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Created September 20, 2012 10:06
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WinJS.UI ui.js
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
/// <loc filename="Metadata\ui_loc_oam.xml" format="messagebundle" />
© Microsoft. All rights reserved.
This library is supported for use in Windows Store apps only.
Build: 1.0.9200.20498.win8_ldr.120817-1716
Version: Microsoft.WinJS.1.0
/// <reference path="ms-appx://Microsoft.WinJS.1.0/js/base.js" />
/// <reference path="ms-appx://Microsoft.WinJS.1.0/js/ui.js" />
(function animationsInit(WinJS) {
"use strict";
var thisWinUI = WinJS.UI;
var mstransform = "transform";
// Default to 11 pixel from the left (or right if RTL)
var defaultOffset = [{ top: "0px", left: "11px", rtlflip: true }];
var OffsetArray = WinJS.Class.define (function OffsetArray_ctor(offset, keyframe, defOffset) {
// Constructor
defOffset = defOffset || defaultOffset;
if (Array.isArray(offset) && offset.length > 0) {
this.offsetArray = offset;
if (offset.length === 1) {
this.keyframe = checkKeyframe(offset[0], defOffset[0], keyframe);
} else if (offset && offset.hasOwnProperty("top") && offset.hasOwnProperty("left")) {
this.offsetArray = [offset];
this.keyframe = checkKeyframe(offset, defOffset[0], keyframe);
} else {
this.offsetArray = defOffset;
this.keyframe = chooseKeyframe(defOffset[0], keyframe);
}, { // Public Members
getOffset: function (i) {
if (i >= this.offsetArray.length) {
i = this.offsetArray.length - 1;
return this.offsetArray[i];
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
function checkKeyframe(offset, defOffset, keyframe) {
if (!keyframe ||
offset.left !== defOffset.left || !== ||
(offset.rtlflip && !defOffset.rtlflip)) {
return null;
if (!offset.rtlflip) {
return keyframe;
return keyframeCallback(keyframe);
function chooseKeyframe(defOffset, keyframe) {
if (!keyframe || !defOffset.rtlflip) {
return keyframe;
return keyframeCallback(keyframe);
function keyframeCallback(keyframe) {
var keyframeRtl = keyframe + "-rtl";
return function (i, elem) {
return window.getComputedStyle(elem).direction === "ltr" ? keyframe : keyframeRtl;
function makeArray(elements)
if (Array.isArray(elements) || elements instanceof NodeList || elements instanceof HTMLCollection) {
return elements;
} else if (elements) {
return [elements];
} else {
return [];
var isSnapped = function() {
if (WinJS.Utilities.hasWinRT) {
var appView = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView;
var snapped = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewState.snapped;
isSnapped = function() {
return appView.value === snapped;
} else {
isSnapped = function() { return false; }
return isSnapped();
function collectOffsetArray(elemArray) {
var offsetArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < elemArray.length; i++) {
var offset = {
top: elemArray[i].offsetTop,
left: elemArray[i].offsetLeft
var matrix = window.getComputedStyle(elemArray[i], null).transform.split(",");
if (matrix.length === 6) {
offset.left += parseFloat(matrix[4]); += parseFloat(matrix[5]);
return offsetArray;
function staggerDelay(initialDelay, extraDelay, delayFactor, delayCap) {
return function (i) {
var ret = initialDelay;
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
extraDelay *= delayFactor;
ret += extraDelay;
if (delayCap) {
ret = Math.min(ret, delayCap);
return ret;
function makeOffsetsRelative(elemArray, offsetArray) {
for (var i = 0; i < offsetArray.length; i++) {
offsetArray[i].top -= elemArray[i].offsetTop;
offsetArray[i].left -= elemArray[i].offsetLeft;
function animTranslate2DTransform(elemArray, offsetArray, transition) {
makeOffsetsRelative(elemArray, offsetArray);
for (var i = 0; i < elemArray.length; i++) {
if (offsetArray[i].top !== 0 || offsetArray[i].left !== 0) {
elemArray[i].style.transform = "translate(" + offsetArray[i].left + "px, " + offsetArray[i].top + "px)";
return thisWinUI.executeTransition(elemArray, transition);
function translateCallback(offsetArray, prefix) {
prefix = prefix || "";
return function (i, elem) {
var offset = offsetArray.getOffset(i);
var left = offset.left;
if (offset.rtlflip && window.getComputedStyle(elem).direction === "rtl") {
left = left.toString();
if (left.charAt(0) === "-") {
left = left.substring(1);
} else {
left = "-" + left;
return prefix + "translate(" + left + ", " + + ")";
function translateCallbackAnimate(offsetArray, suffix)
suffix = suffix || "";
return function (i, elem) {
var offset = offsetArray[i];
return "translate(" + offset.left + "px, " + + "px) " + suffix;
function keyframeCallbackAnimate(offsetArray, keyframe)
return function (i, elem) {
var offset = offsetArray[i];
return (offset.left === 0 && === 0) ? keyframe : null;
function layoutTransition(LayoutTransition, target, affected, extra)
var targetArray = makeArray(target);
var affectedArray = makeArray(affected);
var offsetArray = collectOffsetArray(affectedArray);
return new LayoutTransition(targetArray, affectedArray, offsetArray, extra);
var ExpandAnimation = WinJS.Class.define(function ExpandAnimation_ctor(revealedArray, affectedArray, offsetArray) {
// Constructor
this.revealedArray = revealedArray;
this.affectedArray = affectedArray;
this.offsetArray = offsetArray;
},{ // Public Members
execute: function () {
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-in",
property: "opacity",
delay: this.affectedArray.length > 0 ? 200 : 0,
duration: 167,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: 0,
to: 1
var promise2 = animTranslate2DTransform(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 367,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
var CollapseAnimation = WinJS.Class.define(function CollapseAnimation_ctor(hiddenArray, affectedArray, offsetArray) {
// Constructor
this.hiddenArray = hiddenArray;
this.affectedArray = affectedArray;
this.offsetArray = offsetArray;
},{ // Public Members
execute: function () {
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-out",
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 167,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: 1,
to: 0
var promise2 = animTranslate2DTransform(
property: mstransform,
delay: this.hiddenArray.length > 0 ? 167 : 0,
duration: 367,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
var RepositionAnimation = WinJS.Class.define(function RepositionAnimation_ctor(target, elementArray, offsetArray) {
// Constructor
this.elementArray = elementArray;
this.offsetArray = offsetArray;
},{ // Public Members
execute: function () {
return animTranslate2DTransform(
property: mstransform,
delay : staggerDelay(0, 33, 1, 250),
duration : 367,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
var AddToListAnimation = WinJS.Class.define(function AddToListAnimation_ctor(addedArray, affectedArray, offsetArray) {
// Constructor
this.addedArray = addedArray;
this.affectedArray = affectedArray;
this.offsetArray = offsetArray;
},{ // Public Members
execute: function () {
var delay = this.affectedArray.length > 0 ? 240 : 0;
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-scale-up",
property: mstransform,
delay: delay,
duration: 120,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: "scale(0.85)",
to: "none"
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-in",
property: "opacity",
delay: delay,
duration: 120,
timing: "linear",
from: 0,
to: 1
var promise2 = animTranslate2DTransform(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 400,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
var DeleteFromListAnimation = WinJS.Class.define(function DeleteFromListAnimation_ctor(deletedArray, remainingArray, offsetArray) {
// Constructor
this.deletedArray = deletedArray;
this.remainingArray = remainingArray;
this.offsetArray = offsetArray;
},{ // Public Members
execute: function () {
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-scale-down",
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 120,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.11, 0.5, 0.24, .96)",
from: "none",
to: "scale(0.85)"
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-out",
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 120,
timing: "linear",
from: 1,
to: 0
var promise2 = animTranslate2DTransform(
property: mstransform,
delay: this.deletedArray.length > 0 ? 60 : 0,
duration: 400,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
var _UpdateListAnimation = WinJS.Class.define(function _UpdateListAnimation_ctor(addedArray, affectedArray, offsetArray, deleted) {
// Constructor
this.addedArray = addedArray;
this.affectedArray = affectedArray;
this.offsetArray = offsetArray;
var deletedArray = makeArray(deleted);
this.deletedArray = deletedArray;
this.deletedOffsetArray = collectOffsetArray(deletedArray);
},{ // Public Members
execute: function () {
makeOffsetsRelative(this.deletedArray, this.deletedOffsetArray);
var delay = 0;
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: keyframeCallbackAnimate(this.deletedOffsetArray, "WinJS-scale-down"),
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 120,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.11, 0.5, 0.24, .96)",
from: translateCallbackAnimate(this.deletedOffsetArray),
to: translateCallbackAnimate(this.deletedOffsetArray, "scale(0.85)")
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-out",
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 120,
timing: "linear",
from: 1,
to: 0
if (this.deletedArray.length > 0) {
delay += 60;
var promise2 = animTranslate2DTransform(
property: mstransform,
delay: delay,
duration: 400,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
if (this.affectedArray.length > 0) {
delay += 240;
} else if (delay) {
delay += 60;
var promise3 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-scale-up",
property: mstransform,
delay: delay,
duration: 120,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: "scale(0.85)",
to: "none"
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-in",
property: "opacity",
delay: delay,
duration: 120,
timing: "linear",
from: 0,
to: 1
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2, promise3]);
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
var AddToSearchListAnimation = WinJS.Class.define(function AddToSearchListAnimation_ctor(addedArray, affectedArray, offsetArray) {
// Constructor
this.addedArray = addedArray;
this.affectedArray = affectedArray;
this.offsetArray = offsetArray;
},{ // Public Members
execute: function () {
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-in",
property: "opacity",
delay: this.affectedArray.length > 0 ? 240 : 0,
duration: 117,
timing: "linear",
from: 0,
to: 1
var promise2 = animTranslate2DTransform(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 400,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
var DeleteFromSearchListAnimation = WinJS.Class.define(function DeleteFromSearchListAnimation_ctor(deletedArray, remainingArray, offsetArray) {
// Constructor
this.deletedArray = deletedArray;
this.remainingArray = remainingArray;
this.offsetArray = offsetArray;
},{ // Public Members
execute: function () {
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-out",
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 93,
timing: "linear",
from: 1,
to: 0
var promise2 = animTranslate2DTransform(
property: mstransform,
delay: this.deletedArray.length > 0 ? 60 : 0,
duration: 400,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
var PeekAnimation = WinJS.Class.define(function PeekAnimation_ctor(target, elementArray, offsetArray) {
// Constructor
this.elementArray = elementArray;
this.offsetArray = offsetArray;
},{ // Public Members
execute: function () {
return animTranslate2DTransform(
property: mstransform,
delay : 0,
duration : 2000,
timing : "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
}, { // Static Members
supportedForProcessing: false,
WinJS.Namespace.define("WinJS.UI.Animation", {
createExpandAnimation: function (revealed, affected) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.createExpandAnimation">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createExpandAnimation">
/// Creates an expand animation.
