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minc-tools autocrop with -nearest_neighbour and -keep_real_range options for mincresample in order to use it on label volumes
#! /usr/bin/perl
# autocrop - a program for extracting and manipulating the bounds of a
# MINC volume, with the capability to output parameters for mincresample
# or mincreshape, or a whole new (cropped) MINC volume.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 1994-96 Greg Ward, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
# Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University. Permission to
# use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
# provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. The
# author and McGill University make no representations about the
# suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as
# is" without express or implied warranty.
# Note that the programs mincinfo, mincreshape, and mincresample are
# written & copyrighted by Peter Neelin, McConnell Brain Imaging
# Centre, with the same copyright as above.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# By Greg Ward 94/9/22
# $Id:,v 1.11 2007/12/10 23:46:57 rotor Exp $
use warnings "all";
use MNI::Startup qw(nocputimes);
use MNI::Spawn;
use MNI::FileUtilities qw( check_output_dirs );
use MNI::PathUtilities qw( split_path );
use MNI::MincUtilities qw( update_history volume_params get_dimension_order
compute_reshape_args compute_resample_args);
use MNI::NumericUtilities qw( round labs );
use Getopt::Tabular; # import just GetOptions
&ParseArgs ();
&check_output_dirs ($TmpDir);
# Read the volume parameters (start and step is all we're really interested in)
&volume_params ($InputVolume, \@oldstart, \@oldstep);
# If the user picked step values, check to see if they're different
# (neglecting sign) from the input volume's current steps. If they
# are different, set $Action to resample; if not, set it to reshape.
# (If they already picked reshape and the steps changed, then die.)
# Otherwise, the user didn't pick step values -- so we just use the
# current ones.
if (@Step) # user set them on command line
my (@absstep) = &labs (@Step);
my (@absoldstep) = &labs (@oldstep);
my ($steps_changed) = ! &comp_arrays (\@absstep, \@absoldstep);
if (! $Action) # $Action not already set - we can pick it
$Action = ($steps_changed) ? "resample" : "reshape";
die "Can't use mincreshape if the steps are changed\n"
if ($steps_changed && $Action eq "reshape");
else # steps aren't already decided on
@Step = @oldstep;
$Action = "reshape" unless defined $Action;
# Get the initial bounds that we will use. These either come from a
# MINC file (including possibly the input volume), a tag file, or
# a predefined sampling of Talairach space. They will be put in
# a tag file for later retrieval.
$foreign_tag = &GetBounds ($Talairach, $BoundsFile,
$BBoxFile, $BBoxThreshold);
# Apply the bounds transformation to get the bounds into the native
# space of our input volume. This will give us a transformed tag
# file that specifies the native bounds.
if (defined $BoundsTransform)
$native_tag = "${TmpDir}/native.tag";
&TransformBounds ($foreign_tag, $native_tag,
$BoundsTransform, $InvertTransform);
$native_tag = $foreign_tag;
# Read in the native-bounds tag file as start/extent pairs. Then tweak
# the start/extent pairs to correctly reflect the actual step that
# will be used. (Ie. if the step is negative, the extent must be negative
# and the start must be the high end of each dimension. Otherwise, the
# extent must be positive and the start the low end of the dimension.)
&GetTagBounds ($native_tag, \@oldstep, \@start, \@extent);
&FixBounds (\@start, \@extent, \@Step);
# Apply any bounds modifiers, namely extensions and expansions.
&ModifyBounds (\@start, \@Step, \@extent, \@ModParams);
# And, finally, determine the appropriate parameters for mincresample
# or mincreshape (whatever was decided on above)
if ($Action eq "resample")
$params = join(' ', &compute_resample_args (\@start, \@extent, \@Step));
if ($Crop)
&Spawn ("$MincResample $InputVolume $CropVolume $params");
&update_history ($CropVolume, 1);
elsif ($Action eq "reshape")
my $dim_order = (&get_dimension_order ($InputVolume))[0];
$params = join(' ', &compute_reshape_args ($dim_order, \@oldstart, \@oldstep,
\@start, \@extent, \@Step));
if ($Crop)
&Spawn ("$MincReshape $InputVolume $CropVolume $params");
&update_history ($CropVolume, 1);
die "INTERNAL ERROR! \$Action not defined";
if ($OutputParams)
print $params;
print "\n" if -t STDOUT;
# -------------------------------------------
# High-level subroutines
# &SetGlobals
# &ParseArgs
# &GetBounds
# -------------------------------------------
sub SetGlobals
MNI::Spawn::SetOptions (err_action => 'fatal');
$MincResample = 'mincresample';
$MincReshape = 'mincreshape';
RegisterPrograms([$MincResample, $MincReshape]) or &Fatal();
$Action = undef; # "resample" or "reshape" (depending on
# circumstances)
$Crop = 1; # actually perform the crop?
