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Last active July 11, 2024 12:26
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Save pirate/01ca7a6b41595af9a480 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Untaken 3-letter Usernames on Github
None of these 3 letter-only usernames below are available anymore as of 2021.
However, if you use numbers and symbols, or accept 4 letters, you can definitely find a free one.
Check responsibly. Don't spam the github API/support, it's not a race, there are plenty free if you have imagination.
agq, ahq, aqf, aqg, aqp, aqt, aqf, aqy, atq, auh, ayp, azj, azq, bey, bgt, bgx, bhq, bkk, bkq, bmq,
bpp, bpq, bqa, bqc, bqg, bqi, bqj, bql, bqn, bqo, bqp, bqr, bqt, bqy, buo, buq, bwz, bxe, bxo, bxw,
bzn, bzp, cfl, ckg, ckq, cnq, cpq, cpz, cqa, cqe, cqf, cqg, cqk, cqo, cqp, cqf, cqx, cqz, cud, cuh,
cuk, cuo, cfl, cxe, czo, dkq, dnq, dqg, dqi, dqk, dqo, dqs, dsr, dtq, dxe, eaj, eaq, ebq, ecl, ecy,
eer, efq, efy, egq, egx, ehh, ehz, eiu, eiw, eiy, ejx, eoq, eou, epj, eqa, eqb, eqf, eqg, eqj, eqk,
eqs, eqf, eqw, eqz, erq, etq, eub, euf, euj, euq, euf, efq, efy, ewy, ewz, exn, eyh, eyj, eyn, eyq,
eyt, eyx, ezb, ezm, ezw, faj, fcz, feq, ffq, fgn, fgz, fhn, fhw, fiy, fju, fki, fkq, fkx, foa, foq,
fqa, fqb, fqc, fqd, fqe, fqg, fqh, fqi, fqj, fqk, fql, fqn, fqo, fqp, fqq, fqw, fsq, ftq, fuw, ffq,
fwh, fwq, fyc, fyo, fzb, fzo, gbq, gcz, ggx, gij, gjk, gjq, gkf, gkq, gkf, gkx, glj, glq, gnh, gnj,
gnq, gqa, gqb, gqd, gqe, gqf, gqg, gqh, gqi, gqn, gqo, gqr, gqt, gqf, gqy, gqz, gtr, gxq, gzq, gzs,
hcq, hdq, hfd, hfj, hfq, hhm, hif, hif, hiw, hjq, hkq, hlq, hmq, hnj, hnq, hnr, hqb, hqe, hqi, hqj,
hqk, hqo, hqr, hqw, hte, hfd, hfj, hfq, hwn, iaq, ibq, ibw, iby, iej, iek, ieq, iew, iey, ifj, ifr,
ifu, ifz, igj, ihq, ihy, iil, iio, iiq, iiw, iiz, ijc, ijq, ikc, ikp, ikq, ikx, ilt, iny, iow, ipj,
iqb, iqf, iqh, iqj, iqk, iql, iqn, iqp, iqt, iqf, iqx, iqy, isq, iud, iuo, iup, iuw, ifj, ifr, ifu,
ifz, iwj, iwr, ixb, ixf, ixg, ixh, ixj, ixk, ixq, ixf, ixw, iyb, iyg, iyh, iyi, iyn, iyq, iyr, iyw,
iyz, izc, izd, izg, izl, izp, izt, jeq, jex, jfq, jiq, jjx, jkt, jqd, jqg, jqj, jqm, jqo, jqw, jqz,
