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Last active September 19, 2021 18:08
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Support Chunked Transfer Encoding in Flask
from flask import Flask
MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = 16 * 1024 * 1024
app = Flask(__name__)
class WSGITransferEncodingChunked:
"""Support HTTP Transfer-Encoding: chunked transfers"""
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
from cStringIO import StringIO
input = environ.get('wsgi.input')
length = environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0')
length = 0 if length == '' else int(length)
body = ''
if length == 0:
if input is None:
if environ.get('HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING','0') == 'chunked':
size = int(input.readline(),16)
total_size = 0
while size > 0:
# Validate max size to avoid DoS attacks
total_size += size
if total_size > MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH:
# Avoid DoS (using all available memory by streaming an infinite file)
start_response('413 Request Entity Too Large', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
return []
body +=
size = int(input.readline(),16)
body = environ['wsgi.input'].read(length)
environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = str(len(body))
environ['wsgi.input'] = StringIO(body)
return, start_response)
# Setup wsgi app
app.wsgi_app = WSGITransferEncodingChunked(app.wsgi_app)
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