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Created August 8, 2017 07:12
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TSLint is an extensible static analysis tool that checks [TypeScript]( code for readability, maintainability, and functionality errors. It is widely supported across modern editors & build systems and can be customized with your own lint rules, configurations, and formatters.
TSLint supports:
- custom lint rules
- custom formatters (failure reporters)
- inline disabling and enabling of rules with comment flags
- configuration presets (`tslint:latest`, `tslint-react`, etc.) and plugin composition
- automatic fixing of formatting & style violations
- integration with [MSBuild](, [Grunt](, [Gulp](, [Atom](, [Eclipse](, [Emacs](, [Sublime](, [Vim](, [Visual Studio 2015](, [Visual Studio 2017]( [Visual Studio code](, [WebStorm]( and [more](
Installation & Usage
Please refer to the full installation & usage documentation on the [TSLint website]( There, you'll find information about
- [configuration](,
- [core rules](,
- [core formatters](, and
- [customization of TSLint](
- [inline disabling and enabling of rules with comment flags](
Custom Rules & Plugins
#### Custom rule sets from Palantir
- [tslint-react]( - Lint rules related to React & JSX.
- [tslint-blueprint]( - Lint rules to enforce best practices with [blueprintjs libraries](
#### Custom rule sets from the community
If we don't have all the rules you're looking for, you can either write your own [custom rules]( or use rules implementations developed by the community. The repos below are a good source of custom rules:
- [ESLint rules for TSLint]( - Improve your TSLint with the missing ESLint Rules
- [tslint-microsoft-contrib]( - A set of TSLint rules used on some Microsoft projects
- [codelyzer]( - A set of tslint rules for static code analysis of Angular TypeScript projects
- [vrsource-tslint-rules](
- [tslint-immutable]( - TSLint rules to disable mutation in TypeScript
- [tslint-consistent-codestyle]( - TSLint rules to enforce consistent code style in TypeScript
- `node` v7
- `yarn` v0.23+
#### Quick Start
git clone --config core.autocrlf=input --config core.eol=lf
yarn compile
yarn test
Creating a new release
1. Bump the version number in `package.json` and `src/linter.ts`
2. Add release notes in ``
- Use `./scripts/generate-changelog.js` (after building it with `tsc -p scripts`) to generate the changelog diff. This script expects a personal access token to exist at `~/github_token.txt` with "repo" permissions.
4. Commit with message `Prepare release <version>`
5. Push your branch to GitHub and make a PR
6. Once your PR is merged, wait for the tests to pass on CircleCI for develop
7. Create a "Release" on GitHub with the proper tag version and notes from the changelog.
- The tag should be identical to the version in `package.json`
8. Run `yarn run publish:local`
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