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Created June 5, 2014 02:26
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Ansible playbook replacement for NIS :-)
- name: YP
hosts: nis_slave:nis_client
sudo: yes
- min_uid: 1000
- min_gid: 1000
- nis_master: "{{groups['nis_master'][0]}}"
# Basic idea here is we do things in two steps:
# 1. We grab the contents of the relevant file
# 2. We go line-by-line and ensure those lines are in the host's
# file. Use "regexp" to match the user/group name
- name: grab hosts
command: cat /etc/hosts
delegate_to: "{{nis_master}}"
register: etc_hosts
changed_when: False # b/c it's *always* changed
- name: grab passwd
command: cat /etc/passwd
delegate_to: "{{nis_master}}"
register: etc_passwd
changed_when: False # b/c it's *always* changed
- name: grab groups
command: cat /etc/group
delegate_to: "{{nis_master}}"
register: etc_group
changed_when: False # b/c it's *always* changed
- name: grab shadow
shell: 'awk -F: ''$3>{{min_uid}}{ printf("^%s\n",$1) }'' /etc/passwd | grep -f- /etc/shadow'
delegate_to: "{{nis_master}}"
register: etc_shadow
changed_when: False # it's *always* changed
- name: ensure hosts are present
lineinfile: dest=/etc/hosts
regexp='^{{item.split(" ").0}} '
owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: item | search("^172.25")
with_items: etc_hosts.stdout_lines
- name: ensure users are present
lineinfile: dest=/etc/passwd
owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: item.split(':').2|int > min_uid
with_items: etc_passwd.stdout_lines
- name: ensure groups are present
lineinfile: dest=/etc/group
owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: item.split(':').2|int > min_gid
with_items: etc_group.stdout_lines
- name: ensure shadows are present
lineinfile: dest=/etc/shadow
owner=root group=root mode=0644
with_items: etc_shadow.stdout_lines
- yp
- users
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