/// After creating the ExpandAnimation object,
/// modify the document to move the elements to their new positions,
/// then call the execute method on the ExpandAnimation object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="revealed" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createExpandAnimation_p:revealed">
/// Single element or collection of elements which were revealed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="affected" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createExpandAnimation_p:affected">
/// Single element or collection of elements whose positions were
/// affected by the expand.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="{ execute: Function }" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createExpandAnimation_returnValue">
/// ExpandAnimation object whose execute method returns
/// a Promise that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return layoutTransition(ExpandAnimation, revealed, affected);
createCollapseAnimation: function (hidden, affected) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.createCollapseAnimation">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createCollapseAnimation">
/// Creates a collapse animation.
/// After creating the CollapseAnimation object,
/// modify the document to move the elements to their new positions,
/// then call the execute method on the CollapseAnimation object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hidden" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createCollapseAnimation_p:hidden">
/// Single element or collection of elements being removed from view.
/// When the animation completes, the application should hide the elements
/// or remove them from the document.
/// </param>
/// <param name="affected" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createCollapseAnimation_p:affected">
/// Single element or collection of elements whose positions were
/// affected by the collapse.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="{ execute: Function }" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createCollapseAnimation_returnValue">
/// CollapseAnimation object whose execute method returns
/// a Promise that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return layoutTransition(CollapseAnimation, hidden, affected);
createRepositionAnimation: function (element) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.createRepositionAnimation">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createRepositionAnimation">
/// Creates a reposition animation.
/// After creating the RepositionAnimation object,
/// modify the document to move the elements to their new positions,
/// then call the execute method on the RepositionAnimation object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createRepositionAnimation_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements which were repositioned.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="{ execute: Function }" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createRepositionAnimation_returnValue">
/// RepositionAnimation object whose execute method returns
/// a Promise that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return layoutTransition(RepositionAnimation, null, element);
fadeIn: function (shown) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.fadeIn">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.fadeIn">
/// Execute a fade-in animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shown" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.fadeIn_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements to fade in.
/// At the end of the animation, the opacity of the elements is 1.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.fadeIn_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 250,
timing: "linear",
from: 0,
to: 1
fadeOut: function (hidden) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.fadeOut">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.fadeOut">
/// Execute a fade-out animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hidden" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.fadeOut_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements to fade out.
/// At the end of the animation, the opacity of the elements is 0.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.fadeOut_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 167,
timing: "linear",
to: 0
createAddToListAnimation: function (added, affected) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToListAnimation">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToListAnimation">
/// Creates an animation for adding to a list.
/// After creating the AddToListAnimation object,
/// modify the document to move the elements to their new positions,
/// then call the execute method on the AddToListAnimation object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="added" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToListAnimation_p:added">
/// Single element or collection of elements which were added.
/// </param>
/// <param name="affected" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToListAnimation_p:affected">
/// Single element or collection of elements whose positions were
/// affected by the add.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="{ execute: Function }" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToListAnimation_returnValue">
/// AddToListAnimation object whose execute method returns
/// a Promise that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return layoutTransition(AddToListAnimation, added, affected);
createDeleteFromListAnimation: function (deleted, remaining) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromListAnimation">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromListAnimation">
/// Crestes an animation for deleting from a list.
/// After creating the DeleteFromListAnimation object,
/// modify the document to reflect the deletion,
/// then call the execute method on the DeleteFromListAnimation object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deleted" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromListAnimation_p:deleted">
/// Single element or collection of elements which will be deleted.
/// When the animation completes, the application should hide the elements
/// or remove them from the document.
/// </param>
/// <param name="remaining" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromListAnimation_p:remaining">
/// Single element or collection of elements whose positions were
/// affected by the deletion.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="{ execute: Function }" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromListAnimation_returnValue">
/// DeleteFromListAnimation object whose execute method returns
/// a Promise that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return layoutTransition(DeleteFromListAnimation, deleted, remaining);
_createUpdateListAnimation: function (added, deleted, affected) {
return layoutTransition(_UpdateListAnimation, added, affected, deleted);
createAddToSearchListAnimation: function (added, affected) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToSearchListAnimation">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToSearchListAnimation">
/// Creates an animation for adding to a list of search results.
/// This is similar to an AddToListAnimation, but faster.
/// After creating the AddToSearchListAnimation object,
/// modify the document to move the elements to their new positions,
/// then call the execute method on the AddToSearchListAnimation object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="added" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToSearchListAnimation_p:added">
/// Single element or collection of elements which were added.
/// </param>
/// <param name="affected" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToSearchListAnimation_p:affected">
/// Single element or collection of elements whose positions were
/// affected by the add.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="{ execute: Function }" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createAddToSearchListAnimation_returnValue">
/// AddToSearchListAnimation object whose execute method returns
/// a Promise that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return layoutTransition(AddToSearchListAnimation, added, affected);
createDeleteFromSearchListAnimation: function (deleted, remaining) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromSearchListAnimation">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromSearchListAnimation">
/// Creates an animation for deleting from a list of search results.
/// This is similar to an DeleteFromListAnimation, but faster.
/// After creating the DeleteFromSearchListAnimation object,
/// modify the document to move the elements to their new positions,
/// then call the execute method on the DeleteFromSearchListAnimation object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deleted" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromSearchListAnimation_p:deleted">
/// Single element or collection of elements which will be deleted.
/// When the animation completes, the application should hide the elements
/// or remove them from the document.
/// </param>
/// <param name="remaining" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromSearchListAnimation_p:remaining">
/// Single element or collection of elements whose positions were
/// affected by the deletion.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="{ execute: Function }" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createDeleteFromSearchListAnimation_returnValue">
/// DeleteFromSearchListAnimation object whose execute method returns
/// a Promise that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return layoutTransition(DeleteFromSearchListAnimation, deleted, remaining);
showEdgeUI: function (element, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.showEdgeUI">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showEdgeUI">
/// Slides an element or elements into position at the edge of the screen.
/// This animation is designed for a small object like an appbar.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showEdgeUI_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements to be slid into position.
/// The elements should be at their final positions
/// at the time the function is called.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showEdgeUI_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the starting point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// element parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showEdgeUI_p:returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-showEdgeUI", [{ top: "-70px", left: "0px" }]);
return thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 367,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray),
to: "none"
showPanel: function (element, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPanel">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPanel">
/// Slides an element or elements into position at the edge of the screen.
/// This animation is designed for a large object like a keyboard.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPanel_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements to be slid into position.
/// The elements should be at their final positions
/// at the time the function is called.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPanel_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the starting point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// element parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPanel_returnValue">
/// promise object
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-showPanel", [{ top: "0px", left: "364px", rtlflip: true }]);
return thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 550,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray),
to: "none"
hideEdgeUI: function (element, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.hideEdgeUI">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hideEdgeUI">
/// Slides an element or elements at the edge of the screen out of view.
/// This animation is designed for a small object like an appbar.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hideEdgeUI_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements to be slid out.
/// The elements should be at their onscreen positions
/// at the time the function is called.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hideEdgeUI_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the ending point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// element parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hideEdgeUI_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-hideEdgeUI", [{ top: "-70px", left: "0px" }]);
return thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 367,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: "none",
to: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray)
hidePanel: function (element, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.hidePanel">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hidePanel">
/// Slides an element or elements at the edge of the screen out of view.
/// This animation is designed for a large object like a keyboard.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hidePanel_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements to be slid out.
