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Bao Bo pinyin

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require "gimli"
require "yaml"
ROOT_PATH = "~/Documents/ember_guides/"
TABLE_OF_CONTENT_PATH = ROOT_PATH+"website/data/guides.yml"
GUIDE_FILES_PATH = ROOT_PATH+"website/source/guides/"
def concatenated_path
yaml_table_of_content = YAML.load_file TABLE_OF_CONTENT_PATH
concatenated_paths = []
pinyin / ember_guides_combined
Created March 19, 2014 09:42
# Guides and Tutorials
Welcome to the Ember.js guides! This documentation will take you from
total beginner to Ember expert. It is designed to start from the basics,
and slowly increase to more sophisticated concepts until you know
everything there is to know about building awesome web applications.


This is a set of helpers for finding the application's currently active models/routes/controllers/etc. This isn't a straightforward process because of how Ember (rightly) encapsulates application objects, but it's useful in debugging environments to be able to quickly access them. And with the beta release of Ember Data, the store is not easily accessible without helpers either.


All helpers can be called directly if you provide them an application instance:

pinyin / initial.cjsx
Created January 14, 2015 13:50
React component port for the initial js module Create Gmail-alike text avatars
React = require 'react'
module.exports = React.createClass
render: ->
colors = ["#1abc9c", "#16a085", "#f1c40f", "#f39c12", "#2ecc71", "#27ae60",
"#e67e22", "#d35400", "#3498db", "#2980b9", "#e74c3c", "#c0392b", "#9b59b6",
"#8e44ad", "#bdc3c7", "#34495e", "#2c3e50", "#95a5a6", "#7f8c8d", "#ec87bf",
"#d870ad", "#f69785", "#9ba37e", "#b49255", "#b49255", "#a94136"]
size = @props.size
pinyin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
# License: Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
xhr = require 'xhr'
stringify = require 'json-stable-stringify'
status_codes = require './'
# TODO do we need GC ?
pinyin / gist:c90e17a11a11b34725ac
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Add OrientDB Java Hook in JRuby
[20] pry(main)> d = 'plocal:db/pacer'
=> #<Java::ComOrientechnologiesOrientCoreDbDocument::ODatabaseDocumentTx:0x6dccc34c>
[21] pry(main)> d.registerHook
=> #<Java::ComOrientechnologiesOrientCoreDbDocument::ODatabaseDocumentTx:0x6dccc34c>
[22] pry(main)> dd = 'admin', 'admin'
=> #<Java::ComOrientechnologiesOrientCoreDbDocument::ODatabaseDocumentTx:0x6dccc34c>
[23] pry(main)> g = dd
=> #<Java::ComTinkerpopBlueprintsImplsOrient::OrientGraph:0x1d6ed6d9>
[24] pry(main)> gg = Pacer.orient g
=> #<PacerGraph orientgraph[plocal:db/pacer]
pinyin /
Created March 18, 2015 23:51
Tiny router for html5 apps
class Route
init: (root)->
@root_url = root
window.addEventListener 'popstate', (=> @app.forceUpdate())
conflict: (conflict_sets)->
@conflict_sets = conflict_sets
resources: (resource_names)->
@resource_names = resource_names
pinyin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
micro-framework for reactive react with actors
# actions handlers are actors running in dedicated web workers
# send_event is their only way to return result
emit = (params...) -> this.postMessage params
handler = (func)->
this.onmessage = (e)->
func.apply this,
pinyin / AbstractComponent.ts
Created December 6, 2016 05:28
Reactive React component with TypeScript
import * as React from 'react'
import {Subject, Observable, Scheduler} from 'rxjs'
import {ISubscription} from 'rxjs/Subscription'
import {createSubjects} from '../../../lib/rxjs-helpers/createSubjects'
import {Subjects} from '../../../lib/rxjs-helpers/Subjects'
import {Mapper} from "../../../lib/mapobject";
export abstract class AbstractComponent<Props, State, Interactions> extends React.Component<Props, State> implements React.ComponentLifecycle<Props, State> {
protected abstract readonly interactionFilters: InteractionFilters<Interactions>
protected abstract viewLogic(): ISubscription[]
import * as React from 'react'
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable'
import {Subject} from 'rxjs/Subject'
import {ISubscription} from 'rxjs/Subscription'
import {Observables} from '../rxjs/Observables'
import {Pipes} from '../rxjs/Pipes'
import {Subjects} from '../rxjs/Subjects'
import {EventHandlers} from '../utils/EventHandler'
export abstract class ReactiveReactComponent<Props, State, Events> extends React.Component<Props, State> {