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Last active September 23, 2024 21:19
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Uninstall Office 2016 from OS X completely
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo -e "
You have to run this script as root.
exit 1
echo -e "
Office 2016 for Mac uninstaller
Unofficial unistaller
Brought to you by Frank Pira
This software comes with absolutely
Use it at your own risk.
sleep 4
echo -e "
------------- WARNING -------------
Your Outlook data will be wiped.
Press CTRL+C in 5 seconds to ABORT
or just sit back and relax!
sleep 6
# commands out of the official guide from microsoft
# source
echo " Removing Office 2016 apps..."
rm -rf "/Applications/Microsoft"
rm -rf "/Applications/Microsoft"
rm -rf "/Applications/Microsoft"
rm -rf "/Applications/Microsoft"
rm -rf "/Applications/Microsoft"
echo " Cleaning ~/Library..."
rm /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Containers/
rm /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Containers/
rm /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Containers/
rm /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Containers/
rm /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Containers/
rm /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Containers/
rm /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Containers/
rm /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Containers/
rm /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Containers/
rm "/Users/$(whoami)/Library/Group"
rm "/Users/$(whoami)/Library/Group ContainersUBF8T346G9.Office"
rm "/Users/$(whoami)/Library/Group ContainersUBF8T346G9.OfficeOsfWebHost"
# further cleaning
echo " Cleaning system folders..."
rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0"
rm -rf "/Library/Fonts/Microsoft"
rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/
rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm /Library/Preferences/
rm -rf /Library/Preferences/ByHost/
rm -rf /Library/Receipts/Office2016_*
rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
echo " Making your Mac forget about Office 2016..."
pkgutil --forget
pkgutil --forget
pkgutil --forget
pkgutil --forget
pkgutil --forget
pkgutil --forget
pkgutil --forget
pkgutil --forget
pkgutil --forget
echo -e "
All done!
You may need to reinstall Microsoft Silverlight.
You can now remove icons from Dock (if any!).
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guojiubo commented Sep 9, 2016

Nice work!
However, I found an issue when I use this script to uninstall my Office for Mac 2016 (version 15.20), it leaves two packages named '' and '' behind, it seams like Microsoft has made some change there, maybe we should also use pkgutil to forget those two, right?

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Do you have or know of a 2008 version?

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Hi Pira, when I run this with sudo, it seems $(whoami) becomes root and it didn't clean up the folders, as well as just simply using rm seems like it's not going to remove the folder without forcing it.

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rhortal commented Oct 24, 2017

Are the lines on Group Containers such as:
rm "/Users/$(whoami)/Library/Group"
missing a trailing slash after Containers?

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stonerl commented Dec 12, 2017

@rhortal Yes they do.

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Nice one, thanks a lot for this script. I had a big issue with OneNote. Unable to open it, even after an uninstall an clean install. Different solutions on The Net didn't fix it. I ran this script, reinstalled Office and no issue at all anymore. Saved my work and saved the day!

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mcoam commented Jun 9, 2018


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I ran it under sudo privilege, but still can't clear sys files, showing no such directory or files

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Perhaps this could be fleshed out to avoid issues with sudo as done in the Remove2011 project:

function RemoveUserComponent {
	LogMessage "In function 'RemoveUserComponent with arguments $FUNCPATH and $FUNCTEXT'"
	for u in `ls /Users`; do
		$(sudo rm -r -f $FULLPATH)

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radusuciu commented Nov 27, 2018

Also, this fork seems like it solves a lot of the issues:

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pythoninthegrass commented Jan 3, 2020

Also, this fork seems like it solves a lot of the issues:

Hey @radusuciu,

WAAAAY late to the party. Needed my / @pirafrank's script again for work and went down the rabbit hole of refactoring the last version I posted. Now pkgutil actually forgets PLISTs (fixed incorrect operator), array that pkgutil uses is now dynamic instead of a fixed list, /Applications are now correctly removed due to quirky .app extension behavior (directories vs. files), and lastly, all echo[es] calling array items have been replaced with printf to capture all the output instead of the first line.

Hope you find that useful. Pull requests welcome!

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Thanks for the notes @pythoninthegrass!

To be honest, I forget why I was even looking at this in the first place 🎈

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You're welcome, @radusuciu! Stealing that red balloon emoji -- gonna work its way into Slack convos somehow.

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