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Last active June 22, 2017 19:55
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  • Save pinecones-sx/6b1f6f89014afc7f2e9e8134d06a4915 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pinecones-sx/6b1f6f89014afc7f2e9e8134d06a4915 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
uses an OU in active directory to find raffle winners. prevents users from winning multiple times.
# Required scripts -- this just loats the AD snapin or calls it remotely from a DC
$env:winnerListUNC = '\\DomainName.local\filestore\winnerList.txt'
$env:userOUSearchBase = 'OU=TheUsers,DC=DomainName,DC=local'
function global:Get-Winner {
# Normalize parameters
If ($WinnerListPath){$env:winnerListUNC = $WinnerListPath}
If (-not (Test-Path $env:winnerListUNC)){
$null = (
$ExcludedUsers |
ForEach {Get-ADUser -Filter "Name -eq '$_'" -SearchBase $env:userOUSearchBase -ErrorAction Stop}
[array]$ExcludedUsers = $ExcludedUsers
Else {[array]$ExcludedUsers = Get-Content -Path $env:winnerListUNC -ErrorAction Ignore}
# Get current non-winners
$nonWinners = (
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $env:userOUSearchBase |
select -ExpandProperty Name |
Where {$ExcludedUsers -notcontains $_}
# Get new winner
$newWinner = Get-Random -InputObject $nonWinners
# Update winners list
[array]$winnerList = $excludedUsers + $newWinner
# Update winners file
If (-not $DoNotSaveWinner){
$null = (
$winnerList |
Out-File -FilePath $env:winnerListUNC
# Return results
If ($VerboseReturn){
$returnObj = [ordered]@{
'Winner' = $newWinner
'NewLosers' = ($nonWinners | Where {$_ -ne $newWinner})
'OldLosers' = $nonWinners
'NewWinners' = $winnerList
'OldWinners' = $ExcludedUsers
Return (New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $returnObj)
Return $newWinner
# this is the basic form creation code from the original example.
# It assumes that the windows forms assemblies are already loaded...
# Set reused colors
$dBackColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(52,113,90)
$dForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(242,242,242)
# R,G,B in 255 integer format, min 0,0,0 max 255,255,255
# Create form & inheritables
$formMinHeight = 450
$formMinWidth = 500
$dForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$dForm.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size @($formMinWidth,$formMinHeight)
$dForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size @(($formMinWidth + 100),$formMinHeight)
$dForm.Text = "RAFFLE"
$dForm.BackColor = $dBackColor
$dForm.ForeColor = $dForeColor
# Config form font
$fontName = 'Calibri'
$fontSize = ($dForm.Height / 8)
$fontStyle = [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold
$fontSizeType = [System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit]::Pixel
$dFont = New-Object System.Drawing.Font($fontName,$fontSize,$fontStyle,$fontSizeType)
# 'font name',[int]size,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Style,[System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit]::SizeType
# Font styles are: Regular, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikeout
# Font size types are: Point,Pixel,Inch,Millimeter,Display,Document,World -- defaults to Point if left off
# Config label control
$dLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$dLabel.Text = 'Initialized.'
$dLabel.Font = $dFont
#$dLabel.AutoSize = $True
$dLabel.Height = $dLabel.Font.Height + 2
$dLabel.Width = $dForm.Width
$dLabel.TextAlign = [System.Drawing.ContentAlignment]::MiddleCenter
$dLabelStartLeft = 0
$dLabelStartTop = ($dForm.Height / 2) - ($dLabel.Height / 2)
$dLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point @($dLabelStartLeft,$dLabelStartTop)
$dLabelWinner = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$dLabelWinner.Text = ''
$dLabelWinner.Font = $dFont
#$dLabelWinner.AutoSize = $True
$dLabelWinner.Height = $dLabelWinner.Font.Height + 2
$dLabelWinner.Width = $dForm.Width
$dLabelWinner.TextAlign = [System.Drawing.ContentAlignment]::MiddleCenter
$dLabelWinnerStartLeft = 0
$dLabelWinnerStartTop = ($dForm.Height / 2) - ($dLabelWinner.Height / 2) - $dLabel.Height
$dLabelWinner.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point @($dLabelWinnerStartLeft,$dLabelWinnerStartTop)
# Config button control
$dButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$dButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size @(150,50)
#$dButton.AutoSize = $true
#$dButton.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::Bottom
#$dButton.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Right
$dButton.Text = 'PULL!'
