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Created October 11, 2016 13:34
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Nim json handling
# PLNizator
# Displays an amount of PLN you'd get for given amount of USD. Accepts input via
# command line argument. Without providing a value it defaults to 1.
import os
import json
import times
import strutils
import httpclient
CACHE_FNAME = ".plnizator"
API_KEY = slurp("key.txt").strip()
proc getDay(t : Time) : range[0..365] =
return getLocalTime(t).yearday
proc get_url() : string =
return "" & API_KEY
proc get_rate() : float =
echo "Fetching from API..."
var res = get_url().getContent().parseJson()
res = res["rates"]["PLN"]
case res.kind
of JFloat:
return res.fnum
return -1.0
# The API is updated once an hour, but is limited to 1k requests per month. I
# don't need to have the absolutely latest exchange rate, so I cache it and only
# refresh the rate once a day.
proc read_cache(fname: string) : float = readFile(fname).parseFloat
proc fetch_save(fname: string) : float =
## Fetch the current exchange rate from the API and save it in the cache file.
## In addition to saving the rate value this function returns it, too.
writeFile(fname, $get_rate())
return read_cache(fname)
proc getRateCache() : float =
let fname = getHomeDir() & CACHE_FNAME
mday = getLastModificationTime(fname).getDay
today = getTime().getDay
if today - mday > 0:
return fetch_save(fname)
return read_cache(fname)
except IOError, OSError:
return fetch_save(fname)
when isMainModule:
var usd : float = 1.0
if paramCount() > 0:
usd = paramStr(1).parseFloat()
let val = usd * getRateCache()
echo("$", $usd, " ==> ", val.formatFloat(ffDecimal, 3), "PLN")
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