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Created June 5, 2019 03:16
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  • Save pinecones-sx/4f6aa6a6afe2072b0b70b7d4dbc2276f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pinecones-sx/4f6aa6a6afe2072b0b70b7d4dbc2276f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
to get icons from appx package
$results = (
Get-AppxPackage |
$thisAppx = $_
$thisManifest = $_ | Get-AppxPackageManifest
$thisSubPath = ''
$thisLogoBaseName = ''
$thisLogoRoot = ''
$thisLogoUNC = ''
If ($thisManifest.Package.Properties.logo -like '*\*'){
$thisSubPath = $thisManifest.Package.Properties.logo -replace '(.*\\).*','$1'
$thisLogoBaseName = $thisManifest.Package.Properties.logo -replace '.*\\' -replace '\..*'
$thisLogoRoot = Join-Path $thisAppx.InstallLocation $thisSubPath
# need logic to search for multiple files
$thisLogoUNC = Join-Path $thisLogoRoot ($thisLogoBaseName + '.scale-100' + '.PNG')
Name = $thisManifest.Package.Applications.Application.Id
AppxName = $thisAppx.Name
RootDirectory = $thisAppx.InstallLocation
DisplayName = $thisManifest.Package.Applications.Application.VisualElements.DisplayName
LogoRoot = $thisLogoRoot
LogoUNC = $thisLogoUNC
LogoBaseName = $thisLogoBaseName
Remove-Item variable:\thisAppxName
Remove-Item Variable:\thisManifest
Remove-Item Variable:\thisLogoRoot
Remove-Item Variable:\thisSubPath
Remove-Item Variable:\thisLogoBaseName
Remove-Item Variable:\thisLogoUNC
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