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Created October 31, 2015 20:51
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Reactive lab 3
* Created by moczur on 10/19/15.
import akka.event.LoggingReceive
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Random
import language.postfixOps
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Auction datatypes
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
sealed trait AuctionMsg
case class Bid(amount: Float, bidder: ActorRef) extends AuctionMsg
case object Relist extends AuctionMsg
case class Sold(price: Float, bidder: ActorRef) extends AuctionMsg
case object NotSold extends AuctionMsg
case class BidOrder(toBid: List[String]) extends AuctionMsg
case object YouWon extends AuctionMsg
case class Search(keyword: String) extends AuctionMsg
case class SearchResult(result: List[ActorRef]) extends AuctionMsg
case class MakeAuction(title: String, minPrice: Float) extends AuctionMsg
case class AddAuction(title: String, minPrice: Float) extends AuctionMsg
case class Item(minPrice: Float, seller: ActorRef)
sealed trait AuctionState
case object Created extends AuctionState
case object Activated extends AuctionState
case object Ignored extends AuctionState
case object Sold extends AuctionState
sealed trait AuctionData
case class NoBid(item: Item) extends AuctionData
case class Bids(bestBid: Float, bestBidder: ActorRef, bidCnt: Int, item: Item) extends AuctionData
case class Winner(bestBid: Float, bestBidder: ActorRef, bidCnt: Int, item: Item) extends AuctionData
case class NoWinner(item: Item) extends AuctionData
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Auction state machine
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class Auction(itemInit: Item) extends FSM[AuctionState, AuctionData] {
println("Creating the Auction state machine")
startWith(Created, NoBid(itemInit))
when(Created, stateTimeout = 10 seconds) {
case Event(Bid(amount, bidder), NoBid(item)) =>
println("[Created] checking the minimum offer...")
if (amount < item.minPrice) stay using NoBid(item)
else goto(Activated) using Bids(amount, bidder, 1, item)
case Event(StateTimeout, NoBid(item)) =>
println("[Created] timed out with no winner...")
goto(Ignored) using NoBid(item)
when(Ignored, stateTimeout = 30 seconds) {
case Event(Relist, NoBid(item)) =>
println("[Ignored] Relisting...")
goto(Created) using NoBid(item)
case Event(StateTimeout, NoBid(item)) =>
println("[Ignored] Ignored timed out, finishing auction.")
goto(Sold) using NoWinner(item)
case Event(_, st) =>
println("[Ignored] Staying in the ignored state...")
stay using st
when(Activated, stateTimeout = 10 seconds) {
case Event(Bid(amount, bidder), Bids(bestBid, bestBidder, cnt, item)) =>
println("[Activated] checking if the offer is better...")
if (amount <= bestBid) stay using Bids(bestBid, bestBidder, cnt, item)
else goto(Activated) using Bids(amount, bidder, cnt+1, item)
case Event(StateTimeout, Bids(bestBid, bestBidder, cnt, item)) =>
println("[Activated] we have a winner!")
goto(Sold) using Winner(bestBid, bestBidder, cnt, item)
case Event(StateTimeout, NoBid(item)) =>
println("[Activated] no winner, awaiting termination...")
goto(Sold) using NoWinner(item)
when(Sold, stateTimeout = 10 seconds) {
case Event(StateTimeout, Winner(bestBid, bestBidder, bidCnt, item)) =>
println("[Sold] SOLD! Contacting both parties...")
item.seller ! Sold(bestBid, bestBidder)
case Event(StateTimeout, NoWinner(item)) =>
println("[Sold] not sold, deleting auction")
item.seller ! NotSold
case ev =>
println("Unknown event: " + ev + ", terminating anyway.")
whenUnhandled {
case Event(ev, dt) =>
println("Got unknown event: " + ev + " with data: " + dt)
onTermination {
PartialFunction {
_ => context.system.shutdown()
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Actors
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class Buyer(name: String) extends Actor {
def takeRand[T](l: List[T]): T = {
val rnd = new Random()
override def receive = LoggingReceive {
case BidOrder(toBid) =>
println("> [Buyer] Looking up auctions.")
toBid.foreach { kwd =>
val aucSearch = context.system.actorSelection("/user/auctionSearch")
aucSearch ! Search(kwd)
//takeRand(auctions) ! Bid(bidAmount, self)
case SearchResult(auctions) =>
println("> [Buyer] Bidding in auctions...")
auctions.foreach { a =>
val bidAmount = new Random().nextFloat() * 100.0f
a ! Bid(bidAmount, self)
case YouWon =>
println("> [Buyer] I won!!! (" + name + ")")
case _ =>
println("> [Buyer] Unknown message.")
class Seller extends Actor {
override def receive = LoggingReceive {
case AddAuction(name, minPr) =>
val aucSearch = context.system.actorSelection("/user/auctionSearch")
println("[Seller] Found auctionSearch: " + aucSearch)
aucSearch ! AddAuction(name, minPr)
case Sold(price, bidder) =>
println("> [Seller] I sold an item for " + price + ", nice!")
case NotSold =>
println("> [Seller] I didn't sell a thing.")
case _ =>
println("> [Seller] Unknown message.")
class AuctionSearch(var auctions: List[ActorRef]) extends Actor {
override def receive = LoggingReceive {
case Search(keyword) =>
val matching = auctions filter { a => a.path.toString contains keyword }
sender ! SearchResult(matching)
//println("[AuctionSearch] Matching auctions: " + => a.path))
case AddAuction(name, minPr) =>
println("[AuctionSearch] Adding auction: " + name)
val newAuc = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[Auction], Item(minPr, sender())), name.filter(_.isLetterOrDigit))
auctions = newAuc :: auctions
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* System creation and testing
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
object Main extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("AuctionSystem")
val seller = system.actorOf(Props[Seller])
val aucsearch = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[AuctionSearch], List.empty[ActorRef]), "auctionSearch")
seller ! AddAuction("sprzedam opla", 100.0f)
aucsearch ! Search("sprzedam")
// println("Auction search path: " + aucsearch.path)
// val lookedUp = system.actorSelection("/user/auctionSearch")
// println("Selection:\n" + lookedUp)
// val item1 = Item(13.0f, seller)
// val item2 = Item(100.0f, seller)
// val auction1 = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Auction], Item(13.0f, seller)), "A1")
// val auction2 = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Auction], Item(133.0f, seller)), "A2")
// val buyer1 = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Buyer], List(auction1, auction2), "Henryk"))
// val buyer2 = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Buyer], List(auction1, auction2), "Janina"))
// val buyer3 = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Buyer], List(auction1, auction2), "Jadwiga"))
// import system.dispatcher
// system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(5 seconds, buyer1, BidOrder)
// system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(6 seconds, buyer1, BidOrder)
// system.scheduler.schedule(35 seconds, 6 seconds, buyer2, BidOrder)
// system.scheduler.schedule(55 seconds, 4 seconds, buyer3, BidOrder)
// auction ! Bid(16.0f, buyer1)
// auction ! Bid(10.5f, buyer1)
// system.awaitTermination()
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