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Created March 20, 2016 19:19
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Codewars Solution to Character Counter in Ruby
You are going to be given a word. Your job will be to make sure that each character in that word has the exact same number of occurrences. You will return true if it is valid, or false if it is not.
For example:
"abcabc" is a valid word because 'a' appears twice, 'b' appears twice, and'c'appears twice.
"abcabcd" is NOT a valid word because 'a' appears twice, 'b' appears twice,'c' appears twice, but 'd' only appears once!
"123abc!" is a valid word because all of the characters only appear once in the word.
For this kata, capitals are considered the same as lowercase letters. Therefore: 'A' == 'a' .
A string (no spaces) containing [a-z],[A-Z],[0-9] and common symbols. The length will be 0 < string < 100.
true if the word is a valid word, or false if the word is not valid.
Test Cases
1.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("abcabc"),True)
2.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("Abcabc"),True)
3.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("AbcabcC"),False)
4.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("AbcCBa"),True)
5.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("pippi"),False)
6.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("?!?!?!"),True)
7.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("abc123"),True)
8.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("abcabcd"),False)
9.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("abc!abc!"),True)
10.) Test.assert_equals(validate_word("abc:abc"),False)
def validate_word(word)
char_counter = {}
word.split('').each do |char| #chained method to pull each element out of string
if char_counter.keys.include? char
char_counter[char] = char_counter[char] + 1 #assigning an existing key in hash
char_counter[char] = 1 #create new key in hash
puts char_counter.inspect
vals = char_counter.values
vals.each_with_index do |num, i|
if i < vals.size-1 # can use .size or .count
if num != vals[i + 1] #or use unelss
puts "FFFF#{num}"
puts "SSSS#{vals.size}"
return false
return true
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