/// The elements should be at their onscreen positions
/// at the time the function is called.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hidePanel_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the ending point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// element parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hidePanel_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-hidePanel", [{ top: "0px", left: "364px", rtlflip: true }]);
return thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 550,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: "none",
to: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray)
showPopup: function (element, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPopup">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPopup">
/// Displays an element or elements in the style of a popup.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPopup_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements to be shown like a popup.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPopup_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the starting point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// element parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.showPopup_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-showPopup", [{ top: "50px", left: "0px" }]);
return thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-in",
property: "opacity",
delay: 83,
duration: 83,
timing: "linear",
from: 0,
to: 1
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 367,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray),
to: "none"
hidePopup: function (element) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.hidePopup">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hidePopup">
/// Removes a popup from the screen.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hidePopup_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements to be hidden like a popup.
/// When the animation completes, the application should hide the elements
/// or remove them from the document.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.hidePopup_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-out",
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 83,
timing: "linear",
from: 1,
to: 0
pointerDown: function (element) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.pointerDown">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.pointerDown">
/// Execute a pointer-down animation.
/// Use the pointerUp animation to reverse the effect of this animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.pointerDown_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements responding to the
/// pointer-down event.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// modified to reflect the pointer-down state.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.pointerDown_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 167,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: "scale(0.975, 0.975)"
pointerUp: function (element) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.pointerUp">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.pointerUp">
/// Execute a pointer-up animation.
/// This reverses the effect of a pointerDown animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.pointerUp_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements responding to
/// the pointer-up event.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// returned to normal.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.pointerUp_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 167,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
dragSourceStart: function (dragSource, affected) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceStart">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceStart">
/// Execute a drag-start animation.
/// Use the dragSourceEnd animation to reverse the effects of this animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dragSource" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceStart_p:dragSource">
/// Single element or collection of elements being dragged.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// modified to reflect the drag state.
/// </param>
/// <param name="affected" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceStart_p:affected">
/// Single element or collection of elements to highlight as not
/// being dragged.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// modified to reflect the drag state.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceStart_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 240,
timing : "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: "scale(1.05)"
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 240,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: 0.65
var promise2 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 240,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: "scale(0.95)"
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
dragSourceEnd: function (dragSource, offset, affected) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceEnd">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceEnd">
/// Execute a drag-end animation.
/// This reverses the effect of the dragSourceStart animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dragSource" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceEnd_p:dragSource">
/// Single element or collection of elements no longer being dragged.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// returned to normal.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceEnd_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the starting point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// dragSource parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <param name="affected" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceEnd_p:affected">
/// Single element or collection of elements which were highlighted as not
/// being dragged.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// returned to normal.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragSourceEnd_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-dragSourceEnd");
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration : 500,
timing : "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: "" // this removes the scale
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 500,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: 1
var promise2 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 500,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray, "scale(1.05) "),
to: "none"
var promise3 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay : 0,
duration : 500,
timing : "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2, promise3]);
enterContent: function (incoming, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterContent">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterContent">
/// Execute an enter-content animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="incoming" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterContent_p:incoming">
/// Single element or collection of elements which represent
/// the incoming content.
/// At the end of the animation, the opacity of the elements is 1.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterContent_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the starting point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// incoming parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterContent_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray;
if (isSnapped()) {
offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-enterContent-snapped", [{ top: "0px", left: "20px", rtlflip: true }]);
} else {
offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-enterContent", [{ top: "0px", left: "40px", rtlflip: true }]);
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 550,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray),
to: "none"
var promise2 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 170,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: 0,
to: 1
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
exitContent: function (outgoing, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitContent">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitContent">
/// Execute an exit-content animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="outgoing" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitContent_p:outgoing">
/// Single element or collection of elements which represent
/// the outgoing content.
/// At the end of the animation, the opacity of the elements is 0.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitContent_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the ending point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// outgoing parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitContent_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-exit", [{ top: "0px", left: "0px" }]);
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
offset && {
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 117,
timing: "linear",
from: "none",
to: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray)
var promise2 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 117,
timing: "linear",
to: 0
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
dragBetweenEnter: function (target, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragBetweenEnter">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragBetweenEnter">
/// Execute an animation which indicates that a dragged object
/// can be dropped between other elements.
/// Use the dragBetweenLeave animation to reverse the effects of this animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragBetweenEnter_p:target">
/// Single element or collection of elements (usually two)
/// that the dragged object can be dropped between.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// modified to reflect the drag-between state.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragBetweenEnter_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the ending point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// element parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragBetweenEnter_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, null, [{ top: "-40px", left: "0px" }, { top: "40px", left: "0px" }]);
return thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 200,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: translateCallback(offsetArray, "scale(0.95) ")
dragBetweenLeave: function (target) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragBetweenLeave">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragBetweenLeave">
/// Execute an animation which indicates that a dragged object
/// will no longer be dropped between other elements.
/// This reverses the effect of the dragBetweenEnter animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragBetweenLeave_p:target">
/// Single element or collection of elements (usually two)
/// that the dragged object no longer will be dropped between.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// set to the dragSourceStart state.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.dragBetweenLeave_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 200,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: "scale(0.95)"
swipeSelect: function (selected, selection) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeSelect">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeSelect">
/// Slide a swipe-selected object back into position when the
/// pointer is released, and show the selection mark.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selected" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeSelect_p:selected">
/// Single element or collection of elements being selected.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// returned to normal.
/// </param>
/// <param name="selection" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeSelect_p:selection">
/// Single element or collection of elements that is the selection mark.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeSelect_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 300,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
var promise2 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-in",
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 300,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: 0,
to: 1
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
swipeDeselect: function (deselected, selection) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeDeselect">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeDeselect">
/// Slide a swipe-deselected object back into position when the
/// pointer is released, and hide the selection mark.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deselected" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeDeselect_p:deselected">
/// Single element or collection of elements being deselected.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// returned to normal.
/// </param>
/// <param name="selection" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeDeselect_p:selection">
/// Single element or collection of elements that is the selection mark.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeDeselect_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 300,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: ""
var promise2 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-out",
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 300,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: 1,
to: 0
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
swipeReveal: function (target, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeReveal">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeReveal">
/// Reveal an object as the result of a swipe, or slide the
/// swipe-selected object back into position after the reveal.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeReveal_p:target">
/// Single element or collection of elements being selected.
/// At the end of the animation, the elements' properties have been
/// modified to reflect the specified offset.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeReveal_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the ending point of the animation.
/// When moving the object back into position, the offset should be
/// { top: "0px", left: "0px" }.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// element parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// The default value describes the motion for a reveal.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.swipeReveal_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, null, [{ top: "25px", left: "0px" }]);
return thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 300,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
to: translateCallback(offsetArray)
enterPage: function (element, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterPage">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterPage">
/// Execute an enterPage animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterPage_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements representing the
/// incoming page.
/// At the end of the animation, the opacity of the elements is 1.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterPage_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the starting point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// element parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.enterPage_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray;
if (isSnapped()) {
offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-enterPage-snapped", [{ top: "0px", left: "40px", rtlflip: true }]);
} else {
offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-enterPage", [{ top: "0px", left: "100px", rtlflip: true }]);
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: staggerDelay(0, 83, 1, 333),
duration: 1000,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray),
to: "none"
var promise2 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: "opacity",
delay: staggerDelay(0, 83, 1, 333),
duration: 170,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: 0,
to: 1
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
exitPage: function (outgoing, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitPage">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitPage">
/// Execute an exitPage animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="outgoing" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitPage_p:outgoing">
/// Single element or collection of elements representing
/// the outgoing page.
/// At the end of the animation, the opacity of the elements is 0.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitPage_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the ending point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// outgoing parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.exitPage_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-exit", [{ top: "0px", left: "0px" }]);
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
offset && {
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 117,
timing: "linear",
from: "none",
to: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray)
var promise2 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 117,
timing: "linear",
to: 0
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
crossFade: function (incoming, outgoing) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.crossFade">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.crossFade">
/// Execute a crossFade animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="incoming" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.crossFade_p:incoming">
/// Single incoming element or collection of incoming elements.
/// At the end of the animation, the opacity of the elements is 1.
/// </param>
/// <param name="outgoing" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.crossFade_p:outgoing">
/// Single outgoing element or collection of outgoing elements.
/// At the end of the animation, the opacity of the elements is 0.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.crossFade_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var promise1 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 167,
timing: "linear",
to: 1
var promise2 = thisWinUI.executeTransition(
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 167,
timing: "linear",
to: 0
return WinJS.Promise.join([promise1, promise2]);
createPeekAnimation: function (element) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.createPeekAnimation">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createPeekAnimation">
/// Creates a peek animation.
/// After creating the PeekAnimation object,
/// modify the document to move the elements to their new positions,
/// then call the execute method on the PeekAnimation object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createPeekAnimation_p:element">
/// Single element or collection of elements to be repositioned for peek.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="{ execute: Function }" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.createPeekAnimation_returnValue">
/// PeekAnimation object whose execute method returns
/// a Promise that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
return layoutTransition(PeekAnimation, null, element);
updateBadge: function (incoming, offset) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.Animation.updateBadge">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.updateBadge">
/// Execute an updateBadge animation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="incoming" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.updateBadge_p:incoming">
/// Single element or collection of elements representing the
/// incoming badge.
/// </param>
/// <param name="offset" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.updateBadge_p:offset">
/// Optional offset object or collection of offset objects
/// array describing the starting point of the animation.
