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Last active December 12, 2015 03:58
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Save pipex/4710768 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sublime Text 2 snippet for IEEE (IEEETran) conferences with my personal configuration preferences
% Don't forget IEEETRAN.cls and IEEETran.bst
% on your source folder
% AMS Packages
% Encoding for english language but support for utf-8 characters
% correct bad hyphenation here
\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
% Detect use of pdf
% Graphics extensions depending of type of file
% Default path for images
% Document information
% Links in pdf
% Meta-data for the PDF file
pdfauthor=\docAuthors, %author
pdfsubject=\docSubject, %subject
pdfmenubar=true, %
pdfhighlight=/O, %
colorlinks=true, %
pdfpagemode=, %no page mode
pdfpagelayout=SinglePage, %single page layout
pdffitwindow=true, %fit to window
linkcolor=linkcol, %internal link color
citecolor=citecol, %citation link color
urlcolor=linkcol %url color
% Theorems and definition. Numeric structure can be changed by removing the option [section]
% Nice strings in math using \s{}
%Pretty sum
% Inline lists (inparaenum)
% Draft mode
\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\addcontentsline{tdo}{todo}{\protect{#1}}\footnote{\colorbox{yellow}{\textbf{TODO}}: #1}}
% Same treatment, but for Questions
\newcommand{\question}[1]{\addcontentsline{qst}{question}{\protect{#1}}\footnote{\colorbox{green}{\textbf{QUESTION}}: #1}}
% Disable everything
% Create TODO list
\makeatletter \newcommand \listoftodos{\section{Todo list} \@starttoc{tdo}}
{\par\noindent \textit{#2}, \parbox{\textwidth}{#1}\par} \makeatother
% Create Questions list
\makeatletter \newcommand \listofquestions{\section{Question list} \@starttoc{qst}}
{\par\noindent \textit{#2}, \parbox{\textwidth}{#1}\par} \makeatother
{% Disable todo and questions list
% IEEE awful author configuration
\IEEEauthorblockA{${3:authors affiliation}}
%\IEEEauthorblockN{Other authors}
% \IEEEauthorblockA{Other authors affiliation}
%%%% BEGIN DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Cite the bibliography configuration
Here is the abstract
Here, some, keywords
% Sections in another file
%\section{Related Work}
% End of sections
% Use this in a .bib file to avoid using dashes when authors are repeated in the references
% CTLdash_repeated_names = "no"
% Add list of questions and todos to the appendix
% NOTE: if other appendices are to be used, remove \appendix below
% List of questions
% List of todos
<!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->
<!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->
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