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Last active July 5, 2022 14:36
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Increase Re-Usability with UI5 Custom Controls - D&D Dashboard

Session Pre-Requisites

Session Information


We would primarily require a development environment. There are two options as below.

  1. SAP Business Application Studio
    • This provides an easy to use development environment with pre-installed components. This is recommended for beginners or users behind corporate firewall.
  2. VS Code
    • You are free to use VS Code(or any other editors) but should have the below components installed
      • NodeJS
      • Git

Please follow the steps below (#1 or #2) based on your choice.

Please follow mandatory steps #3 where we will setup some required packages.

1.SAP Business Application Studio (BAS)


  • Click on the ‘Instances and Subscriptions’ link on the left menu. You should be able to see the ‘SAP BAS’ subscription. Click on the launch application Icon.

In recently created trial accounts, SAP Business Application Studio is subscribed to by default. If you are unable to see the BAS, please follow the steps Here


  • Once the Business Application Studio is opened, click on ‘Create Dev Space’ button.

  • Give a dev space name (say. ui5con2022), select 'Fullstack Cloud Application' and click on create dev space.


  • You should be able to see a new dev space created. Start the dev space and navigate to the dev space. (Please ensure the dev space is running before the session)


2. VS Code

3. Mandatory Steps

Open a terminal in VS Code or SAP BAS (Shourcut - Ctrl+`)

npm install --global @ui5/cli

# Verify installation
ui5 --help
npm install -g yo generator-easy-ui5
#Verify your installation to see if Yeoman has been installed correctly

Suggested Readings

Step 33: Custom Controls - Documentation - Demo Kit - SAPUI5 SDK (

Developing Controls - Documentation - Demo Kit - SAPUI5 SDK (


Pinaki Patra | SAP People

Pinaki Patra (@pinakisap) / Twitter

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