$OutputParams = 0; # print minc{resample,reshape} args?
@ModParams = (); # sequence of extend, expand, keep, ... ?
$Version = '0.99.6';
$LongVersion = 'Package mni_autoreg 0.99.6, compiled by @nissl (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) on Wed Jan 4 18:22:47 EST 2012';
$Usage = <<USAGE;
Usage: $ProgramName [options] volume crop_volume
$ProgramName -help for details
$Help = <<HELP;
$ProgramName is a big, hairy program with lots of options and far
too much flexibility. See the man page for the full story.
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : &ParseArgs
#@DESCRIPTION: Sets up argument table for parsing via Getopt::Tabular module,
# and does it. Checks leftover arguments for validity, and
# stores them in the appropriate place(s).
#@GLOBALS : @ARGV [not changed]
# a whole bunch of others
#@CREATED : October 1996, to replace the old &ParseArgs routine
sub ParseArgs
my (@arg_table);
my $set_action = sub
my ($arg) = @_;
if ($arg =~ /^-(resample|reshape)$/)
$Action = $1;
$Crop = 1;
$OutputParams = 0;
elsif ($arg =~ /^-no(resample|reshape)/)
$Action = $1;
$Crop = 0;
$OutputParams = 1;
die "Bogus action: $arg";
return 1;
# Variables used by $get_modifier; we define them here to avoid
# defining them on every call to $get_modifier
my $mod_param_re = '(step|extend|expand)';
my $float_re = &Getopt::Tabular::GetPattern ('float');
my $expand_re = "($float_re)(%|mm|v)?";
my %mod_value_re = ('step' => "${float_re}",
'expand' => $expand_re,
'extend' => "($expand_re)?,($expand_re)?");
my %complaint =
('step' => 'a real number',
'expand' =>
'a real number followed by (optional) %, mm [default], or v',
'extend' =>
'a comma-separated pair of real numbers, each followed by ' .
'(optional) %, mm [default], or v'
my $get_modifier = sub
my ($arg, $args) = @_;
my ($param, $value, @values);
if ($arg =~ /^-iso$mod_param_re$/xo)
$param = $1;
$value = shift @$args;
die "Invalid argument \"$value\" for -iso$param: must be " .
$complaint{$param} . "\n"
unless (defined $value
&& $value =~ /^$mod_value_re{$param}$/x);
@values = ($value, $value, $value);
elsif ($arg =~ /^-$mod_param_re$/xo)
$param = $1;
for (0 .. 2)
$value = shift @$args;
die "Invalid argument \"$value\" for -iso$param: must be " .
$complaint{$param} . "\n"
unless (defined $value
&& $value =~ /^$mod_value_re{$param}$/x);
push (@values, $value);
warn "Unknown bounds modifier $arg (this should not happen!)";
return 0;
push (@ModParams, [$param, @values]);
return 1;
my $get_isostep = sub
my ($arg, $args) = @_;
die "get_isostep: unexpected \$arg" unless $arg eq '-isostep';
my $isostep = shift @$args;
unless ($isostep =~ /$float_re/x)
warn "-isostep option must be followed by a floating-point number\n";
return 0;
@Step = ($isostep, $isostep, $isostep);
return 1;
@arg_table =
["-version", "call", undef, \&print_version,
"print version and quit"],
["Action-to-take options", "section"],
["-resample", "call", undef, $set_action,
"force $ProgramName to use mincresample, and also ensure that " .
"resampling is actually performed"],
["-noresample", "call", undef, $set_action,
"don't actually do anything, but compute parameters for mincresample"],
["-reshape", "call", undef, $set_action,
"force $ProgramName to use mincreshape if possible, and also ensure " .
