namespace, pod)
print(f"Pod {} created")
# Create Service
obj = api.create_namespaced_service(namespace, svc)
print(f"NodePort Service {} created, exposing on port {obj.spec.ports[0].node_port}")
# Update status
msg = f"Pod and Service created by Database {name}"
return {'message': msg}
@kopf.on.delete('', 'v1', 'databases')
def delete(body, **kwargs):
msg = f"Database {body['metadata']['name'])} and its Pod / Service children deleted"
return {'message': msg}
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