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Created January 14, 2015 13:50
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React component port for the initial js module Create Gmail-alike text avatars
React = require 'react'
module.exports = React.createClass
render: ->
colors = ["#1abc9c", "#16a085", "#f1c40f", "#f39c12", "#2ecc71", "#27ae60",
"#e67e22", "#d35400", "#3498db", "#2980b9", "#e74c3c", "#c0392b", "#9b59b6",
"#8e44ad", "#bdc3c7", "#34495e", "#2c3e50", "#95a5a6", "#7f8c8d", "#ec87bf",
"#d870ad", "#f69785", "#9ba37e", "#b49255", "#b49255", "#a94136"]
size = @props.size
font_size = size * 0.6
text = if, 2).toUpperCase();
color_index = Math.floor(text.charCodeAt(0) % colors.length);
<svg xmlns='' pointer-events='none'
width={size} height={size} style={
backgroundColor: colors[color_index]
width: size + 'px'
height: size + 'px'
<text textAnchor='middle' x='50%' y='50%' dy='0.35em' pointer-events='auto'
fill='#fff' style={
font_family: 'Roboto'
font_size: font_size + 'px'
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