"that reshaping is actually performed"],
["-noreshape", "call", undef, $set_action,
"don't actually do anything, but compute parameters for mincreshape"],
["-params", "boolean", 0, \$OutputParams,
"print out parameters to run mincresample/mincreshape " .
"[default: on if not running them, -noparams otherwise]"],
["Bounds specification and transformation options", "section"],
["-from", "string", 1, \$BoundsFile,
"take the bounds from <file> (either a tag or MINC file) " .
"[default: input volume]", "<file>"],
["-bbox", "string", 1, \$BBoxFile,
"compute the bounding box of the data in <file>, and use that for " .
"the bounds", "<file>"],
["-bbox_threshold", "float", 1, \$BBoxThreshold,
"threshold value to use when running mincbbox [default: 0]"],
["-talairach", "boolean", 0, \$Talairach,
"take the bounds from the (approximate) extent of the brain in " .
"Talairach space"],
["Bounds transformation options", "section"],
["-transform", "string", 1, \$BoundsTransform,
"apply <xfm> to the bounds to get them into the space of the " .
"input volume", "<xfm>"],
["-invert", "boolean", 0, \$InvertTransform,
"invert the <xfm> supplied with -transform before applying it"],
["Bounds modification options", "section"],
["-expand", "call", undef, $get_modifier,
"set the (x,y,z) expansion (increase volume extent symmetrically at " .
"each end of an axis) parameters"],
["-isoexpand", "call", undef, $get_modifier,
"set the same expansion parameter for all three axes"],
["-extend", "call", undef, $get_modifier,
"set the (x,y,z) extension (increase volume extent independently at " .
"each end of an axis) parameters"],
["-isoextend", "call", undef, $get_modifier,
"set the same extension parameter for all three axes"],
["Resampling options", "section"],
["-step", "float", 3, \@Step,
"set the x, y, and z step (voxel size) for the output sampling",
"<xstep> <ystep> <zstep>"],
["-isostep", "call", undef, $get_isostep,
"set the step (same in all three dimensions) for the output sampling"],
["-keep_real_range", "copy", undef, \$Keep,
"Supply -keep to mincresample (if used)."],
["-nearest_neighbour", "copy", undef, \$Near,
"Supply -near to mincresample (if used)."],
["Generic volume output options", "section"],
["-byte", "copy", undef, \$OutputType, ""],
["-short", "copy", undef, \$OutputType, ""],
["-long", "copy", undef, \$OutputType, ""],
["-float", "copy", undef, \$OutputType, ""],
["-double", "copy", undef, \$OutputType, ""],
["-transverse", "copy", undef, \$Orientation, ""],
["-coronal", "copy", undef, \$Orientation, ""],
["-sagittal", "copy", undef, \$Orientation, ""]
# Right, parse that command line (at last)!
my @argv;
&Getopt::Tabular::SetHelp ($Help, $Usage);
&GetOptions (\@arg_table, \@ARGV, \@argv) || exit 1;
# Make sure we have the right number of leftover args (2 if we're
# to do anything, 1 if not), and harvest them to the appropriate
# global variables
$required_args = ($Crop) ? 2 : 1;
if (@argv != $required_args)
warn $Usage;
? warn "You must supply both an input and output (cropped) volume " .
"when cropping data\n"
: warn "You must supply just an input volume when not cropping\n";
die "Incorrect number of arguments\n";
($InputVolume, $CropVolume) = @argv;
# Further processing of command-line variables (defaulting and whatnot)
my $how_many = grep ($_,
defined $BoundsFile,
defined $BBoxFile,
die "You may only supply one of -from, -bbox, and -talairach\n"
unless $how_many <= 1;
$BoundsFile = $InputVolume
unless (defined $BoundsFile || defined $BBoxFile || $Talairach);
push (@MincOptions, '-quiet') if (! $Verbose);
push (@MincOptions, '-clobber') if ($Clobber);
push (@MincOptions, $OutputType) if defined $OutputType;
push (@MincOptions, $Orientation) if defined $Orientation;
$MincReshape .= " " . join (" ", @MincOptions);
push (@MincOptions, '-keep_real_range') if defined $Keep;
push (@MincOptions, '-nearest_neighbour') if defined $Near;
$MincResample .= " " . join (" ", @MincOptions);
