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Last active June 6, 2017 16:07
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Etherpad sqlite to MySQL migration

  1. Install mysql and sqlite3 client

     apt install mysql-server-5.6 mysql-client-5.6 sqlite3
  2. Create the etherpad database (replace PASSWORD with some password)

     mysql -u root -p
     create database `etherpad`;
     grant all privileges on `etherpad`.* to 'etherpad'@'localhost' identified by 'PASSWORD';
     use `etherpad`; 
     CREATE TABLE `store` (   
         `key` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
         `value` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,   
         PRIMARY KEY (`key`) 
     ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; 
     insert into store values ("MYSQL_MIGRATION_LEVEL", "1"); 
  3. Stop etherpad

     service etherpad-lite stop
  4. Export sqlite database to tab-separated values

     cd /var/local/etherpad-lite/etherpad-lite/
     sqlite3 -column -csv -separator $'\t' var/sqlite.db "select * from store" > /tmp/sqlite.db.csv
     chgrp mysql /tmp/sqlite.db.csv
  5. Import data into mysql

      mysql -u root -p etherpad -e "load data infile '/tmp/sqlite.db.csv' into table store character set utf8mb4 fields escaped by '\"' terminated by '\t' enclosed by '\"';"
  6. Open the etherpad settings /var/local/etherpad-lite/etherpad-lite/settings.json and comment out:

     "dbType" : "sqlite",
     "dbSettings" : {
           "filename" : "var/sqlite.db"
  7. Replace with (and replace PASSWORD with the etherpad database password):

     "dbType" : "mysql",
     "dbSettings" : {
         "user": "etherpad",
         "host": "localhost",
         "database": "etherpad",
         "password": "PASSWORD",
         "port" : "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"
  8. Also, set maxAge to 99999999

  9. Restart etherpad

     service etherpad-lite start
  10. Clean up:

     rm /tmp/sqlite.db.csv 
     rm /var/local/etherpad-lite/etherpad-lite/var/sqlite.db


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