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Created December 26, 2013 23:49
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Processing code for my robot arm as demonstrated at Lift 11 NB the code in the arduino is just Firmata exposing the three servos
import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
Arduino arduino;
int countstart = 0;
int servo1Pin = 9; // Control pin for servo motor
int servo2Pin = 10; // Control pin for servo motor
int servo3Pin = 11; // Control pin for servo motor
int armposn;// = 0;
int digitposn;// = 0;
//int penposn;//= 0;
int penstate = 0;
int xcent = 300;
int ycent = 300;
//int targetX= 400;
//int targetY= 200;
int line1 = 130;
int line2 = 130;
int minimumlength = 40;
color black = color(0);
PImage img;
PImage edgeImg ;
void setup(){
float[][] kernel = { { -1, -1, -1 },
{ -1, 9, -1 },
{ -1, -1, -1 } };
size (600, 600);
img = loadImage("james.JPG"); // Load the original image
edgeImg = createImage(img.width, img.height, RGB);
// Loop through every pixel in the image.
for (int y = 1; y < img.height-1; y++) { // Skip top and bottom edges
for (int x = 1; x < img.width-1; x++) { // Skip left and right edges
float sum = 0; // Kernel sum for this pixel
for (int ky = -1; ky <= 1; ky++) {
for (int kx = -1; kx <= 1; kx++) {
// Calculate the adjacent pixel for this kernel point
int pos = (y + ky)*img.width + (x + kx);
// Image is grayscale, red/green/blue are identical
float val = red(img.pixels[pos]);
// Multiply adjacent pixels based on the kernel values
sum += kernel[ky+1][kx+1] * val;
// For this pixel in the new image, set the gray value
// based on the sum from the kernel
edgeImg.pixels[y*img.width + x] = color(sum);
// State that there are changes to edgeImg.pixels[]
arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0]);
arduino.pinMode(servo1Pin, Arduino.OUTPUT);
arduino.pinMode(servo2Pin, Arduino.OUTPUT);
arduino.pinMode(servo3Pin, Arduino.OUTPUT);
arduino.analogWrite(servo1Pin, 70);
arduino.analogWrite(servo2Pin, 170);
arduino.analogWrite(servo3Pin, 50); // the servo moves to the horizontal location of the mouse
// note - we are setting a digital pin to output
void draw()
if (countstart == 1){
arduino.analogWrite(servo1Pin, 70);
arduino.analogWrite(servo2Pin, 170);
arduino.analogWrite(servo3Pin, 50);
countstart = countstart +1;
//void draw(){
void makepic(){
image(img, 0, 0, 130, 130); // Displays the image from point (0,0)
image(edgeImg, 130, 0, 130, 130); // Draw the new image
for (int xcycle = 130; xcycle < 259; xcycle = xcycle+2)
for (int ycycle = 0; ycycle < 129; ycycle++)
if (get(xcycle,ycycle)<-2)
for (int ycycle = 129; ycycle > 0; ycycle--)
if (get(xcycle+1,ycycle)<-2)
void markpaper(int targetX, int targetY, int penposn){
//print("xposn" + targetX);
//println(" yposn" + targetY);
float angle1 = atan2((targetX - xcent), (targetY - ycent));
float sectorlength = sqrt(sq(targetX - xcent)+sq(targetY - ycent));
//if it's out of reach, shorten the length in the same direction
if (sectorlength > (line1+line2))
sectorlength = line1+line2;
targetX = int(xcent + sin(angle1)*sectorlength);
targetY = int(ycent + cos(angle1)*sectorlength);
if (sectorlength < minimumlength)
sectorlength = minimumlength;
targetX = int(xcent + sin(angle1)*sectorlength);
targetY = int(ycent + cos(angle1)*sectorlength);
float internangle = acos((sq(sectorlength)-sq(line2)-sq(line1))/(2*line1*line2));
float sendangle1st = (angle1+(internangle/2));
if (degrees(sendangle1st) < 0 )
sendangle1st = radians(0);
if (degrees(sendangle1st) > 180 )
sendangle1st = radians(180);
int line1X = int(xcent+ sin(sendangle1st)*line1);
int line1Y = int(ycent+ cos(sendangle1st)*line1);
int line2X = line1X + int(sin(((angle1+(internangle/2) - internangle)))*line2);
int line2Y = line1Y + int(cos(((angle1+(internangle/2) - internangle)))*line2);
line(xcent, ycent, line1X, line1Y);
line(line1X, line1Y, line2X-1, line2Y-1);
// if (penposn == 150)
// {
// set(line2X,line2Y,black);
// println("TEXT");
// }
// set(mouseX,mouseY,black);
//if it's too close set the minimum threshold in the same direction
int sendangle1 = round(degrees(sendangle1st));
int sendangle2 = round(degrees((radians(180) - internangle)-radians(35)));
//println("Send1>"+ sendangle1 + " Send2 >" + sendangle2);
digitposn = sendangle2;
armposn = sendangle1;
arduino.analogWrite(servo1Pin, digitposn);
arduino.analogWrite(servo2Pin, penposn);
arduino.analogWrite(servo3Pin, armposn);
if (penstate != penposn)
}// the servo moves to the horizontal location of the mouse
penstate = penposn;
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