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : &GetBounds
#@INPUT : $bounds_file - name of file (either .tag or .mnc) from which
# to extract the bounds of interest
# $talairach - flag: if 1, ignore $bounds_file, and just use
# a volume covering the whole brain in
# Talairach space
#@RETURNS : $tagfile - name of a created tag file that now holds the
# bounds of interest, whether they were extracted
# from a tag file, a MINC file, or taken from
# Talairach space
#@DESCRIPTION: Creates a tag file representing the user's desired volume
# bounds.
#@CREATED : (mists of time)
sub GetBounds
my ($talairach, $bounds_file, $bbox_file, $bbox_threshold) = @_;
my ($tagfile);
if ($talairach)
$tagfile = "$TmpDir/talairach_bound.tag";
&GetTalairachBounds ($tagfile);
elsif ($bounds_file)
if ($bounds_file =~ /\.tag/)
$tagfile = $bounds_file;
elsif ($bounds_file =~ /([^\/]+)\.mnc/)
$tagfile = $TmpDir . "/" . $1 . "_bounds.tag";
&GetVolumeBounds ($bounds_file, $tagfile);
&Fatal ("Bounds file $bounds_file must be either a tag file or a MINC volume");
elsif ($bbox_file)
my $basename = (&split_path ($bbox_file))[1];
$tagfile = "$TmpDir/${basename}_bbox.tag";
&GetBBoxBounds ($bbox_file, $bbox_threshold, $tagfile);
&Fatal ("You must specify a source for your input bounds " .
"(using either -from, -bbox or -talairach)");
return ($tagfile);
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Medium-level subroutines for manipulating volume bounds:
# &GetVolumeBounds
# &GetTalairachBounds
# &TransformBounds
# &GetTagBounds
# &ModifyBounds
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : &DimLimitsToBounds
#@DESCRIPTION: Converts start/stop pairs (three of them) to the set of
# eight points needed to bound the volume.
#@CREATED : 1995/10/05, Greg Ward
#@MODIFIED : 1996/10/21, GW: simplified and Perl5ified
sub DimLimitsToBounds
my ($start, $stop, $xcoords, $ycoords, $zcoords) = @_;
my ($points);
# Compute the 8 points that give us the bounds of the volume.
$points = [[$start->[0], $start->[1], $start->[2]],
[$start->[0], $stop ->[1], $start->[2]],
[$start->[0], $start->[1], $stop ->[2]],
[$start->[0], $stop ->[1], $stop ->[2]],
[$stop ->[0], $start->[1], $start->[2]],
[$stop ->[0], $stop ->[1], $start->[2]],
[$stop ->[0], $start->[1], $stop ->[2]],
[$stop ->[0], $stop ->[1], $stop ->[2]]];
for $i (0 .. 7)
$xcoords->[$i] = $points->[$i][0];
$ycoords->[$i] = $points->[$i][1];
$zcoords->[$i] = $points->[$i][2];
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : GetVolumeBounds
#@INPUT : $volume - name of MINC file to get bounds of
# $tagfile - name of tag file to write
#@DESCRIPTION: Reads the start/step/lengths of the three spatial dimensions
# from a MINC file, computes the bounding tag points based
# on them, and outputs a bounding tag file.
#@CALLS : &WriteTagFile, &DimLimitsToBounds
#@CREATED : 95/04/21, Greg Ward (from similar routine in regsimu script)
#@MODIFIED : 95/05/22, GW: changed to output the two-point tag format
# 95/08/04, GW: simplified to handle negative steps and extents
# 95/10/02, GW: changed so the order of (start,stop) is always
# (pos,neg), ie. so the tag file will go from
# left-inf-pos to right-sup-ant
# 95/10/05, GW: changed to output the 8-point format
# by calling &DimLimitsToBounds
# 96/10/21, GW: changed to use Perl5 ref's and my
sub GetVolumeBounds
my ($volume, $tagfile) = @_;
my ($cmd, $diminfo, @diminfo);
my (@start, @step, @length, @stop);
my (@xcoords, @ycoords, @zcoords);
# start = world coordinate of first sample [in MINC header]
# start = lowest world coordinate in a dimension [in autocrop]
# step = amount of world space covered by one sample in a dimension
# (negative step => "backwards" sampling)
# length = number of samples in a dimension
# stop = highest world coordinate in a dimension (i.e. the coordinate
# of the last voxel, correcting for "backwards" sampling)
# extent = amount of world space covered by all samples in the dimension
# (= step * length, including sign!)
# The start coordinate (MINC header sense) is fetched here, and
# convered to start (autocrop sense) in the loop below. (Note
# that for dimensions with positive step, the two starts are the
# same.)
$cmd = "mincinfo $volume -error_string 0 " .
