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Created February 5, 2014 17:43
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Monte Carlo Cross-Validation helper script
# Monte Carlo Cross-Validation helper script
function usage {
cat <<EOF
Samples from labelled images to create MAGeT input folders for cross validation
$(basename $0) folds atlases templates
folds - number of validation folds to produce
altases - number of atlases to use in each fold
templates - number of templates to use in each fold
Expects that in the current folder is ./input/pool/ that contains brains/ and
/labels/ folders of images (in brains/) and corresponding labels (in labels/).
Labels should be named following the MAGeT brain conventions. E.g.
brains/s1.mnc -> labels/s1_labels.mnc
brains/s2.mnc -> labels/s2_labels.mnc
brains/s3.mnc -> labels/s3_labels.mnc
Each "fold" is a new folder in input/ (e.g. input/fold1) that has an atlases/
templates/ and subjects/ folder containing images randomly sampled from the
pool according to the parameters you set. For instance, if you run this script
like so:
$(basename $0) 10 5 19
You'll have a ten fold directories created, with each one containing a
different atlas library (of 5 images and labels), subject library (the
remaining images in the pool), and template library (19 of subjects).
NOTE: this script uses 'cp -l' to create hard links to the images in your pool
folder, rather than make full copies (run 'man ln' to learn more about hard
# Using the fold directories with MAGeT
Once you have created these fold folders, you can then run MAGeT so that it
uses one of these folds as its input. e.g.
mb --input_dir=input/fold1 --output_dir=output/fold1 run
NOTE: since the folds will likely share registrations (from atlas->template,
and template->subject), if you are doing many folds to save time you may want
to run all the pairwise registrations in the entire pool. Exercise left for the
if [[ -z "$nfolds" || -z "$natlases" || -z "$ntemplates" || ! -e input/pool ]]; then
exit 1
for fold in $(seq $nfolds); do
pool=($(printf "%s\n" "${pool[@]}" | sort -R))
mkdir -p $folddir/{atlases,templates,subjects}/{brains,labels}
cp -l "${atlases[@]}" $folddir/atlases/brains/
cp -l "${tmp[@]/brains/labels}" $folddir/atlases/labels
cp -l "${templates[@]}" $folddir/templates/brains/
cp -l "${subjects[@]}" $folddir/subjects/brains/
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