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Created January 23, 2012 00:35
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private[camel] case class RegisterProducer(actorRef: ActorRef, endpointUri: String)
* Watches the end of life of <code>Producer</code>s.
* Removes a <code>Producer</code> from the <code>ProducerRegistry</code> when it is <code>Terminated</code>,
* which in turn stops the <code>SendProcessor</code>.
private[camel] class CamelProducerIdempotentRegistry(camelContext: CamelContext) extends Actor {
private val camelObjects = new HashMap[ActorRef, (Endpoint,SendProcessor)]()
override def receive = {
case RegisterProducer(actorRef, endpointUri) ⇒ {
camelObjects.get(actorRef) match{
case Some((endpoint, processor)) => sender ! (endpoint,processor)
case None => register(endpointUri, actorRef)
case Terminated(actorRef) ⇒ {
camelObjects.remove(actorRef).foreach { case (endpoint, processor) =>
try {
// endpoint.stop() ?
catch {
case e => context.system.eventStream.publish(EndpointFailedToDeActivate(actorRef, e ))
private def register(endpointUri: String, actorRef: ActorRef): Any = {
try {
val endpoint = camelContext.getEndpoint(endpointUri)
val processor = createSendProcessor(endpoint)
camelObjects.put(actorRef, (endpoint, processor))
sender ! (endpoint, processor)
catch {
case e => context.system.eventStream.publish(EndpointFailedToActivate(actorRef, e ))
private def createSendProcessor(endpoint: Endpoint): SendProcessor = {
val processor = new SendProcessor(endpoint)
* Manages the Camel objects for <code>Producer</code>s.
* Every <code>Producer</code> needs an <code>Endpoint</code> and a <code>SendProcessor</code>
* to produce messages over an <code>Exchange</code>.
private[camel] trait ProducerRegistry {
camel: Camel ⇒
private val registry = system.actorOf(Props(new CamelProducerIdempotentRegistry(camel.context)))
* Creates <code>Endpoint</code> and <code>SendProcessor</code> and associates the actorRef to these.
* @param actorRef the actorRef of the <code>Producer</code> actor.
* @param endpointUri the endpoint Uri of the producer
* @return <code>Endpoint</code> and <code>SendProcessor</code> registered for the actorRef
private[camel] def registerProducer(actorRef: ActorRef, endpointUri: String, timeout: Duration): (Endpoint, SendProcessor) = {
Await.result((registry ? (RegisterProducer(actorRef, endpointUri), timeout)).mapTo[(Endpoint, SendProcessor)], timeout)
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