"-attval xspace:start -attval xspace:step -dimlen xspace " .
"-attval yspace:start -attval yspace:step -dimlen yspace " .
"-attval zspace:start -attval zspace:step -dimlen zspace";
$diminfo = `$cmd`;
die "Error executing mincinfo on $volume\n" if $?;
@diminfo = split (/\n/, $diminfo);
@start = @diminfo[0,3,6];
@step = @diminfo[1,4,7];
@length = @diminfo[2,5,8];
print "GetVolumeBounds:\n" if $Debug;
foreach $i (0, 1, 2)
$stop[$i] = $start[$i] + $step[$i] * ($length[$i] - 1);
($stop[$i],$start[$i]) = ($start[$i],$stop[$i])
if ($step[$i] < 0.0);
if ($Debug)
my $dim = (qw(xspace yspace zspace))[$i];
printf " %s: start=%g, stop=%g\n", $dim, $start[$i], $stop[$i];
&DimLimitsToBounds (\@start, \@stop, \@xcoords, \@ycoords, \@zcoords);
&WriteTagFile ($tagfile, "bounds tag file created from volume $volume",
\@xcoords, \@ycoords, \@zcoords) || &Fatal;
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : GetTalairachBounds
#@INPUT : $tagfile - name of tag file to write
#@DESCRIPTION: Writes the bounds of the brain in Talairach space to
# a tag file.
#@CALLS : &WriteTagFile, &DimLimitsToBounds
#@CREATED : 95/04/21, Greg Ward
#@MODIFIED : 95/05/22, GW: changed to output the two-point tag format
# 95/10/05, GW: changed to output the 8-point format
# by calling &DimLimitsToBounds
# 96/10/21, GW: changed to use Perl5 ref's and my
sub GetTalairachBounds
my ($tagfile) = @_;
@start = (-80, -120, -80);
@stop = (80, 90, 95);
&DimLimitsToBounds (\@start, \@stop, \@xcoords, \@ycoords, \@zcoords);
&WriteTagFile ($tagfile, "standard bounds of brain in Talairach space",
\@xcoords, \@ycoords, \@zcoords) || &Fatal;
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : GetBBoxBounds
#@INPUT : $volume
# $threshold
#@OUTPUT : $tagfile (caller supplies filename)
#@DESCRIPTION: Creates a volume-bounds tag file by computing the bounding
# box of the data in a MINC volume (with mincbbox).
#@GLOBALS : TmpDir
#@CALLS : &WriteTagFile, &DimLimitsToBounds
#@CREATED : 1997/09/09, GPW
sub GetBBoxBounds
my ($volume, $threshold, $tagfile) = @_;
my ($base, $bbox_file, $cmd);
my (@output, @start, @extent, @stop);
my (@xcoords, @ycoords, @zcoords);
$threshold ||= 0; # bzzt! should be volume min
# (but mincbbox is also wrong)
$base = (&split_path ($volume))[1];
$bbox_file = "$TmpDir/${base}.bbox";
@output = split(/\n/, `mincbbox -threshold $threshold -two_lines $volume`);
@start = split (' ', $output[-2]);
@extent = split (' ', $output[-1]);
die "urghh! bad mincbbox output"
unless @start == 3 && @extent == 3;
@stop = map ($start[$_] + $extent[$_] - 1, 0 .. $#start);
&DimLimitsToBounds (\@start, \@stop, \@xcoords, \@ycoords, \@zcoords);
&WriteTagFile ($tagfile,
"bounds tag file created from bounding box of $volume",
\@xcoords, \@ycoords, \@zcoords)
|| &Fatal;
