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Last active May 9, 2017 13:01
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ClojureScript tooling with BinaryAge's wonders + flexsurfer's re-frisk + IntelliJ

What is this about?

What it changes

  • Re-frisk Visualize re-frame pattern data or reagent ratom data as a tree structure, watch re-frame events and export state in the debugger
  • Dirac A Chrome DevTools fork for ClojureScript developers
  • BinaryAge custom formatters for ClojureScript

Awesome stuff

  • See the event serie as well as the (latest) app-db state.
  • Watch handler contexts when debugging
  • If the app-db contains serialisable values only you can also import or export it (easily replay an unexpected behaviour).
  • Get a repl in your browser so you can test expression or functions easily.
  • Live code your ui: go in the namespace of the view to edit, redefine a function, call it again to see the result.
  • Debugger: pause the world, get all bindings of the current scope, craft your function by manipulate data in situ.
  • Seamlessly switch between js console and ClojureScript repl.


Local setup

  • Copy ~/.lein/profiles.clj
  • Copy ~/.lein/custom-ns/piotr-yuxuan/this-project.clj
  • Copy ~/.lein/custom-ns/piotr-yuxuan/this-project.cljs

Chrome Canary

  • mkdir /Users/piotr-yuxuan/.chrome-user-data-dir
  • Install Chrome Canary
  • Launch it just once with custom profile and install Dirac extension: cd /Users/piotr-yuxuan/.chrome-user-data-dir && /Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary --no-first-run --user-data-dir=.

IntelliJ Run/Debug configurations

Leiningen configuration

lein with-profile piotr-yuxuan-this-project run -m piotr-yuxuan.this-project

Remote Clojure REPL

  • server localhost
  • port 8230 (default for Dirac)
  • Launch external tool dev browser (defined next)

External tool / custom dev browser


  • Description Google Chrome Canary with Dirac embedded
  • Google Chrome Canary
  • mkdir /Users/piotr-yuxuan/.chrome-user-data-dir (wherever you want)
  • Program sh
  • Parameter http://localhost:3000/some-url
  • Working directory /Users/piotr-yuxuan/.chrome-user-data-dir
  • echo "/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary --remote-debugging-port=9222 --no-first-run --user-data-dir=. $@ &" > /Users/piotr-yuxuan/.chrome-user-data-dir/


BinaryAge :-) flexsurfer :-)

{:user {:plugins [;;[refactor-nrepl "2.2.0"]
[lein-kibit "0.1.2"]
[lein-ancient "0.6.10"]
[lein-pdo "0.1.1"]]}
:piotr-yuxuan-this-project {:source-paths ["/Users/piotr-yuxuan/.lein/custom-ns"]
:dependencies [;; In-browser REPL
[binaryage/dirac "LATEST"]
;; app-db visualisation
[re-frisk "LATEST"]
;; Reloaded workflow
[reloaded.repl "LATEST"]
[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "LATEST"]
;; Run figwheel from command-line
[figwheel-sidecar "LATEST"]]
:jvm-opts [];;"-Ddatabase.url=postgres://…" ifneedsbe
:repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [dirac.nrepl/middleware]
:port 8230
:init-ns this-project.main}}}
(ns piotr-yuxuan.this-project
"Leiningen run/debug configuration
Should be rewritten in boot :-)
Arguments: run -m piotr-yuxuan.this-project
Profiles: piotr-yuxuan-this-project
Environment variables to add (taken from ../bin/lein)
export BUNDLE_PATH=…/vendor/bundle/jruby/…
(:use [this-project.config :only [environ]]
[this-project.system :only [new-system]]
[ :only [start-server default-handler]]
[com.stuartsierra.component :only [start-system]]
[dirac.agent :only [boot!]]
[duct.middleware.errors :only [wrap-hide-errors]]
[figwheel-sidecar.repl-api :only [start-figwheel!]]
[meta-merge.core :only [meta-merge]]
[reloaded.repl :only [go set-init!]]
[ring.middleware.reload :only [wrap-reload]]
[ring.middleware.stacktrace :only [wrap-stacktrace]]))
(def runtime-system (atom nil))
(defn -main []
(println "Starting nRepl server")
(start-server :port 8230
:handler (default-handler #'dirac.nrepl/middleware))
(println "Starting Dirac agent")
(println "Starting system")
(reset! runtime-system
(-> environ
(assoc-in [:app :middleware] [;; Reload namespaces of modified files
;; Exceptions caught and logged to *err*
[wrap-stacktrace :colors true]])
(assoc-in [:app :internal-error] "Internal Server Error")
(println "Starting Figwheel")
(start-figwheel! {:build-ids [:piotr-yuxuan-this-project]
:all-builds [{:id :piotr-yuxuan-this-project
:source-paths ["src-cljs"]
:figwheel {:on-jsload "backoffice.core/mount-root"}
:compiler {:main "backoffice.core"
:output-to "public/assets/cljs/backoffice/backoffice.js"
:output-dir "public/assets/cljs/backoffice-dev"
:asset-path "/assets/cljs/backoffice-dev"
:closure-defines {"backoffice.handlers/api-host" "localhost:3000"}
:source-map-timestamp true
:preloads '[dirac.runtime.preload]
:external-config {:devtools/config {:features-to-install :all}
:re-frisk {:enabled true}}}}]})
(println "Now you can open Dirac browser…"))
(ns piotr-yuxuan.this-project
(:require [re-frisk.core :refer [enable-re-frisk!]]))
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