$dButtonStartLeft = ($dForm.Width / 2) - ($dButton.Width / 2)
$dButtonStartTop = $dForm.Height - $dButton.Height - 50
$dButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point @($dButtonStartLeft,$dButtonStartTop)
$dButton.Add_Click({$env:dButtonPressed = $true})
<# Config text control
$dText = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
#$dText.ScrollBars = [System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars]::both
$dText.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::fill
$dText.Multiline = $true
$dText.Parent = $dForm
$dText.ReadOnly = $true
# now we need to create a separate runspace so that the form can run on
# a separate thread...
$rs = [Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()
# create a variable in the new runspace that also points at the form object.
# We'll use the same name for simplicity...
$rs.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("dForm", $dForm)
# now create a pipeline in the new runspace that will cause
# the form to be shown then close the input stream to the pipe since we don't
# need it and it will cause the pipeline to block
$p = $rs.CreatePipeline( { [void] $dForm.ShowDialog() } )
# Now start the pipeline running asynchronously
# At this point, the window should appear and we can start Writing stuff
# into the text box...
#$dText.AppendText("This is the first line we wrote!`n")
#$dLabel.AppendText("This is the first line we wrote!`n") # does not work
# magical variables
$dLabel.Text = ''
$dLabelWinner.Text = ''
$vUpdate = 'Clear'
$env:dButtonPressed = $false
$leverPulled = $false
$timeBeforeAutoClose = 60
$timeStart = Get-Date
$timeStop = $timeStart.AddSeconds($timeBeforeAutoClose)
$baseTextDelay = 225
$baseBlankDelay = 70
$scrollAcceleration = 1
$scrollSequence = (
$scrollState = 0
# Main loop
$running = $true
While ($running){
# Update positions
# Label (text)
$fontSize = ($dForm.Height / 10)
$dFont = New-Object System.Drawing.Font($fontName,$fontSize,$fontStyle,$fontSizeType)
$dLabel.Font = $dFont
$dLabel.Height = ($fontSize + 8)
$dLabelWinner.Font = $dFont
$dLabelWinner.Height = ($fontSize + 8)
$dLabel.Width = $dForm.Width
$dLabelWinner.Width = $dForm.Width
$dLabelStartTop = ($dForm.Height / 2) - ($dLabel.Height / 2)
$dLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point @($dLabelStartLeft,$dLabelStartTop)
$dLabelWinnerStartTop = ($dForm.Height / 2) - ($dLabelWinner.Height / 2) - $dLabel.Height
$dLabelWinner.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point @($dLabelWinnerStartLeft,$dLabelWinnerStartTop)
# Button
$dButtonStartLeft = ($dForm.Width / 2) - ($dButton.Width / 2)
$dButtonStartTop = $dForm.Height - $dButton.Height - 50
$dButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point @($dButtonStartLeft,$dButtonStartTop)
# Deal with button
$buttonReady = (($env:dButtonPressed -eq $true) -and ($leverPulled -eq $false))
If ($env:dButtonPressed){
If ($buttonReady){
$leverPulled = $true
$raffleResults = Get-Winner -VerboseReturn -DoNotSaveWinner
Write-Verbose 'Button works.'
$env:dButtonPressed = $false
# Change Text
$vTakeAction = (Get-Date) -ge $actionTime
If ($leverPulled -and $vTakeAction -and $vUpdate){
Switch ($vUpdate){
'Show' {
$scrollSequenceFinished = ($scrollState -eq $scrollSequence.Length)
If (-not $scrollSequenceFinished){
$vUpdate = 'Clear'
$dLabel.Text = Get-Random $raffleResults.OldLosers
$scrollAcceleration = $scrollSequence[$scrollState]
$actionTime = (Get-Date).AddMilliseconds(($baseTextDelay * $scrollAcceleration))
$vUpdate = 'Clear'
$dLabel.Text = $raffleResults.Winner
$dLabelWinner.Text = '!! WINNER !!'
$scrollState = 0
$scrollAcceleration = $scrollSequence[$scrollState]
$actionTime = (Get-Date).AddMilliseconds(($baseTextDelay * $scrollAcceleration))
$leverPulled = $false
'Clear' {
$vUpdate = 'Show'
$dLabel.Text = ''
$dLabelWinner.Text = ''
$scrollAcceleration = $scrollSequence[$scrollState]
$actionTime = (Get-Date).AddMilliseconds(($baseBlankDelay * $scrollAcceleration))
default {}
# Validate things and attempt to escape
$timeExpired = ((Get-Date) -ge $timeStop)
If ($timeExpired -and $lastTextTrue){$running = $false}
If (-not $dForm.Visible){$running = $false}
# and finally close everything down - first the form and then the runspace...
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