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : TransformBounds
#@INPUT : $foreign_tag - bounds tag file in the `original' space
# $native_tag - bounds tag file in the native space of
# the volume we're resampling
# $transform - transform file that takes us from native
# space to foreign space
# $invert - if 1, then $transform actually goes the
# other way
#@DESCRIPTION: Applies the user supplied bounds transformation to the
# bounds tag file to generate the native-space bounds tag
# file; if no bounds transformation was supplied, then the
# tag file is simply copied.
#@GLOBALS : $TmpDir
#@CREATED : 95/04/21, Greg Ward
#@MODIFIED : 96/10/21, GW: reversed the sense of $invert -- formerly,
# supplying -inverse meant "do not invert";
# now, it's sanitized to mean "invert"
sub TransformBounds
my ($foreign_tag, $native_tag, $transform, $invert) = @_;
if (! defined $transform)
link ($foreign_tag, $native_tag);
if ($invert) # WARNING! Removed a "!" -- reverse the
{ # sense of transformation (GPW 1996/10/21)
$temp = $transform;
$temp =~ s/^.*\///;
$temp = "${TmpDir}/${temp}.inv";
&Spawn ("xfminvert $transform $temp");
$transform = $temp;
&Spawn ("transformtags -vol1 -transform $transform " .
"$foreign_tag $native_tag");
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : GetTagBounds
#@INPUT : $tagfile - name of tag file that contains the bounds
#@OUTPUT : @$start - x, y, and z start coordinates of the volume bounds
# @$extent - x, y, and z extent of the volume bounds
#@DESCRIPTION: Converts the bounds specified by a tag file into
# start/extent pairs for the three spatial dimensions.
#@CREATED : 95/04/21, Greg Ward (from old code in main program of autocrop)
#@MODIFIED : 95/05/22, GW: changed to read the two-point tag format and
# to handle case where any dimension is flipped
# 95/08/04, GW: simplified to handle negative steps and extents
sub GetTagBounds
my ($tagfile, $step, $start, $extent) = @_;
my ($numtags, @xcoords, @ycoords, @zcoords);
$numtags = &ReadTagFile ($tagfile, \@xcoords, \@ycoords, \@zcoords)
|| &Fatal;
&Fatal ("Wrong number of tag points ($numtags) in file $tagfile")
unless ($numtags == 8);
$xmin = &min (@xcoords);
$ymin = &min (@ycoords);
$zmin = &min (@zcoords);
$xmax = &max (@xcoords);
$ymax = &max (@ycoords);
$zmax = &max (@zcoords);
@$start = ($xmin, $ymin, $zmin);
@$extent = ($xmax-$xmin + abs ($step->[0]),
$ymax-$ymin + abs ($step->[1]),
$zmax-$zmin + abs ($step->[2]));
if ($Debug)
my ($i, $dim);
print "GetTagBounds:\n";
for $i (0, 1, 2)
my $dim = (qw(xspace yspace zspace))[$i];
printf " %s: start=%g, extent=%g\n", $dim, $start[$i], $extent[$i];
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : &FixBounds
#@DESCRIPTION: Updates the @extent and @start arrays so that the
# extent of any dimension with negative step is also
# negative, and so that the "start" value is swapped with
# the "stop" value for such dimensions.
#@CREATED : 95/08/04, Greg Ward
#@MODIFIED : 96/10/21, GW: changed to use Perl5 ref's and my
sub FixBounds
my ($start, $extent, $step) = @_;
print "FixBounds:\n" if $Debug;
foreach $i (0,1,2)
# round `extent' to the next highest `step', but in an absolute sense
# (i.e. negative numbers round down, positive numbers round up) --
# comparing the `extent' with zero gives us its sign, which
# determines the direction of rounding
$extent->[$i] = round ($extent->[$i], abs ($step->[$i]), $extent->[$i] <=> 0);
if (($step->[$i] < 0.0 && $extent->[$i] > 0.0) |
($step->[$i] > 0.0 && $extent->[$i] < 0.0))
$start->[$i] += $extent->[$i] - abs($step->[$i]);
$extent->[$i] = - $extent->[$i];
if ($Debug)
my $dim = (qw(xspace yspace zspace))[$i];
printf " %s: start=%g, extent=%g\n", $dim, $start[$i], $extent[$i];
