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Created November 27, 2019 20:59
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{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Postgresql
import Database.Persist.TH
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
name String
age Int Maybe
deriving Show
getPerson :: MonadIO m => PersionId -> ( Maybe ( Entity Person ) )
getPerson pid = selectFirst [ PersionId ==. pid ] [ ]
connStr = "host=localhost dbname=persistent_expirement user=user password=user port=5432"
main :: IO ()
main = runStderrLoggingT $ withPostgresqlPool connStr 10 $ \pool -> liftIO $ do
flip runSqlPersistMPool pool $ do
runMigration migrateAll
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There are a few drawbacks with the above approach. One is that it threads Persistent, a third-party library, throughout your application logic. If, later, you decide to swap out Persistent for something else, you'll have a lot of code to change. Another drawback is that you will tend to write a lot of functions that return an App a. App can do arbitrary IO, since it has a MonadIO instance. If we'd like to either decouple our application from third-party libraries or enforce principle of least privilege, we can add another layer.

class GetPerson m where
  getPerson :: PersonId -> m Person

entryPoint :: GetPerson m => m ()
entryPoint = ... -- all your program logic

instance GetPerson App where
  getPerson pid = liftPersist $ selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] []

Your initApp and main stay exactly the same. Your entryPoint (and all the functions it calls, all the functions that comprise your application logic) never mention App, IO, or MyBackend directly: they express all their needs in terms of GetPerson and a host of similar bespoke classes you wrote specifically for this application.


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friedbrice commented Nov 29, 2019

When you take this approach, use a module structure analogous to this:

┣ Classes
┃  ┗ GetPerson.hs
┃    ┣ class GetPerson
┃    ┗ getPerson
┃  ...
┣ AppLogic
┃  ┗ EntryPoint.hs
┃     ┣ import Classes.GetPerson
┃     ┗ entryPoint
┃     ...
┃  ...
┗ AppWiring
   ┣ AppEnv.hs
   ┃  ┣ import Database.Persist
   ┃  ┣ data MyBackend
   ┃  ┣ data AppEnv
   ┃  ┗ initAppEnv
   ┣ App.hs
   ┃  ┣ import Database.Persist
   ┃  ┣ import Classes.GetPerson
   ┃  ┣ import AppWiring.AppEnv
   ┃  ┣ newtype App
   ┃  ┣ runApp
   ┃  ┗ instance GetPerson App
   ┗ Main.hs
      ┣ import AppWiring.AppEnv
      ┣ import AppWiring.App
      ┣ import AppLogic.EntryPoing
      ┗ main = fmap (runApp entryPoint) initAppEnv

The important characteristic about the above module structure is that GetPerson doesn't depend on Persist, App, or MyBackend. This extends to every submodule of AppLogic: GetPerson completely abstracts those dependencies. The only place where we couple our application to Persist is in the GetPerson instance for App.


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friedbrice commented Nov 29, 2019

Also when we take this approach, you probably don't need classes as granular as GetPerson. You probably want classes like DatabaseRead, DatabaseWrite, LocationService, FileSystemRead, FileSystemWrite, Log, and similar things. The point of writing such bespoke classes is twofold: (1) hide the details of third-party libraries (e.g. selectFirst) and runtime dependencies (e.g. MyBackend); and (2) get an idea of what each function might be doing (and not doing) from its signature.

Along those lines, you should never need to write a function with a MonadIO constraint: if you need to do some IO, write a bespoke class for it in Classes and write an instance of that class for App in AppWiring. Try not to make your classes general-purpose things like Fetch. Make them represent particular services that your application needs, like LocationService. For example a class like

class Fetch m where
  fetch :: Url -> m Response

doesn't hide the details of a service from application developers. Neither does it guarantee that the correct URL is used or that the response is parsed correctly. Instead, using a bespoke class like

class LocationService where
  findLocation :: Coordinates -> m Location

means you only need to construct the URL and parse the Response in one place, in the LocationService instance for App.

Remember that the point of these bespoke classes isn't for them to be reused in other projects: the point is to abstract the dependencies of this particular application only and to segregate I/O action by class constraints to enforce principle of least privilege.


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