/// If the number of offset objects is less than the length of the
/// incoming parameter, then the last value is repeated for all
/// remaining elements.
/// If this parameter is omitted, then a default value is used.
/// </param>
/// <returns type="WinJS.Promise" locid="WinJS.UI.Animation.updateBadge_returnValue">
/// Promise object that completes when the animation is complete.
/// </returns>
/// </signature>
var offsetArray = new OffsetArray(offset, "WinJS-updateBadge", [{ top: "24px", left: "0px" }]);
return thisWinUI.executeAnimation(
keyframe: "WinJS-opacity-in",
property: "opacity",
delay: 0,
duration: 367,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: 0,
to: 1
keyframe: offsetArray.keyframe,
property: mstransform,
delay: 0,
duration: 1333,
timing: "cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1)",
from: offsetArray.keyframe || translateCallback(offsetArray),
to: "none"
var _ASSERT = function (condition) {
if (!condition) {
var _TRACE = function (text) {
if (window.console && console.log) {
// WinJS.Binding.ListDataSource
(function bindingListDataSourceInit(global, undefined) {
"use strict";
var errors = {
get noLongerMeaningful() { return WinJS.Promise.wrapError(new WinJS.ErrorFromName(WinJS.UI.EditError.noLongerMeaningful)); }
function findNextKey(list, index) {
var len = list.length;
while (index < len - 1) {
var item = list.getItem(++index);
if (item) {
return item.key;
return null;
function findPreviousKey(list, index) {
while (index > 0) {
var item = list.getItem(--index);
if (item) {
return item.key;
return null;
function subscribe(target, handlers) {
Object.keys(handlers).forEach(function (handler) {
target.addEventListener(handler, handlers[handler]);
function unsubscribe(target, handlers) {
Object.keys(handlers).forEach(function (handler) {
target.removeEventListener(handler, handlers[handler]);
var CompletePromise = WinJS.Promise.wrap().constructor;
var NullWrappedItem = WinJS.Class.derive(CompletePromise,
function () {
this._value = null;
}, {
release: function () { },
retain: function () { return this; }
}, {
/* empty */
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false,
var WrappedItem = WinJS.Class.derive(CompletePromise,
function (listBinding, item) {
this._value = item;
this._listBinding = listBinding;
}, {
handle: {
get: function () { return this._value.key; }
index: {
get: function () { return this._value.index; }
release: function () {
this._listBinding._release(this._value, this._listBinding._list.indexOfKey(this._value.key));
retain: function () {
this._listBinding._addRef(this._value, this._listBinding._list.indexOfKey(this._value.key));
return this;
}, {
/* empty */
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false,
var AsyncWrappedItem = WinJS.Class.derive(WinJS.Promise,
function (listBinding, item) {
var that = this;
this._item = item;
this._listBinding = listBinding;, function (c) {
setImmediate(function () {
if (listBinding._released) {
}, {
handle: {
get: function () { return this._item.key; }
index: {
get: function () { return this._item.index; }
release: function () {
this._listBinding._release(this._item, this._listBinding._list.indexOfKey(this._item.key));
retain: function () {
this._listBinding._addRef(this._item, this._listBinding._list.indexOfKey(this._item.key));
return this;
}, {
/* empty */
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false,
function wrap(listBinding, item) {
return item ? new WrappedItem(listBinding, item) : new NullWrappedItem();
function wrapAsync(listBinding, item) {
return item ? new AsyncWrappedItem(listBinding, item) : new NullWrappedItem();
function cloneWithIndex(list, item, index) {
return item && list._annotateWithIndex(item, index);
var ListBinding = WinJS.Class.define(
function ListBinding_ctor(dataSource, list, notificationHandler) {
this._dataSource = dataSource;
this._list = list;
this._editsCount = 0;
this._notificationHandler = notificationHandler;
this._pos = -1;
this._retained = [];
this._retained.length = list.length;
this._retainedKeys = {};
if (this._notificationHandler) {
var that = this;
this._handlers = {
itemchanged: function (event) {
var key = event.detail.key;
var index = event.detail.index;
var newItem = event.detail.newItem;
var oldItem = that._retained[index];
if (oldItem) {
if (oldItem.index !== index) {
var oldIndex = oldItem.index;
oldItem.index = index;
if (that._notificationHandler.indexChanged) {
that._notificationHandler.indexChanged(newItem.key, index, oldIndex);
newItem = cloneWithIndex(list, newItem, index);
newItem._retainedCount = oldItem._retainedCount;
that._retained[index] = newItem;
that._retainedKeys[key] = newItem;
if (notificationHandler && notificationHandler.changed) {
iteminserted: function (event) {
var key = event.detail.key;
var index = event.detail.index;
that._beginEdits(list.length - 1);
if (index <= that._pos) {
that._pos = Math.min(that._pos + 1, list.length);
var retained = that._retained;
// create a hole for this thing and then immediately make it undefined
retained.splice(index, 0, 0);
delete retained[index];
if (that._shouldNotify(index) || list.length === 1) {
if (notificationHandler && notificationHandler.inserted) {
wrap(that, cloneWithIndex(list, list.getItem(index), index)),
findPreviousKey(list, index),
findNextKey(list, index)
itemmoved: function (event) {
var key = event.detail.key;
var oldIndex = event.detail.oldIndex;
var newIndex = event.detail.newIndex;
if (oldIndex < that._pos || newIndex <= that._pos) {
if (newIndex > that._pos) {
that._pos = Math.max(-1, that._pos - 1);
} else if (oldIndex > that._pos) {
that._pos = Math.min(that._pos + 1, list.length);
var retained = that._retained;
var item = retained.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0];
retained.splice(newIndex, 0, item);
if (!item) {
delete retained[newIndex];
item = cloneWithIndex(list, list.getItem(newIndex), newIndex);
item._moved = true;
that._addRef(item, newIndex);
itemremoved: function (event) {
var key = event.detail.key;
var index = event.detail.index;
that._beginEdits(list.length + 1);
if (index < that._pos) {
that._pos = Math.max(-1, that._pos - 1);
var retained = that._retained;
var retainedKeys = that._retainedKeys;
var wasRetained = index in retained;
retained.splice(index, 1);
delete retainedKeys[key];
if (wasRetained && notificationHandler && notificationHandler.removed) {
notificationHandler.removed(key, false);
reload: function () {
that._retained = [];
that._retainedKeys = {};
if (notificationHandler && notificationHandler.reload) {
subscribe(this._list, this._handlers);
}, {
_addRef: function (item, index) {
if (index in this._retained) {
} else {
this._retained[index] = item;
this._retainedKeys[item.key] = item;
item._retainedCount = 1;
_release: function (item, index) {
var retained = this._retained[index];
if (retained) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(retained.key === item.key);
if (retained._retainedCount === 1) {
delete this._retained[index];
delete this._retainedKeys[retained.key];
} else {
// If an item isn't found in the retained map, it was either removed from retainedCount reaching zero, or removed from the map by a removed notification.
// We'll decrement the count here for debugging purposes. If retainedCount is less than zero, there's a refcounting error somewhere.
if (!retained) {
_ASSERT(item._retainedCount >= 0);
_shouldNotify: function (index) {
var retained = this._retained;
return index in retained || index + 1 in retained || index - 1 in retained;
_notifyCountChanged: function () {
var oldCount = this._countAtBeginEdits;
var newCount = this._list.length;
if (oldCount !== newCount) {
if (this._notificationHandler && this._notificationHandler.countChanged) {
this._notificationHandler.countChanged(newCount, oldCount);
_notifyIndicesChanged: function () {
var retained = this._retained;
for (var i = 0, len = retained.length; i < len; i++) {
var item = retained[i];
if (item && item.index !== i) {
var newIndex = i;
var oldIndex = item.index;
item.index = newIndex;
if (this._notificationHandler && this._notificationHandler.indexChanged) {
this._notificationHandler.indexChanged(item.key, newIndex, oldIndex);
_notifyMoved: function () {
var retained = this._retained;
for (var i = 0, len = retained.length; i < len; i++) {
var item = retained[i];
if (item && item._moved) {
item._moved = false;
this._release(item, i);
if (this._shouldNotify(i)) {
if (this._notificationHandler && this._notificationHandler.moved) {
wrap(this, item),
findPreviousKey(this._list, i),
findNextKey(this._list, i)
_beginEdits: function (length, explicit) {
if (this._editsCount === 1 && this._notificationHandler) {
if (!explicit) {
// Batch all edits between now and the setImmediate firing. This has the effect
// of batching synchronous edits.
