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piorot/index.ts Secret

Last active March 29, 2022 11:17
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Each withdrawal should be calculated against new income, not total balance
it("Each withdrawal should be calculated against new income, not total balance", async () => {
const Apartment = await ethers.getContractFactory("Apartment");
const apartment = await Apartment.deploy();
[owner, Alice, Bob] = await ethers.getSigners();
await apartment.deployed();
await apartment.transfer(Alice.address, 20);
//Alice balance saved for later comparison
const aliceInitialBalanceBeforeWithdrawals = await Alice.getBalance();
//Bob transfers his rent
await Bob.sendTransaction({
to: apartment.address,
value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1")
//Alice makes a withdrawal (20/100 * 1E) =~0.2E
await apartment.connect(Alice).withdraw();
//Alice account saved after withdrawal for comparison
const aliceBalanceAfterFirstWithdrawal = await Alice.getBalance();
//Bob transfers his rent
await Bob.sendTransaction({
to: apartment.address,
value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1")
//Alice makes withdrawal (20/10 * newIncome(1E)) =~0.2E
await apartment.connect(Alice).withdraw();
//Alice account after all withdrawals saved for comparison
const aliceBalanceAfterSecondWithdrawal = await Alice.getBalance();
//apartmane balance should be following
// 1E after Bob pays rent
// 0.8E after Alice withdraws
// 1.8E after Bob pays rent second time
// 1.6 after Alice withdraws rent second time
expect((await apartment.balance()).eq(ethers.utils.parseEther("1.6")));
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