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Last active April 20, 2017 16:38
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  • Save pinecones-sx/86254ee2e0832ae709f0cdbee279eb5a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pinecones-sx/86254ee2e0832ae709f0cdbee279eb5a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
removes some registry points for SysAid
# Remove registry entries
$null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
# Remove registry entries
$oldRegKeys = `
$installedKeys = `
$subKeys = 'Products','Features','UpgradeCodes'
$targetKeys = @()
ForEach ($subKey in $subKeys){
ForEach ($installedKey in $installedKeys){
$targetKeys += ($installedKey + '\' + $subKey)
# Keep only keys that exist
$targetKeys = $targetKeys | Where {(Test-Path $_)}
# Find any registry keys with properties matching the $findFilter ('SysAid')
$matchingKeys = (
$targetKeys |
Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Get-ItemProperty |
ForEach {If (Find-PropText $_ $findFilter){$_}}
# Find any package codes listed, we will use these to discover more potential registry points
$packageCodes = $matchingKeys | Select -ExpandProperty PackageCode | Sort -Unique
# Search target keys for sub-properties matching any discoveries from $packageCodes
ForEach ($iCode in $packageCodes){
$codeResults = (
$targetKeys |
Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Get-ItemProperty |
ForEach {If (Find-PropText $_ ('*' + $iCode + '*')){$_}}
# If any results, add each individually to the matching keys.
If ($codeResults){$codeResults | %{$matchingKeys += $_}}
# If any old keys exist, add them to the results
ForEach ($oldKey in $oldRegKeys){
If ((Test-Path $oldKey)){$matchingKeys += (Get-ItemProperty $oldKey)}
# Clear any duplicate key matches from list, then delete all matches
$matchingKeys = $matchingKeys | Sort -Unique PSPath
ForEach ($iMatch in ($matchingKeys.PSPath)){
Remove-Item $iMatch -Force -Recurse
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