var that = this;
setImmediate(function () {
if (this._notificationHandler && this._notificationHandler.beginNotifications) {
this._countAtBeginEdits = length;
_endEdits: function () {
if (this._editsCount === 0 && this._notificationHandler) {
if (this._notificationHandler && this._notificationHandler.endNotifications) {
jumpToItem: function (item) {
var index = this._list.indexOfKey(item.handle);
if (index === -1) {
return WinJS.Promise.wrap(null);
this._pos = index;
return this.current();
current: function () {
return this.fromIndex(this._pos);
previous: function () {
this._pos = Math.max(-1, this._pos - 1);
return this._fromIndex(this._pos, true);
next: function () {
this._pos = Math.min(this._pos + 1, this._list.length);
return this._fromIndex(this._pos, true);
releaseItem: function (item) {
if (item.release) {
} else {
this._release(item, this._list.indexOfKey(item.key));
release: function () {
if (this._notificationHandler) {
unsubscribe(this._list, this._handlers);
this._notificationHandler = null;
this._released = true;
first: function () {
return this.fromIndex(0);
last: function () {
return this.fromIndex(this._list.length - 1);
fromKey: function (key) {
var retainedKeys = this._retainedKeys;
var item;
if (key in retainedKeys) {
item = retainedKeys[key];
} else {
item = cloneWithIndex(this._list, this._list.getItemFromKey(key), this._list.indexOfKey(key));
return wrap(this, item);
fromIndex: function (index) {
return this._fromIndex(index, false);
_fromIndex: function (index, async) {
var retained = this._retained;
var item;
if (index in retained) {
item = retained[index];
} else {
item = cloneWithIndex(this._list, this._list.getItem(index), index);
return async ? wrapAsync(this, item) : wrap(this, item);
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false,
function insertAtStart(unused, data) {
// List ignores the key because its key management is internal
return this.itemFromIndex(0);
function insertBefore(unused, data, nextKey) {
// List ignores the key because its key management is internal
var index = this._list.indexOfKey(nextKey);
if (index === -1) {
return errors.noLongerMeaningful;
this._list.splice(index, 0, data);
return this.itemFromIndex(index);
function insertAfter(unused, data, previousKey) {
// List ignores the key because its key management is internal
var index = this._list.indexOfKey(previousKey);
if (index === -1) {
return errors.noLongerMeaningful;
index += 1;
this._list.splice(index, 0, data);
return this.itemFromIndex(index);
function insertAtEnd(unused, data) {
// List ignores the key because its key management is internal
return this.itemFromIndex(this._list.length - 1);
function change(key, newData) {
var index = this._list.indexOfKey(key);
if (index === -1) {
return errors.noLongerMeaningful;
this._list.setAt(index, newData);
return this.itemFromIndex(index);
function moveToStart(key) {
var sourceIndex = this._list.indexOfKey(key);
if (sourceIndex === -1) {
return errors.noLongerMeaningful;
var targetIndex = 0;
this._list.move(sourceIndex, targetIndex);
return this.itemFromIndex(targetIndex);
function moveBefore(key, nextKey) {
var sourceIndex = this._list.indexOfKey(key);
var targetIndex = this._list.indexOfKey(nextKey);
if (sourceIndex === -1 || targetIndex === -1) {
return errors.noLongerMeaningful;
targetIndex = sourceIndex < targetIndex ? targetIndex - 1 : targetIndex;
this._list.move(sourceIndex, targetIndex);
return this.itemFromIndex(targetIndex);
function moveAfter(key, previousKey) {
var sourceIndex = this._list.indexOfKey(key);
var targetIndex = this._list.indexOfKey(previousKey);
if (sourceIndex === -1 || targetIndex === -1) {
return errors.noLongerMeaningful;
targetIndex = sourceIndex <= targetIndex ? targetIndex : targetIndex + 1;
this._list.move(sourceIndex, targetIndex);
return this.itemFromIndex(targetIndex);
function moveToEnd(key) {
var sourceIndex = this._list.indexOfKey(key);
if (sourceIndex === -1) {
return errors.noLongerMeaningful;
var targetIndex = this._list.length - 1;
this._list.move(sourceIndex, targetIndex);
return this.itemFromIndex(targetIndex);
function remove(key) {
var index = this._list.indexOfKey(key);
if (index === -1) {
return errors.noLongerMeaningful;
this._list.splice(index, 1);
return WinJS.Promise.wrap();
var bindingId = 0;
var DataSource = WinJS.Class.define(
function DataSource_ctor(list) {
this._bindings = [];
this._list = list;
if (list.unshift) {
this.insertAtStart = insertAtStart;
if (list.push) {
this.insertAtEnd = insertAtEnd;
if (list.setAt) {
this.change = change;
if (list.splice) {
this.insertAfter = insertAfter;
this.insertBefore = insertBefore;
this.remove = remove;
if (list.move) {
this.moveAfter = moveAfter;
this.moveBefore = moveBefore;
this.moveToEnd = moveToEnd;
this.moveToStart = moveToStart;
}, {
_releaseBinding: function (binding) {
delete this._bindings[binding._id];
addEventListener: function () {
// nop, we don't send statusChanged
removeEventListener: function () {
// nop, we don't send statusChanged
createListBinding: function (notificationHandler) {
var binding = new ListBinding(this, this._list, notificationHandler);
binding._id = (++bindingId);
this._bindings[binding._id] = binding;
return binding;
getCount: function () {
return WinJS.Promise.wrap(this._list.length);
itemFromKey: function (key) {
// Clone with a dummy index
var list = this._list,
item = cloneWithIndex(list, list.getItemFromKey(key), -1);
// Override the index property with a getter
Object.defineProperty(item, "index", {
get: function () {
return list.indexOfKey(key);
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
return WinJS.Promise.wrap(item);
itemFromIndex: function (index) {
return WinJS.Promise.wrap(cloneWithIndex(this._list, this._list.getItem(index), index));
list: {
get: function () { return this._list; }
beginEdits: function () {
var length = this._list.length;
this._bindings.forEach(function (binding) {
binding._beginEdits(length, true);
endEdits: function () {
this._bindings.forEach(function (binding) {
invalidateAll: function() {
return WinJS.Promise.wrap();
// insert* and change are not implemented as I don't understand how they are
// used by the controls since it is hard to fathom how they would be able
// to make up unique keys. Manual editing of the List is meant to go through
// the list itself.
// move* are implemented only if the underlying list supports move(). The
// GroupsListProjection for instance does not.
moveAfter: undefined,
moveBefore: undefined,
moveToEnd: undefined,
moveToStart: undefined
}, {
supportedForProcessing: false,
if (WinJS.Binding && WinJS.Binding.List) {
Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(WinJS.Binding.List.prototype)), "dataSource", {
get: function () { return (this._dataSource = this._dataSource || new DataSource(this)); }
// Virtualized Data Source
(function listDataSourceInit(undefined) {
"use strict";
var Promise = WinJS.Promise,
Signal = WinJS._Signal,
UI = WinJS.UI;
// Private statics
var strings = {
get listDataAdapterIsInvalid() { return WinJS.Resources._getWinJSString("ui/listDataAdapterIsInvalid").value; },
get indexIsInvalid() { return WinJS.Resources._getWinJSString("ui/indexIsInvalid").value; },
get keyIsInvalid() { return WinJS.Resources._getWinJSString("ui/keyIsInvalid").value; },
get invalidItemReturned() { return WinJS.Resources._getWinJSString("ui/undefinedItemReturned").value; },
get invalidKeyReturned() { return WinJS.Resources._getWinJSString("ui/invalidKeyReturned").value; },
get invalidIndexReturned() { return WinJS.Resources._getWinJSString("ui/invalidIndexReturned").value; },
get invalidCountReturned() { return WinJS.Resources._getWinJSString("ui/invalidCountReturned").value; },
get invalidRequestedCountReturned() { return WinJS.Resources._getWinJSString("ui/invalidRequestedCountReturned").value; },
var statusChangedEvent = "statuschanged";
function _baseDataSourceConstructor(listDataAdapter, options) {
/// <signature helpKeyword="WinJS.UI.VirtualizedDataSource._baseDataSourceConstructor">
/// <summary locid="WinJS.UI.VirtualizedDataSource._baseDataSourceConstructor">
/// Initializes the VirtualizedDataSource base class of a custom data source.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="listDataAdapter" type="IListDataAdapter" locid="WinJS.UI.VirtualizedDataSource._baseDataSourceConstructor_p:itemIndex">
/// An object that implements IListDataAdapter and supplies data to the VirtualizedDataSource.
/// </param>
/// <param name="options" optional="true" type="Object" locid="WinJS.UI.VirtualizedDataSource._baseDataSourceConstructor_p:options">
/// An object that contains properties that specify additonal options for the VirtualizedDataSource:
/// cacheSize
/// A Number that specifies minimum number of unrequested items to cache in case they are requested.
/// The options parameter is optional.
