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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Draft for Clojure implementation of the handy algorithm published here:
(ns regex-for-hex-range
(:use clojure.test))
(defn dec-to-hex
(clojure.string/upper-case (format "%x" number)))
(defn hex-to-dec
(let [conversion-table (zipmap
(concat (map char (range 48 58))
(map char (range 65 91)))
string (clojure.string/upper-case string)]
(assert (every? #(< (conversion-table %) 16) string))
(loop [num string
acc 0]
(if (seq num)
(recur (drop 1 num) (+ (* 16 acc) (get conversion-table (first num))))
(defn pow
"Mathematical function power. LaTeX: $a^b$ where a is number and b is power."
[number power]
(reduce * (repeat power number)))
(defn power-extrema
"Helper function for range-extrema, see its doc."
[power direction]
(= direction :up) (dec-to-hex (dec (pow 16 (inc power))))
(= direction :down) (dec-to-hex (if (= power 0) 0 (pow 16 power)))))
(defn range-extrema
"Initial is an extrema. Return an extrema in the given direction with the same
digit number. Direction can be :up or :down."
[initial direction]
(power-extrema (dec (count initial)) direction))
(is (= (range-extrema "1" :up) "F"))
(is (= (range-extrema "1" :down) "0"))
(is (= (range-extrema "10" :up) "FF"))
(is (= (range-extrema "10" :down) "10"))
(is (= (range-extrema "15" :up) "FF"))
(is (= (range-extrema "15" :down) "10")))
(defn range-full
"Take as parameter two (decimal) integers and return hexadecimal ranges
spanning over a power of 16. Power of 16 are from min-range (included) to
max-range (included)."
[min-range max-range]
(if-not (or (< min-range 0) (< max-range 0))
(loop [final []
current min-range]
(if (> current max-range)
(let [power (pow 10 current)]
(recur (conj final [(str power) (range-extrema (str power) :up)])
(inc current)))))))
(is (= (range-full 0 0) [["1" "F"]]))
(is (= (range-full 2 3) [["100" "FFF"] ["1000" "FFFF"]])))
(defn equal-length-ranges
"Expect two strings of hex. Return sorted vector of ranges."
[start end]
(< (hex-to-dec end) (hex-to-dec start)) (equal-length-ranges end start)
(= (count start) (count end)) [[start end]]
(= 1 (- (count end) (count start))) [[start (range-extrema start :up)]
[(power-extrema (count start) :down)
:else (into
[[start (range-extrema start :up)]]
(conj (range-full (count start) (- (count end) 2))
[(range-extrema (str end) :down) end]))))
(is (= (equal-length-ranges "11" "11") [["11" "11"]]))
(is (= (equal-length-ranges "11" "85") [["11" "85"]]))
(is (= (equal-length-ranges "11" "850") [["11" "FF"] ["100" "850"]]))
(is (= (equal-length-ranges "11" "8500")
[["11" "FF"] ["100" "FFF"] ["1000" "8500"]])))
(defn mask-from-left
"Number is an hexadecimal number put into a string. Extant is the size of the
mask from the left. Extant shoudln't be strictly greater than the `number`
number of digits."
[number extant]
(str (subs number 0 (- (count number) extant)) (if-not (= extant 0) (power-extrema (dec extant) :up))))
(is (= (mask-from-left "1A23" 0) "1A23"))
(is (= (mask-from-left "1A22" 1) "1A2F"))
(is (= (mask-from-left "1A22" 2) "1AFF"))
(is (= (mask-from-left "1A22" 3) "1FFF"))
(is (= (mask-from-left "1A22" 4) "FFFF")))
(defn split-into-simple-ranges
"Expect a range. A range is made of a vector with two extrema. Each extremum
is an hexadecimal number in a string. Return a vector of simpler ranges."
(loop [final []
previous (first range)
current 1]
(let [masked (mask-from-left (first range) current)]
(if (< (hex-to-dec masked) (hex-to-dec (last range)))
(conj final [previous masked])
(dec-to-hex (inc (hex-to-dec masked)))
(inc current))
(conj final [previous (last range)])))))
(is (= (split-into-simple-ranges ["1234" "1999"])
[["1234" "123F"] ["1240" "12FF"] ["1300" "1999"]]))
(is (= (split-into-simple-ranges ["1234" "2999"])
[["1234" "123F"] ["1240" "12FF"] ["1300" "1FFF"] ["2000" "2999"]])))
(defn fun-longest-matching-prefix
"Fun way to perform a reduction although in unpracticable for use. Keep in
mind you have to test the result: if the whole string b is contained in a
then it outputs the length of the prefix. If not, it outputs the longest
[a b]
(reduce #(if (= %2 (get a %1))
(inc %1)
(reduced (subs a 0 %1))) 0 b))
(defn matching-prefix-length
"Return the length of the longest matching prefix for two strings a and b."
[a b]
(loop [length 0])
(reduce #(if (= %2 (get a %1))
(inc %1)
(reduced %1)) 0 b))
(is (= (matching-prefix-length "" "") 0))
(is (= (matching-prefix-length "123" "1234") 3))
(is (= (matching-prefix-length "1234" "12345") 4)))
(defn pattern-from-simple-range
"Important: range is a vector containing two strings of same length which
represent hexadecimal numbers."
(let [left (first range)
right (second range)]
(> (hex-to-dec left) (hex-to-dec right)) (pattern-from-simple-range (reverse range))
(= (hex-to-dec left) (hex-to-dec right)) left
(let [length (apply matching-prefix-length range)
a (get left length)
b (get right length)
pivot (cond
(re-matches #"[0-9]" (str b)) (str "[" a "-" b "]")
(re-matches #"[a-fA-F]" (str a)) (str "[" (clojure.string/lower-case a) "-" (clojure.string/lower-case b) (clojure.string/upper-case a) "-" (clojure.string/upper-case b) "]")
:else (str "[" a "-9a-" (clojure.string/lower-case b) "A-" (clojure.string/upper-case b) "]"))]
(subs left 0 length)
(let [count (- (count left) length 1)]
(= count 1) (str "[0-9a-fA-F]")
(> count 1) (str "[0-9a-fA-F]{" count "}"))))))))
(is (= (simple-pattern-from-range ["2000" "2000"])
(is (= (simple-pattern-from-range ["2145" "21FF"])
(is (= (simple-pattern-from-range ["2000" "2FFF"])
(is (= (simple-pattern-from-range ["21456" "2FFFF"])
(defn range-pattern-from-hex
"Draft for Clojure implementation of the algorithm published here:"
[hex-start hex-end]
;; First, break into equal length ranges
;; Second, break into ranges that yield simple regexes
;; Turn each range into a regex
;; Collapse adjacent powers of 10
;; Combining the regexes above yields
;; Next we try to factor out common prefixes using a tree
;; Turning the parse tree into a regex yields
;; We choose the shorter one as our result
(let [start (str (hex-to-dec hex-start))
end (str (hex-to-dec hex-end))]
(#(str "^(" % ")$")
#(str %1 (if-not (= %1 "") "|") %2)
(map pattern-from-simple-range
#(into %1 (split-into-simple-ranges %2))
(equal-length-ranges hex-start hex-end)))))))
(is (= (range-pattern-from-hex "0" "0")
(is (= (range-pattern-from-hex "1" "A")
(is (= (range-pattern-from-hex "10" "21")
(is (= (range-pattern-from-hex "1200" "129E")
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Basically it works but regular expressions produced can still be optimised (left as an exercice for the reader or I'll do it later)

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