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : &convert_modifier
#@DESCRIPTION: Converts a dimension bounds modifier (currently, that means
# either an extension or expansion factor for a single
# dimension) to world coordinates with appropriate sign.
#@CREATED : 95/09/05, Greg Ward (from code in &ModifyBounds)
sub convert_modifier
my ($mod, $extent, $step) = @_;
if ($mod =~ /(.+)%$/)
$mod = ($1) / 100 * $extent;
elsif ($mod =~ /(.+)v$/)
$mod = ($1) * $step;
$mod =~ s/mm$//;
$mod = -$mod if ($step < 0.0);
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : &ModifyBounds
#@INPUT : @$start
# @$step
# @$extent
# @$param_list list of bounds modifiers; each list element
# is itself a 4-element list with the name
# of the modifier ('expand' or 'extend' so far),
# and the (x,y,z) values of the parameter
# @$extension - list of extension factors (volume bounds are
# extended asymmetrically - extension factor
# can be specified at one or both limits, as
# (eg.) "lo,hi", "lo", or ",hi" (any omitted
# factor defaults to zero). `lo' refers to the
# extension at the low end (left/posterior/
# inferior) and `hi' to the extension at the high
# end (right/anterior/superior).
#@RETURNS : nothing; dies on any error
#@DESCRIPTION: Applies all bounds modification parameters, in the order
# they are found in @$param_list (which is presumably the
# order in which they were supplied on the command line). The
# three spatial dimensions are always treated independently,
# so each parameter must have separate x, y, and z values.
# (The user can supply a single value for a given parameter
# using the -iso{extend,expand,whatever} command line
# options.) The difference between the various parameters is
# how they treat the ends of each dimension, whether they tend
# to throw data away or keep it, etc.
# Currently supported bounds modifiers are:
# expand - the volume bounds are expanded symmetrically
# at both ends
# extend - the volume bounds are extended independently;
# each value (one per dimension) is actually a pair
# of numbers -- the first specifies what to do at
# the "low" end of the dimension, and the second
# applies to the "high" end. Here, "low" and
# "high" are in the absolute, increasing-world-
# coordinate sense -- low x is left, low y is
# posterior, low z is inferior. Thus they are
# independent of the sign of that dimension's step.
#@MODIFIED : 96/10/21, GW: changed to use Perl5 ref's and my
# 96/10/22, GW: changed to support a list of modification
# parameters rather than just one of expand
# or extend
sub ModifyBounds
my ($start, $step, $extent, $param_list) = @_;
my ($param_desc, $param);
my @canon_dims = qw(xspace yspace zspace); # for debugging output
print "ModifyBounds:\n" if $Debug;
for $param_desc (@$param_list)
die "Invalid bounds modifier description" unless
(ref $param_desc eq 'ARRAY') && (@$param_desc == 4);
$param = $param_desc->[0];
if ($param eq 'expand')
foreach $i (0 .. 2)
my ($expand) = $param_desc->[$i+1];
printf " %s: expanding by %s ", $canon_dims[$i], $expand
if $Debug;
# If expansion factor given as a percentage or in voxels, then
# convert it to mm (world coordinates)
$expand = &convert_modifier ($expand, $extent->[$i], $step->[$i]);
# And adjust the start and extent of the bounds accordingly
$start->[$i] -= $expand;
$extent->[$i] += 2*$expand;
if ($Debug)
printf "(=%gmm; ", $expand;
printf "now: start=%g, extent=%g)\n",
$start->[$i], $extent->[$i];
elsif ($param eq 'extend')
foreach $i (0 .. 2)
my ($extend) = $param_desc->[$i+1];
my ($lo, $hi) = split (",", $extend);
my ($stop);
$lo = 0 unless $lo;
$hi = 0 unless $hi;
next unless ($lo || $hi);
printf " %s: extending by %s,%s ", $canon_dims[$i], $lo, $hi
if $Debug;
# If extension factor given as a percentage or in voxels, then
# convert it to mm (world coordinates)
$lo = &convert_modifier ($lo, $extent->[$i], $step->[$i]);
$hi = &convert_modifier ($hi, $extent->[$i], $step->[$i]);
printf "(=%gmm, %gmm)\n", $lo, $hi if $Debug;
$stop = $start->[$i] + $extent->[$i] - $step->[$i];
printf " before: start=%g, stop=%g, extent=%g\n",
$start->[$i], $stop, $extent->[$i]
if $Debug;
if ($step->[$i] > 0.0)
$stop += $hi;
$start->[$i] -= $lo;
$stop += $lo;
$start->[$i] -= $hi;
$extent->[$i] = $stop - $start->[$i] + $step->[$i];
printf " after: start=%g, stop=%g, extent=%g\n",
$start->[$i], $stop, $extent->[$i]
if $Debug;
die "Unknown bounds modifier $param";
} # for $param_desc
if ($Debug)
my ($i, $dim);
for $i (0, 1, 2)
my $dim = $canon_dims[$i];
printf " %s: start=%g, extent=%g\n", $dim, $start[$i], $extent[$i];
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Low-level utility subroutines for reading/writing tag files:
# &ReadTagFile
# &WriteTagFile
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : ReadTagFile
#@INPUT : $file - input file to read
#@OUTPUT : @$x, @$y, @$z
#@RETURNS : number of tag points in the file, or 0 if any error
#@DESCRIPTION: Reads an MNI tag point file into three Perl arrays (x, y,
# and z coordinates). Only the tags for the first volume
# are read. Prints a useful error message and returns 0 on error.
#@CREATED : Sept 1994, Greg Ward
#@MODIFIED : 1995/05/22, GW: changed die to warn, and added return
# value of 0 on error
# 1996/10/21, GW: changed to use Perl5 refs and `my'
sub ReadTagFile
my ($file, $x, $y, $z) = @_;
my ($tagsfound);
unless (open (TAGFILE, $file))
warn "Unable to open $file: $!\n";
return 0;
while (<TAGFILE>)
$tagsfound = 1, last if (/^\s*Points =\s*$/);
warn "Invalid-looking tag file: $file\n", return 0
unless ($tagsfound);
my $i = 0;
while (<TAGFILE>)
s/^\s+//; # strip leading whitespace
@_ = split; # pull out first three coordinates
$x->[$i] = $_[0];
$y->[$i] = $_[1];
$z->[$i] = $_[2];
close (TAGFILE);
return ($i);
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : WriteTagFile
#@INPUT : $file - name of file to create (will be clobbered if
# it already exists)
# $comment - comment to put at top of tag file; can be
# multiline; percent charaters will be added as
# necessary
# $x,$y,$z - references to arrays of coordinates
#@RETURNS : 1 on success, 0 if any error
#@DESCRIPTION: Writes an MNI tag point file from three arrays of
# x, y, and z coordinates. Prints a useful error message
# and returns 0 on error.
#@CREATED : Sept 1994, Greg Ward
#@MODIFIED : 1995/04/21, GW: added $comment argument
# 1995/05/22, GW: changed die to warn, and added return values
# 1996/10/21, GW: changed to use Perl5 refs and `my'
sub WriteTagFile
my ($file, $comment, $x, $y, $z) = @_;
my ($i);
if (@$x != @$y || @$y != @$z)
warn "WriteTagFile: inconsistent number of points in tag list\n";
return 0;
open (TAGFILE, ">$file") || die "Can't create $file: $!\n";
$comment = "%" . $comment;
$comment =~ s/\n/\n%/;
print TAGFILE "MNI Tag Point File\n";
print TAGFILE $comment . "\n" if ($comment ne "");
print TAGFILE "Volumes = 1;\n";
print TAGFILE "Points =\n";
foreach $i (0 .. $#$x)
printf TAGFILE "%g %g %g \"\"",
$x->[$i], $y->[$i], $z->[$i];
print TAGFILE ";" if ($i == $#$x);
print TAGFILE "\n";
close (TAGFILE);
return 1;
sub comp_arrays
die "comp_arrays: wrong number of arguments" unless (@_ == 2);
my ($a1, $a2) = @_;
return 0 unless (@$a1 == @$a2);
for $i (0 .. $#$a1)
return 0 unless ($a1->[$i] == $a2->[$i]);
return 1;
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : &min
#@INPUT : List of scalars (numeric).
#@RETURNS : Minimum value from list.
#@DESCRIPTION: Finds the min value in a list.
#@CREATED : August 95, GW (from Perl man page)
sub min
my($min) = pop(@_);
foreach $foo (@_) {
$min = $foo if $min > $foo;
# ------------------------------ MNI Header ----------------------------------
#@NAME : &max
#@INPUT : List of scalars (numeric).
#@RETURNS : Maximum value from list.
#@DESCRIPTION: Finds the max value in a list.
#@CREATED : August 95, GW (from Perl man page)
sub max
my($max) = pop(@_);
foreach $foo (@_) {
$max = $foo if $max < $foo;
sub print_version {
print "\n$ProgramName $Version, built from:\n$LongVersion\n\n";
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