/// </param>
/// </signature>
// Private members
var listDataNotificationHandler,
var totalSlots = 0;
function VERIFYLIST() {
checkListIntegrity(slotsStart, slotsEnd, keyMap, indexMap);
checkListIntegrity(refreshStart, refreshEnd, refreshKeyMap, refreshIndexMap);
function checkListIntegrity(listStart, listEnd, keyMapForSlot, indexMapForSlot) {
if (UI.VirtualizedDataSource._internalValidation) {
var listEndReached,
for (var slotCheck = listStart; slotCheck !== listEnd; slotCheck = {
_ASSERT( === slotCheck);
if (slotCheck.lastInSequence) {
if (slotCheck !== listStart) {
_ASSERT( === slotCheck);
if (slotCheck.firstInSequence) {
if (slotCheck.item || slotCheck.itemNew) {
_ASSERT(editsQueued || slotCheck.key);
if (slotCheck.key) {
_ASSERT(keyMapForSlot[slotCheck.key] === slotCheck);
if (slotCheck.item) {
_ASSERT(slotCheck.item.key === slotCheck.key);
if (typeof slotCheck.index === "number") {
if (!indexUpdateDeferred) {
_ASSERT(indexMapForSlot[slotCheck.index] === slotCheck);
_ASSERT(slotCheck === listStart || slotCheck.prev.index < slotCheck.index);
_ASSERT(!slotCheck.firstInSequence || !slotCheck.prev || slotCheck.prev.index !== slotCheck.index - 1);
_ASSERT(!slotCheck.lastInSequence || ! || !== slotCheck.index + 1);
if (slotCheck.item) {
_ASSERT(listStart === refreshStart || slotCheck.item.index === slotCheck.index);
} else {
slotWithoutIndexReached = true;
if (slotCheck === slotListEnd) {
listEndReached = true;
if (slotCheck.lastInSequence && !listEndReached && !indexUpdateDeferred) {
function OUTPUTLIST() {
outputList("Main List", slotsStart);
outputList("Refresh List", refreshStart);
function outputList(header, slotFirst) {
_TRACE("-- " + header + " --");
for (var slot = slotFirst; slot; slot = {
var line = (slot.firstInSequence ? "[" : " ");
if (slot.index !== undefined && slot !== slotsStart && slot !== refreshStart) {
line += slot.index + ": ";
if (slot === slotsStart || slot === refreshStart) {
line += "{";
} else if (slot === slotListEnd || slot === refreshEnd) {
line += "}";
} else if (slot === slotsEnd) {
line += "-";
} else {
line += (slot.key ? '"' + slot.key + '"' : "?");
if (slot.bindingMap) {
line += " (";
var first = true;
for (var listBindingID in slot.bindingMap) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
line += ", ";
line += listBindingID;
line += ")";
if (slot.itemNew) {
line += " itemNew";
if (slot.item) {
line += " item";
if (slot.fetchListeners) {
line += " fetching";
if (slot.directFetchListeners) {
line += " directFetching";
if (slot.indexRequested) {
line += " index";
if (slot.keyRequested) {
line += " key";
if (slot.description) {
line += " description=" + JSON.stringify(slot.description);
if (slotFetchInProgress(slot)) {
line += " now";
if (typeof slot.handle === "string") {
line += " <" + slot.handle + ">";
if (slot.lastInSequence) {
line += "]";
function isNonNegativeNumber(n) {
return (typeof n === "number") && n >= 0;
function isNonNegativeInteger(n) {
return isNonNegativeNumber(n) && n === Math.floor(n);
function validateIndexReturned(index) {
// Ensure that index is always undefined or a non-negative integer
if (index === null) {
index = undefined;
} else if (index !== undefined && !isNonNegativeInteger(index)) {
throw new WinJS.ErrorFromName("WinJS.UI.ListDataSource.InvalidIndexReturned", strings.invalidIndexReturned);
return index;
function validateCountReturned(count) {
// Ensure that count is always undefined or a non-negative integer
if (count === null) {
count = undefined;
} else if (count !== undefined && !isNonNegativeInteger(count) && count !== CountResult.unknown) {
throw new WinJS.ErrorFromName("WinJS.UI.ListDataSource.InvalidCountReturned", strings.invalidCountReturned);
return count;
// Slot List
function createSlot() {
var handle = (nextHandle++).toString(),
slotNew = {
handle: handle,
item: null,
itemNew: null,
fetchListeners: null,
cursorCount: 0,
bindingMap: null
// Deliberately not initialized:
// - directFetchListeners
handleMap[handle] = slotNew;
return slotNew;
function createPrimarySlot() {
return createSlot();
function insertSlot(slot, slotNext) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext.prev);
slot.prev = slotNext.prev; = slotNext; = slot;
slotNext.prev = slot;
function removeSlot(slot) {
//#DBG _ASSERT( === slot);
//#DBG _ASSERT( === slot);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slot !== slotsStart && slot !== slotListEnd && slot !== slotsEnd);
if (slot.lastInSequence) {
delete slot.lastInSequence;
slot.prev.lastInSequence = true;
if (slot.firstInSequence) {
delete slot.firstInSequence; = true;
} =; = slot.prev;
function sequenceStart(slot) {
while (!slot.firstInSequence) {
slot = slot.prev;
return slot;
function sequenceEnd(slot) {
while (!slot.lastInSequence) {
slot =;
return slot;
// Does a little careful surgery to the slot sequence from slotFirst to slotLast before slotNext
function moveSequenceBefore(slotNext, slotFirst, slotLast) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotFirst !== slotsStart && slotLast !== slotListEnd && slotLast !== slotsEnd);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotFirst.firstInSequence && slotLast.lastInSequence);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext.firstInSequence && slotNext.prev.lastInSequence); =; = slotFirst.prev;
slotFirst.prev = slotNext.prev; = slotNext; = slotFirst;
slotNext.prev = slotLast;
return true;
// Does a little careful surgery to the slot sequence from slotFirst to slotLast after slotPrev
function moveSequenceAfter(slotPrev, slotFirst, slotLast) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotFirst !== slotsStart && slotLast !== slotsEnd);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotFirst.firstInSequence && slotLast.lastInSequence);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotPrev.lastInSequence &&; =; = slotFirst.prev;
slotFirst.prev = slotPrev; =; = slotFirst; = slotLast;
return true;
function mergeSequences(slotPrev) {
delete slotPrev.lastInSequence;
function splitSequence(slotPrev) {
var slotNext =;
slotPrev.lastInSequence = true;
slotNext.firstInSequence = true;
if (slotNext === slotListEnd) {
// Clear slotListEnd's index, as that's now unknown
changeSlotIndex(slotListEnd, undefined);
// Inserts a slot in the middle of a sequence or between sequences. If the latter, mergeWithPrev and mergeWithNext
// parameters specify whether to merge the slot with the previous sequence, or next, or neither.
function insertAndMergeSlot(slot, slotNext, mergeWithPrev, mergeWithNext) {
insertSlot(slot, slotNext);
var slotPrev = slot.prev;
if (slotPrev.lastInSequence) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext.firstInSequence);
if (mergeWithPrev) {
delete slotPrev.lastInSequence;
} else {
slot.firstInSequence = true;
if (mergeWithNext) {
delete slotNext.firstInSequence;
} else {
slot.lastInSequence = true;
// Keys and Indices
function setSlotKey(slot, key) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(!slot.key);
//#DBG _ASSERT(!keyMap[key]);
slot.key = key;
// Add the slot to the keyMap, so it is possible to quickly find the slot given its key
keyMap[slot.key] = slot;
function setSlotIndex(slot, index, indexMapForSlot) {
// Tolerate NaN, so clients can pass (undefined - 1) or (undefined + 1)
if (+index === index) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(indexUpdateDeferred || !indexMapForSlot[index]);
slot.index = index;
// Add the slot to the indexMap, so it is possible to quickly find the slot given its index
indexMapForSlot[index] = slot;
if (!indexUpdateDeferred) {
// See if any sequences should be merged
if (slot.firstInSequence && slot.prev && slot.prev.index === index - 1) {
if (slot.lastInSequence && && === index + 1) {
// Creates a new slot and adds it to the slot list before slotNext
function createAndAddSlot(slotNext, indexMapForSlot) {
var slotNew = (indexMapForSlot === indexMap ? createPrimarySlot() : createSlot());
insertSlot(slotNew, slotNext);
return slotNew;
function createSlotSequence(slotNext, index, indexMapForSlot) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext.prev.lastInSequence);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext.firstInSequence);
var slotNew = createAndAddSlot(slotNext, indexMapForSlot);
slotNew.firstInSequence = true;
slotNew.lastInSequence = true;
setSlotIndex(slotNew, index, indexMapForSlot);
return slotNew;
function createPrimarySlotSequence(slotNext, index) {
return createSlotSequence(slotNext, index, indexMap);
function addSlotBefore(slotNext, indexMapForSlot) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext.firstInSequence);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext.prev.lastInSequence);
var slotNew = createAndAddSlot(slotNext, indexMapForSlot);
delete slotNext.firstInSequence;
// See if we've bumped into the previous sequence
if (slotNew.prev.index === slotNew.index - 1) {
delete slotNew.prev.lastInSequence;
} else {
slotNew.firstInSequence = true;
setSlotIndex(slotNew, slotNext.index - 1, indexMapForSlot);
return slotNew;
function addSlotAfter(slotPrev, indexMapForSlot) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotPrev !== slotListEnd);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotPrev.lastInSequence);
var slotNew = createAndAddSlot(, indexMapForSlot);
delete slotPrev.lastInSequence;
// See if we've bumped into the next sequence
if ( === slotNew.index + 1) {
} else {
slotNew.lastInSequence = true;
setSlotIndex(slotNew, slotPrev.index + 1, indexMapForSlot);
return slotNew;
function reinsertSlot(slot, slotNext, mergeWithPrev, mergeWithNext) {
insertAndMergeSlot(slot, slotNext, mergeWithPrev, mergeWithNext);
//#DBG _ASSERT(!keyMap[slot.key]);
keyMap[slot.key] = slot;
var index = slot.index;
if (slot.index !== undefined) {
indexMap[slot.index] = slot;
function removeSlotPermanently(slot) {
_ASSERT(totalSlots > 0);
if (slot.key) {
delete keyMap[slot.key];
if (slot.index !== undefined && indexMap[slot.index] === slot) {
delete indexMap[slot.index];
var bindingMap = slot.bindingMap;
for (var listBindingID in bindingMap) {
var handle = bindingMap[listBindingID].handle;
if (handle && handleMap[handle] === slot) {
delete handleMap[handle];
// Invalidating the slot's handle marks it as deleted
if (handleMap[slot.handle] === slot) {
delete handleMap[slot.handle];
function slotPermanentlyRemoved(slot) {
return !handleMap[slot.handle];
function successorFromIndex(index, indexMapForSlot, listStart, listEnd, skipPreviousIndex) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(index !== undefined);
// Try the previous index
var slotNext = (skipPreviousIndex ? null : indexMapForSlot[index - 1]);
if (slotNext && ( !== listEnd || listEnd.firstInSequence)) {
// We want the successor
slotNext =;
} else {
// Try the next index
slotNext = indexMapForSlot[index + 1];
if (!slotNext) {
// Resort to a linear search
slotNext =;
var lastSequenceStart;
while (true) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext);
//#DBG _ASSERT(slotNext.index !== index);
if (slotNext.firstInSequence) {
lastSequenceStart = slotNext;
if (!(index >= slotNext.index) || slotNext === listEnd) {
slotNext =;
if (slotNext === listEnd && !listEnd.firstInSequence) {
// Return the last insertion point between sequences, or undefined if none
slotNext = (lastSequenceStart && lastSequenceStart.index === undefined ? lastSequenceStart : undefined);
return slotNext;
// Slot Items
function isPlaceholder(slot) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(slot !== slotsStart && slot !== slotsEnd);
return !slot.item && !slot.itemNew && slot !== slotListEnd;
function defineHandleProperty(item, handle) {
Object.defineProperty(item, "handle", {
value: handle,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
function defineCommonItemProperties(item, slot, handle) {
defineHandleProperty(item, handle);
Object.defineProperty(item, "index", {
get: function () {
while (slot.slotMergedWith) {
slot = slot.slotMergedWith;
return slot.index;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
function validateData(data) {
if (data === undefined) {
return data;
} else {
// Convert the data object to JSON to enforce the constraints we want. For example, we don't want
// functions, arrays with extra properties, DOM objects, cyclic or acyclic graphs, or undefined values.
