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Created February 19, 2012 14:29
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Performance test
package com.XXX.connector
import testdsl.connector.ConnectorAccountDsl
import testdsl.facebook.FacebookAccountDsl
import util.Random
import{Scheduler, Actor}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.junit.Test
import testdsl.AcceptanceTestingDsl
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import com.tbone.ext.junit.{RequireRemoteHostRunner, RemoteHost}
import akka.util.duration._
import com.tbone.scalatest.MuteLogging
import org.scalatest.WordSpec
import akka.dispatch.{MessageDispatcher, Dispatchers, Futures, Future}
import akka.util.Duration
class Performance5000Test extends AcceptanceTestingDsl with WordSpec with MuteLogging {
case class PerformanceTest(
USERS : Int = 50,
LOGGING_GAP : Duration = 5 seconds,
POLLING : Int = 0,
USER_GAP : Duration = 100 millis,
THREAD_LIMIT : Int = 100
) {
def safe(block: => Unit){
try{block} catch {case _=>}
class Brain extends Actor{
var errorCount = 0
var successCount = 0
var successRatio = 100d
implicit val dispatcher : MessageDispatcher = Dispatchers.newExecutorBasedEventDrivenWorkStealingDispatcher("fast", THREAD_LIMIT*2)
override def preStart() {
Scheduler.scheduleOnce(self, ('recalculateStats, errorCount, successCount), 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS )
protected def receive = {
case ('createUser, id:String) => Actor.spawn{
val user = facebook createUser id
self ! ('userCreated, id, user)
case ('userCreated, userId:String, user:FacebookAccountDsl) => {
println("User created [%s]" format userId)
if (math.random<(POLLING.toDouble/USERS)) self ! ('poll, user)
println("Scheduling login every [%s]" format LOGGING_GAP)
Scheduler.schedule(self, ('login, userId, user), 0, LOGGING_GAP.toNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS )
case ('poll, user:ConnectorAccountDsl) => safe{
println("Starting long poll for user [%s]" format
user startLongPolling
case ('login, userId: String, user:FacebookAccountDsl) => Actor.spawn{
println("Logging in [%s]" format userId)
connector facebookLoginViaCIA user
self ! 'success
case e => self ! ('error, e.getMessage)
case 'success => successCount+=1
case ('error, msg) => {
errorCount += 1
System.err.println("[%d, %3.0f%% errors] Error [%s]" format(errorCount, 100-successRatio, msg))
case ('recalculateStats, prevErrors:Int, prevSuccesses:Int) =>{
val successDelta = successCount - prevSuccesses
val errorDelta = errorCount - prevErrors
successRatio = if (errorDelta+successDelta == 0) 0 else (100 * successDelta) / (errorDelta+successDelta)
Scheduler.scheduleOnce(self, ('recalculateStats, errorCount, successCount), 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS )
def run {
val brain = Actor.actorOf(new Brain).start()
for(i<-1 to USERS){
brain ! ('createUser, "jim-"+i)
"200 users trying to relogin every 20 seconds" in {
PerformanceTest(USERS = 200, LOGGING_GAP = 20 seconds, USER_GAP = 1000 millis, THREAD_LIMIT = 500, POLLING = 0).run
"One user constantly logging in" in {
PerformanceTest(USERS = 1, LOGGING_GAP = 10 millis, USER_GAP = 1000 millis, THREAD_LIMIT = 500, POLLING = 0).run
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