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Created October 21, 2015 19:32
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Relation count for Laravel 5 Model with simple usage
namespace Pion\Traits\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne;
* Trait RelationCountTrait
* Usage of where: $count = $model->relationCountWithWhere("user_permission", "user_id", $user, "App\\Models\\User");
* Calling the function again will use the cache in relations array. After this call you can also use
* $model->user_permission_{ForeignKey}_{userIdValueForWhere} which will the object of User model with count attribute.
* You can also get the where index by passing variable which will be overided by the reference:
* $index = "user_permission";
* $model->relationCountWithWhere($index, "user_id", $user, "App\\Models\\User");
* $model->relationCount("user", "App\\Models\\User") will return count and the index will be only $model->user
* @package App\Traits\Models
trait RelationCountTrait {
* Returns a model with caching posibility
* @param string $index a index that will be used as index
* @param \Closure $function a function that will build the query if needed
* @return Model
protected function relationCountQueryObjectWithIndex($index, $function)
// if relation is not loaded already, let's do it first
if ( ! property_exists($this, $index)) {
$this->relations[$index] = $function()->first();
return $this->$index;
* Creates basic a realtion query
* @param string $related a related object to create
* @param string $foreignKey a foreign key
* @param string $localKey local key for the connection
* @return HasOne
protected function relationCountQuery($related, $foreignKey = null, $localKey = null) {
$relation = $this->hasOne($related, $foreignKey, $localKey);
$currentForeignKey = $relation->getForeignKey();
// we must add a count, and also the the foreign key to enable returning the relation
// which is paired by the key
return $relation->selectRaw($currentForeignKey.', count('.$currentForeignKey.') as count')
* Creates a relation query with where conditoon
* @param string $collumn a collumn for using where conditon
* @param mixed $value a value for where condition
* @param string $related a related object to create
* @param string $foreignKey a foreign key
* @param string $localKey local key for the connection
* @return HasOne
protected function relationCountQueryWhere($collumn, $value, $related, $foreignKey = null, $localKey = null) {
return $this->relationCountQuery($related, $foreignKey, $localKey)->where($collumn, $value);
* Creates a relation query that will be cached in given index. This will return the whole object with count
* attribute
* @param string $index a index that will be used as index
* @param string $related a related object to create
* @param string $foreignKey a foreign key
* @param string $localKey local key for the connection
* @return HasOne
public function relationCountObject($index, $related, $foreignKey = null, $localKey = null)
return $this->relationCountQueryObjectWithIndex($index, function() use ($related, $foreignKey, $localKey) {
return $this->relationCountQuery($related, $foreignKey, $localKey);
* Creates a relation query that is filtered with given where condition.
* The result will be cached in given index. This will return the whole object with count
* attribute. The index is altered with given collumn and value for different use.
* @param string &$index the index of the where, the index will use the value for the key
* @param string $collumn a collumn for using where conditon
* @param mixed $value a value for where condition
* @param string $related a related object to create
* @param string $foreignKey a foreign key
* @param string $localKey local key for the connection
* @return Model
public function relationCountObjectWithWhere(&$index, $collumn, $value, $related, $foreignKey = null, $localKey = null)
// change the value if the value is object
$currentValue = $value;
if (is_object($value)) {
$currentValue = $value->getKey();
$index.= $collumn."_".$currentValue;
return $this->relationCountQueryObjectWithIndex($index,
function () use ($collumn, $currentValue, $related, $foreignKey, $localKey) {
return $this->relationCountQueryWhere($collumn, $currentValue, $related, $foreignKey, $localKey);
* Returns a count for given relation cached in the given index
* @param string $index a index that will be used as index
* @param string $related a related object to create
* @param string $foreignKey a foreign key
* @param string $localKey local key for the connection
* @return int
public function relationCount($index, $related, $foreignKey = null, $localKey = null)
$relatedObject = $this->relationCountObject($index, $related, $foreignKey, $localKey);
return $this->getRelationCountFromObject($relatedObject);
* Returns a count filtered by condition for given relation cached in the given index
* @param string &$index the index of the where, the index will use the value for the key
* @param string $collumn a collumn for using where conditon
* @param mixed $value a value for where condition
* @param string $related a related object to create
* @param string $foreignKey a foreign key
* @param string $localKey local key for the connection
* @return int
public function relationCountWithWhere(&$index, $collumn, $value, $related, $foreignKey = null, $localKey = null)
$query = $this->relationCountObjectWithWhere($index, $collumn, $value, $related, $foreignKey, $localKey);
return $this->getRelationCountFromObject($query);
* Returns the count from given relation count object
* @param HasOne $relatedObject
* @return int
public function getRelationCountFromObject($relatedObject)
// then return the count directly
return ($relatedObject) ? (int) $relatedObject->count : 0;
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