var dataValidated = JSON.stringify(data);
if (dataValidated === undefined) {
throw new WinJS.ErrorFromName("WinJS.UI.ListDataSource.ObjectIsNotValidJson", strings.objectIsNotValidJson);
return dataValidated;
function itemSignature(item) {
return (
listDataAdapter.itemSignature ?
listDataAdapter.itemSignature( :
function prepareSlotItem(slot) {
var item = slot.itemNew;
slot.itemNew = null;
if (item) {
defineCommonItemProperties(item, slot, slot.handle);
if (!listDataAdapter.compareByIdentity) {
// Store the item signature or a stringified copy of the data for comparison later
slot.signature = itemSignature(item);
slot.item = item;
delete slot.indexRequested;
delete slot.keyRequested;
// Slot Caching
function slotRetained(slot) {
return slot.bindingMap || slot.cursorCount > 0;
function slotRequested(slot) {
return slotRetained(slot) || slot.fetchListeners || slot.directFetchListeners;
function slotLive(slot) {
return slotRequested(slot) || (!slot.firstInSequence && slotRetained(slot.prev)) || (!slot.lastInSequence && slotRetained( ||
(!listDataAdapter.itemsFromIndex && (
(!slot.firstInSequence && slot.prev !== slotsStart && !(slot.prev.item || slot.prev.itemNew)) |
(!slot.lastInSequence && !== slotListEnd && !( ||
function deleteUnnecessarySlot(slot) {
function reduceReleasedSlotCount() {
// Must not release slots while edits are queued, as undo queue might refer to them
if (!editsQueued) {
// If lastSlotReleased is no longer valid, use the end of the list instead
if (!lastSlotReleased || slotPermanentlyRemoved(lastSlotReleased)) {
lastSlotReleased = slotListEnd.prev;
// Now use the simple heuristic of walking outwards in both directions from lastSlotReleased until the
// desired cache size is reached, then removing everything else.
var slotPrev = lastSlotReleased.prev,
slotNext =,
releasedSlotsFound = 0;
var considerDeletingSlot = function (slotToDelete) {
if (slotToDelete !== slotListEnd && !slotLive(slotToDelete)) {
if (releasedSlotsFound <= cacheSize) {
} else {
while (slotPrev || slotNext) {
if (slotPrev) {
var slotPrevToDelete = slotPrev;
slotPrev = slotPrevToDelete.prev;
if (slotPrevToDelete !== slotsStart) {
if (slotNext) {
var slotNextToDelete = slotNext;
slotNext =;
if (slotNextToDelete !== slotsEnd) {
// Reset the count to zero, so this method is only called periodically
releasedSlots = 0;
function releaseSlotIfUnrequested(slot) {
if (!slotRequested(slot)) {
if (UI._PerfMeasurement_leakSlots) {
// Must not release slots while edits are queued, as undo queue might refer to them. If a refresh is in
// progress, retain all slots, just in case the user re-requests some of them before the refresh completes.
if (!editsQueued && !refreshInProgress) {
// Track which slot was released most recently
lastSlotReleased = slot;
// See if the number of released slots has exceeded the cache size. In practice there will be more
// live slots than retained slots, so this is just a heuristic to periodically shrink the cache.
if (releasedSlots > cacheSize && !reduceReleasedSlotCountPosted) {
reduceReleasedSlotCountPosted = true;
setImmediate(function () {
reduceReleasedSlotCountPosted = false;
// Notifications
function forEachBindingRecord(callback) {
for (var listBindingID in bindingMap) {
function forEachBindingRecordOfSlot(slot, callback) {
for (var listBindingID in slot.bindingMap) {
callback(slot.bindingMap[listBindingID].bindingRecord, listBindingID);
function handlerToNotify(bindingRecord) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(bindingRecord.notificationHandler);
if (!bindingRecord.notificationsSent) {
bindingRecord.notificationsSent = true;
if (bindingRecord.notificationHandler.beginNotifications) {
return bindingRecord.notificationHandler;
function finishNotifications() {
if (!editsInProgress && !dataNotificationsInProgress) {
forEachBindingRecord(function (bindingRecord) {
if (bindingRecord.notificationsSent) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(bindingRecord.notificationHandler);
bindingRecord.notificationsSent = false;
if (bindingRecord.notificationHandler.endNotifications) {
function handleForBinding(slot, listBindingID) {
var bindingMap = slot.bindingMap;
if (bindingMap) {
var slotBinding = bindingMap[listBindingID];
if (slotBinding) {
var handle = slotBinding.handle;
if (handle) {
return handle;
return slot.handle;
function itemForBinding(item, handle) {
if (item && item.handle !== handle) {
item = Object.create(item);
defineHandleProperty(item, handle);
return item;
function changeCount(count) {
var oldCount = knownCount;
knownCount = count;
forEachBindingRecord(function (bindingRecord) {
if (bindingRecord.notificationHandler && bindingRecord.notificationHandler.countChanged) {
handlerToNotify(bindingRecord).countChanged(knownCount, oldCount);
function sendIndexChangedNotifications(slot, indexOld) {
forEachBindingRecordOfSlot(slot, function (bindingRecord, listBindingID) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(bindingRecord.notificationHandler);
if (bindingRecord.notificationHandler.indexChanged) {
handlerToNotify(bindingRecord).indexChanged(handleForBinding(slot, listBindingID), slot.index, indexOld);
function changeSlotIndex(slot, index) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(indexUpdateDeferred || ((typeof slot.index !== "number" || indexMap[slot.index] === slot) && !indexMap[index]));
var indexOld = slot.index;
if (indexOld !== undefined && indexMap[indexOld] === slot) {
// Remove the slot's old index from the indexMap
delete indexMap[indexOld];
// Tolerate NaN, so clients can pass (undefined - 1) or (undefined + 1)
if (+index === index) {
setSlotIndex(slot, index, indexMap);
} else if (+indexOld === indexOld) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(!slot.indexRequested);
delete slot.index;
} else {
// If neither the new index or the old index is defined then there was no index changed.
sendIndexChangedNotifications(slot, indexOld);
function insertionNotificationRecipients(slot, slotPrev, slotNext, mergeWithPrev, mergeWithNext) {
var bindingMapRecipients = {};
// Start with the intersection of the bindings for the two adjacent slots
if ((mergeWithPrev || !slotPrev.lastInSequence) && (mergeWithNext || !slotNext.firstInSequence)) {
if (slotPrev === slotsStart) {
if (slotNext === slotListEnd) {
// Special case: if the list was empty, broadcast the insertion to all ListBindings with
// notification handlers.
