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Last active October 24, 2018 22:08
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function to fix awful FortiAnalyzer exports
u<# Format-FortiAnalyzerReport
Fixes terribad formatting from FortiAnalzyer CSV exports.
Format-FortiAnalyzerReport <UNC Path to CSV> -SaveCopy
UNC path of the CSV to fix.
will save a new copy of the file with in a new sub-folder name '_formatted'
If this switch is set, the function WILL NOT outpt the results
to the pipeline.
$env:OutputSubFolder = '_formatted'
function global:Format-FortiAnalyzerReport {
$csvImport = Get-Content $sourceFile
$resultsFormattedTable = @()
# Create the objects
ForEach ($row in $csvImport){
$newObjectProps = [ordered]@{}
ForEach ($cell in @($row -split ',')){
$cellKeyVal = $cell.Trim('"') -split '='
If ($cellKeyVal[0]){ $newObjectProps.add($cellKeyVal[0],$cellKeyVal[1]) }
If ($newObjectProps){ $resultsFormattedTable += [PSCustomObject]$newObjectProps }
# Exports copy if -SaveCopy switch is used
If ($SaveCopy){
$originalFile = Get-Item $FileName
$destinationFolder = Join-Path $originalFile.Directory $env:OutputSubFolder
If (-not (Test-Path $destinationFolder)){ New-Item $destinationFolder -ItemType 'Directory' -Confirm:$false -Force > $null}
$newFileName = $originalFile.BaseName + '.csv'
$newFileUNC = Join-Path $destinationFolder $newFileName
$null = $resultsFormattedTable | Export-Csv $newFileUNC -NoTypeInformation -Force
# Outputs properly formatted objects to pipe if $SupressOutput is not used
If (-not $SuppressOutput){ $resultsFormattedTable }
<# Example:
$sourceDir = '\\domain.local\public\fortianalyzerreports'
Get-ChildItem $sourceDir |
Where {-not $_.psiscontainer} |
ForEach {
Format-FortiAnalyzerReport -FileName $_.FullName -SaveCopy -SuppressOutput
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romero126 commented Oct 24, 2018

<# attempting to properly convert a CSV with formatting of "key=val" in each cell


$sourceFile = 'C:\sample.csv'
$csvImport = Get-Content $sourceFile 

$resultsFormattedTable = @()

ForEach ($row in $csvImport){
    $newObjectProps = @{}
    ForEach ($cell in @($row -split ',')){
        $cellKeyVal = $cell.Trim('"') -split '='
        $newObjectProps[$cellKeyVal[0]] = $cellKeyVal[1]
    $resultsFormattedTable += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $newObjectProps

$resultsFormattedTable | Out-Csv $sourceFile -NoTypeInformation

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<# attempting to properly convert a CSV with formatting of "key=val" in each cell


$sourceFile = 'C:\sample.csv'

$csvImport = Get-Content $sourceFile

$resultsFormattedTable = @()

ForEach ($row in $csvImport){
    $newObjectProps = @{}
    ForEach ($cell in @($row -split ',')){
        $cellKeyVal = $cell.Trim('"') -split '='
        $newObjectProps.($cellKeyVal[0]) = $cellKeyVal[1]
    $resultsFormattedTable += New-Object PSCustomObject -Property $newObjectProps 
$resultsFormattedTable  | export-csv "$" -NoTypeInformation

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