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Last active September 20, 2016 20:01
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  • Save pinecones-sx/978713becc5a674a24fa6642a61743bf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pinecones-sx/978713becc5a674a24fa6642a61743bf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rips icons from executibles... has optional GUI filepicker
<# Export-Icon
Extracts the icon from an executible (.EXE) file.
By default, this will extract the icon to the same folder and name as
the BaseName of the executible, with a ".ICO" extension.
Mandatory. This must be a valid UNC. (you can pass any file, but
it will most likely only work with .EXE files)
Optional. This will default to the same directory as the EXE file
if not provided, the path cannot be found, or the path is not a folder.
Flag lets you use a GUI file picker.
If (-Not (Test-Path function:global:Export-Icon)) {
Function Global:Export-Icon {
Param (
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Drawing') | Out-Null
If ($GUI){$SourceEXE = Get-FileNameGUI '\\Domain\Apps' 'EXE (*.exe)|*.exe|Everything (*.*)|*.*'}
$sourceExists = Test-Path $SourceEXE -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$destinationExists = Test-Path $DestinationFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$destinationIsDir = (Get-Item $DestinationFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).PSIsContainer
$sourceItem = Get-Item $SourceEXE
If(-not $destinationExists -or -not $destinationIsDir){$DestinationFolder = $sourceItem.DirectoryName}
$exportFileName = ($DestinationFolder + '\' + $sourceItem.BaseName + '.ico')
$EXEIsOnNetwork = -not (Resolve-Path $SourceEXE).Drive
$localTempEXEPath = ($env:TEMP + '\' + $sourceItem.Name)
Copy-Item $SourceEXE $localTempEXEPath -Force
$sourceEXE = $localTempEXEPath
$needToCleanUp = $true
Write-Error "Invalid source executible." -errorID NoSource -TargetObject Export-Icon
If($needToCleanUp){Remove-Item $localTempEXEPath -Force}
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