for (var listBindingID in bindingMap) {
bindingMapRecipients[listBindingID] = bindingMap[listBindingID];
} else {
// Include every binding on the next slot
for (var listBindingID in slotNext.bindingMap) {
bindingMapRecipients[listBindingID] = bindingMap[listBindingID];
} else if (slotNext === slotListEnd || slotNext.bindingMap) {
for (var listBindingID in slotPrev.bindingMap) {
if (slotNext === slotListEnd || slotNext.bindingMap[listBindingID]) {
bindingMapRecipients[listBindingID] = bindingMap[listBindingID];
// Use the union of that result with the bindings for the slot being inserted
for (var listBindingID in slot.bindingMap) {
bindingMapRecipients[listBindingID] = bindingMap[listBindingID];
return bindingMapRecipients;
function sendInsertedNotification(slot) {
var slotPrev = slot.prev,
slotNext =,
bindingMapRecipients = insertionNotificationRecipients(slot, slotPrev, slotNext),
for (listBindingID in bindingMapRecipients) {
var bindingRecord = bindingMapRecipients[listBindingID];
if (bindingRecord.notificationHandler) {
slotPrev.lastInSequence || slotPrev === slotsStart ? null : handleForBinding(slotPrev, listBindingID),
slotNext.firstInSequence || slotNext === slotListEnd ? null : handleForBinding(slotNext, listBindingID)
function changeSlot(slot) {
var itemOld = slot.item;
forEachBindingRecordOfSlot(slot, function (bindingRecord, listBindingID) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(bindingRecord.notificationHandler);
var handle = handleForBinding(slot, listBindingID);
handlerToNotify(bindingRecord).changed(itemForBinding(slot.item, handle), itemForBinding(itemOld, handle));
function moveSlot(slot, slotMoveBefore, mergeWithPrev, mergeWithNext, skipNotifications) {
var slotMoveAfter = slotMoveBefore.prev,
// If the slot is being moved before or after itself, adjust slotMoveAfter or slotMoveBefore accordingly. If
// nothing is going to change in the slot list, don't send a notification.
if (slotMoveBefore === slot) {
if (!slot.firstInSequence || !mergeWithPrev) {
slotMoveBefore =;
} else if (slotMoveAfter === slot) {
if (!slot.lastInSequence || !mergeWithNext) {
slotMoveAfter = slot.prev;
if (!skipNotifications) {
// Determine which bindings to notify
var bindingMapRecipients = insertionNotificationRecipients(slot, slotMoveAfter, slotMoveBefore, mergeWithPrev, mergeWithNext);
// Send the notification before the move
for (listBindingID in bindingMapRecipients) {
var bindingRecord = bindingMapRecipients[listBindingID];
//#DBG _ASSERT(bindingRecord.notificationHandler);
((slotMoveAfter.lastInSequence || slotMoveAfter === slot.prev) && !mergeWithPrev) || slotMoveAfter === slotsStart ? null : handleForBinding(slotMoveAfter, listBindingID),
((slotMoveBefore.firstInSequence || slotMoveBefore === && !mergeWithNext) || slotMoveBefore === slotListEnd ? null : handleForBinding(slotMoveBefore, listBindingID)
// If a ListBinding cursor is at the slot that's moving, adjust the cursor
forEachBindingRecord(function (bindingRecord) {
insertAndMergeSlot(slot, slotMoveBefore, mergeWithPrev, mergeWithNext);
function deleteSlot(slot, mirage) {
//#DBG _ASSERT((!slot.fetchListeners && !slot.directFetchListeners) || !slot.item);
completeFetchPromises(slot, true);
forEachBindingRecordOfSlot(slot, function (bindingRecord, listBindingID) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(bindingRecord.notificationHandler);
handlerToNotify(bindingRecord).removed(handleForBinding(slot, listBindingID), mirage);
// If a ListBinding cursor is at the slot that's being removed, adjust the cursor
forEachBindingRecord(function (bindingRecord) {
function deleteMirageSequence(slot) {
// Remove the slots in order
while (!slot.firstInSequence) {
slot = slot.prev;
//#DBG _ASSERT(slot !== slotsStart);
var last;
do {
last = slot.lastInSequence;
var slotNext =;
deleteSlot(slot, true);
slot = slotNext;
} while (!last);
// Deferred Index Updates
// Returns the index of the slot taking into account any outstanding index updates
function adjustedIndex(slot) {
var undefinedIndex;
if (!slot) {
return undefinedIndex;
var delta = 0;
while (!slot.firstInSequence) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(typeof slot.indexNew !== "number");
slot = slot.prev;
return (
typeof slot.indexNew === "number" ?
slot.indexNew + delta :
typeof slot.index === "number" ?
slot.index + delta :
// Updates the new index of the first slot in each sequence after the given slot
function updateNewIndicesAfterSlot(slot, indexDelta) {
// Adjust all the indexNews after this slot
for (slot =; slot; slot = {
if (slot.firstInSequence) {
var indexNew = (slot.indexNew !== undefined ? slot.indexNew : slot.index);
if (indexNew !== undefined) {
slot.indexNew = indexNew + indexDelta;
// Adjust the overall count
countDelta += indexDelta;
indexUpdateDeferred = true;
// Increment currentRefreshID so any outstanding fetches don't cause trouble. If a refresh is in progress,
// restart it (which will also increment currentRefreshID).
if (refreshInProgress) {
} else {
// Updates the new index of the given slot if necessary, and all subsequent new indices
function updateNewIndices(slot, indexDelta) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(indexDelta !== 0);
// If this slot is at the start of a sequence, transfer the indexNew
if (slot.firstInSequence) {
var indexNew;
if (indexDelta < 0) {
// The given slot is about to be removed
indexNew = slot.indexNew;
if (indexNew !== undefined) {
delete slot.indexNew;
} else {
indexNew = slot.index;
if (!slot.lastInSequence) {
// Update the next slot now
slot =;
if (indexNew !== undefined) {
slot.indexNew = indexNew;
} else {
// The given slot was just inserted
if (!slot.lastInSequence) {
var slotNext =;
indexNew = slotNext.indexNew;
if (indexNew !== undefined) {
delete slotNext.indexNew;
} else {
indexNew = slotNext.index;
if (indexNew !== undefined) {
slot.indexNew = indexNew;
updateNewIndicesAfterSlot(slot, indexDelta);
// Updates the new index of the first slot in each sequence after the given new index
function updateNewIndicesFromIndex(index, indexDelta) {
//#DBG _ASSERT(indexDelta !== 0);
for (var slot = slotsStart; slot !== slotListEnd; slot = {
var indexNew = slot.indexNew;
if (indexNew !== undefined && index <= indexNew) {
updateNewIndicesAfterSlot(slot, indexDelta);
// Adjust the indices of all slots to be consistent with any indexNew properties, and strip off the indexNews
function updateIndices() {
var slot,
for (slot = slotsStart; ; slot = {
if (slot.firstInSequence) {
slotFirstInSequence = slot;
if (slot.indexNew !== undefined) {
indexNew = slot.indexNew;
delete slot.indexNew;
if (isNaN(indexNew)) {
} else {
indexNew = slot.index;
// See if this sequence should be merged with the previous one
if (slot !== slotsStart && slot.prev.index === indexNew - 1) {
if (slot.lastInSequence) {
var index = indexNew;
for (var slotUpdate = slotFirstInSequence; slotUpdate !==; slotUpdate = {
//#DBG _ASSERT(index !== slotUpdate.index || +index !== index || indexMap[index] === slotUpdate);
if (index !== slotUpdate.index) {
changeSlotIndex(slotUpdate, index);
if (+index === index) {
if (slot === slotListEnd) {
// Clear any indices on slots that were moved adjacent to slots without indices
for ( ; slot !== slotsEnd; slot = {
if (slot.index !== undefined && slot !== slotListEnd) {
changeSlotIndex(slot, undefined);
indexUpdateDeferred = false;
if (countDelta && +knownCount === knownCount) {
if (getCountPromise) {
} else {
changeCount(knownCount + countDelta);
countDelta = 0;
// Fetch Promises
function createFetchPromise(slot, listenersProperty, listenerID, listBindingID, onComplete) {
if (slot.item) {
return new Promise(function (complete) {
if (onComplete) {
onComplete(complete, slot.item);
} else {
} else {
var listener = {
listBindingID: listBindingID,
retained: false
if (!slot[listenersProperty]) {
slot[listenersProperty] = {};
slot[listenersProperty][listenerID] = listener;
listener.promise = new Promise(function (complete, error) {
listener.complete = (onComplete ? function (item) {
onComplete(complete, item);
} : complete);
listener.error = error;
}, function () {
// By now the slot might have been merged with another
while (slot.slotMergedWith) {
slot = slot.slotMergedWith;
var fetchListeners = slot[listenersProperty];
if (fetchListeners) {
delete fetchListeners[listenerID];
// See if there are any other listeners
for (var listenerID2 in fetchListeners) {
delete slot[listenersProperty];
return listener.promise;
function completePromises(item, listeners) {
for (var listenerID in listeners) {
function completeFetchPromises(slot, completeSynchronously) {
var fetchListeners = slot.fetchListeners,
directFetchListeners = slot.directFetchListeners;
if (fetchListeners || directFetchListeners) {
// By default, complete asynchronously to minimize reentrancy
var item = slot.item;
var completeOrQueuePromises = function (listeners) {
if (completeSynchronously) {
completePromises(item, listeners);
} else {
fetchCompleteCallbacks.push(function () {
completePromises(item, listeners);
if (directFetchListeners) {
slot.directFetchListeners = null;
if (fetchListeners) {
slot.fetchListeners = null;
function callFetchCompleteCallbacks() {
var callbacks = fetchCompleteCallbacks;
// Clear fetchCompleteCallbacks first to avoid reentrancy problems
fetchCompleteCallbacks = [];
for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; i++) {
function returnDirectFetchError(slot, error) {
var directFetchListeners = slot.directFetchListeners;
if (directFetchListeners) {
slot.directFetchListeners = null;
for (var listenerID in directFetchListeners) {
// Item Requests