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Created October 16, 2018 20:44
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Powershell script to extract HQ icons
<# Extract-Icons
Requires iconsext.exe from:
No documentation because I'm lazy.
I needed something to extract high resolution icons and couldn't find a definite
answer so i just reused a CMD compatible free program.
$env:uncExtractorEXE = ''
If (-not $env:uncExtractorEXE){$env:uncExtractorEXE = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'iconsext.exe'}
function global:Extract-Icons{
[System.IO.FileInfo]$EXELocation = $env:uncExtractorEXE
# Verify files exist
$existsEXELocation = Test-Path $EXELocation
$existsTargetFile = Test-Path $TargetFile
$existsOutputFolder = Test-Path $OutputFolder
If ($existsOutputFolder){
# Make sure this is a directory
$existsOutputFolder = $OutputFolder.Attributes -like '*Directory*'
If ($existsTargetFile -and $existsOutputFolder -and $existsEXELocation){
# iconsext.exe /save "source file" "save folder" [-icons] [-cursors] [-asico]
$argsExtractor = (
'/save' + ' ' +
'"' + $TargetFile + '"' + ' ' +
'"' + $OutputFolder + '"' + ' ' +
# Extract the icons!
$null = Start-Process -FilePath $env:uncExtractorEXE -ArgumentList $argsExtractor -Wait
# Throw out an error for what went wrong.
If (-not $existsTargetFile){Throw ('Target file "' + $TargetFile.FullName + '" does not exist.')}
ElseIf (-not $existsOutputFolder){Throw ('Output folder "' + $OutputFolder.FullName + '" does not exist.')}
ElseIf (-not $existsEXELocation){Throw ('Executible file "' + $EXELocation.FullName + '" does not exist.')}
Else{Throw 'Nondescript error.'}
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and this produces non GDI+ friendly images. =,(

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