jtq, jfq, jxq, jzn, jzq, kbq, kby, kcx, keq, kft, kgq, khp, khq, kkq, knp, kqd, kqe, kqf, kqg, kqh,
kqj, kqk, kqm, kqo, kqp, kqq, kqt, kqf, kqx, ksq, ktq, kuj, kuq, kft, kwf, kwf, kxo, kxr, kyq, kzb,
kzc, kzf, kzf, kzx, lab, lbg, lbx, lcu, lfd, lfg, lfn, lnq, lpo, lqe, lqk, lqn, lri, lru, lfd, lfg,
lfn, lze, lzo, man, mgq, mnq, mpq, mqd, mqe, mqo, mqw, mtq, mxq, nbh, nbj, nbq, ncl, ncq, ndf, ndf,
nft, nwz, nxj, nxo, nxp, nyy, nze, nzg, nzh, nzq, nzy, oaq, oay, obq, odq, oeq, oew, oex, ofd, ofq,
ofw, ohd, ohl, ohx, ohy, oif, oiq, oif, oiw, oiy, oiz, ojf, ojj, ojn, ojp, ojf, ojx, ojy, okf, okg,
okj, okq, okf, omx, onh, ooa, oor, oqa, oqb, oqe, oqf, oqg, oqh, oqi, oqj, oqk, oql, oqp, oqq, oqs,
oqu, oqf, oqw, oqx, oqz, orh, otq, oty, oua, ouh, ouq, ouw, ofd, ofq, ofw, owg, owj, owr, owx, oxd,
oxf, oxh, oxj, oxl, oxp, oxs, oxt, oxf, oxw, oyc, oyf, oyl, oyn, oyp, oyq, oyr, oyf, ozb, ozd, ozf,
ozg, ozj, ozm, ozq, ozf, pcq, pqf, pqg, pqj, pqk, pql, pqm, pqq, pqu, pqf, pqw, pqz, pxe, pxj, pxw,
pxz, pzf, pzg, pzu, pzf, pzx, qaa, qad, qag, qah, qai, qaj, qak, qbh, qbj, qbr, qcb, qcj, qcq, qcr,
qdf, qdm, qdn, qdp, qdq, qdr, qdf, qec, qeh, qei, qej, qek, qem, qer, qez, qfb, qfd, qfe, qfg, qfh,
qfi, qfk, qfn, qfo, qfq, qfr, qfs, qft, qfw, qfy, qgb, qgc, qgj, qgk, qgl, qgn, qgq, qgu, qgy, qgz,
qhg, qhi, qhk, qhs, qht, qhu, qhx, qih, qiy, qjc, qjd, qje, qjf, qjh, qjj, qjk, qjn, qjt, qju, qjf,
qjx, qkc, qkd, qkf, qkg, qkh, qkj, qkk, qkl, qkm, qkn, qkp, qkq, qkr, qks, qku, qkf, qkw, qky, qkz,
qlk, qlm, qln, qls, qmb, qmf, qmg, qmh, qmj, qmq, qmf, qmy, qnd, qne, qnf, qni, qnj, qnl, qnu, qnf,
qnw, qny, qoa, qoc, qoe, qof, qog, qoh, qoi, qoj, qok, qol, qof, qow, qoy, qoz, qpc, qpe, qpf, qpg,
qph, qpl, qpn, qpp, qpt, qpu, qpf, qpx, qqd, qqg, qqj, qqk, qql, qqt, qqx, qrb, qre, qrl, qrq, qrx,
qsb, qse, qsk, qsw, qtg, qtk, qto, qtq, qtu, quf, qug, quh, qum, quq, quf, quw, qfb, qfd, qfe, qfg,
qfh, qfi, qfk, qfn, qfo, qfq, qfr, qfs, qft, qfw, qfy, qwg, qwh, qwi, qwk, qwt, qxa, qxe, qxk, qxl,
qxw, qya, qyf, qym, qyo, qys, qyt, qyf, qzb, qzd, qze, qzf, qzk, qzl, qzn, qzo, qzf, raw, rfj, rgq,
rgy, rkq, rlq, rnj, rnl, rnq, rpy, rqa, rqb, rqd, rqe, rqh, rqj, rqk, rqm, rqn, rqo, rqq, rqu, rqw,
rqx, rqz, rre, rrq, ruj, ruq, rfj, rwo, rwy, rxe, rxo, rxw, rxz, ryq, rzi, rzj, rzp, sbq, sfq, snq,
sqd, sqg, sqn, sfq, sxg, sxo, tcq, tfz, tjq, tpq, tqa, tqj, tqo, tqw, ttq, tuh, tfz, txg, txh, tzb,
tzc, tzg, tzn, uaj, uaq, uaw, uax, uay, ubh, ubp, ubw, ucj, ucw, ucz, udd, udh, udq, uej, ueq, uer,
uew, uey, uez, ufb, ufd, ufe, ufi, ufj, ufq, ufw, ufy, ugj, ugl, ugq, ugw, ugz, uhj, uhn, uhq, uht,
uhw, uhx, uhy, uig, uih, uiq, uiw, uiy, uiz, ujb, ujd, ujg, ujl, ujp, ujq, ujt, ujx, ukc, ukd, ukh,
ukk, ukp, ukq, ukx, ukz, uld, uln, ulw, umy, unw, uof, uoh, uok, uon, uoq, uof, uoy, uoz, upg, uph,
upj, upq, upw, upy, uqa, uqb, uqc, uqd, uqe, uqf, uqg, uqh, uqi, uqj, uqk, uql, uqm, uqn, uqo, uqp,
uqq, uqr, uqt, uqf, uqw, uqy, uqz, urf, urm, urf, usx, utq, uua, uub, uuc, uud, uue, uui, uuj, uum,
uuo, uuw, uuy, ufb, ufd, ufe, ufi, ufj, ufq, ufw, ufy, uwd, uwf, uwg, uwj, uwk, uwn, uwp, uwq, uwr,
uws, uwf, uwx, uwz, uxc, uxf, uxh, uxj, uxk, uxl, uxq, uxt, uxf, uxw, uxx, uxz, uyb, uyc, uyd, uyf,
uyg, uyj, uyk, uyl, uym, uyn, uyo, uyp, uyq, uyr, uyf, uyw, uzf, uzg, uzk, uzl, uzp, uzq, uzs, uzt,
uzf, uzw, uzx, wah, wbe, wbf, wbf, wcq, wct, wcu, wfk, wfq, wgk, wgn, wgp, wih, wiq, wiy, wjo, wke,
wkx, wne, wnu, wnz, wou, wpu, wqf, wqj, wqn, wqo, wqt, wqf, wrq, wte, wua, wuo, wfk, wfq, wxa, wxo,
wze, wzi, wzn, wzo, wzu, xag, xah, xbh, xbi, xbj, xbk, xbn, xce, xcw, xdq, xdt, xdw, xef, xeh, xej,
xeq, xef, xez, xfg, xfh, xfi, xfj, xfk, xfo, xfw, xga, xgi, xgp, xgw, xgy, xih, xij, xit, xja, xje,
xkf, xkh, xki, xkn, xko, xkq, xkt, xkf, xlb, xlh, xln, xly, xmq, xnf, xnl, xnm, xnq, xnf, xnw, xoe,
xoq, xpi, xpq, xpu, xpw, xqa, xqc, xqd, xqe, xqg, xqi, xqm, xqp, xre, xrn, xrw, xso, xsq, xtq, xts,
xur, xfg, xfh, xfi, xfj, xfk, xfo, xfw, xwa, xwe, xwi, xwn, xwo, xwt, ybd, ybj, ybw, yde, ydo, ydq,
ydx, yeu, yfa, yfb, yfe, yfj, yfo, yfs, yft, ygn, yhi, yir, yja, yje, yjn, yjt, ykx, ymw, yna, ync,
ynj, ynq, ynx, ypd, ypn, ypp, ypq, ypw, ypy, yqa, yqb, yqe, yqg, yqk, yqo, yqp, yqr, yrf, yrq, yrf,
yrw, ytw, yfa, yfb, yfe, yfj, yfo, yfs, yft, ywd, ywe, ywi, ywn, yww, yxe, yze, yzo, yzr, zbp, zdq,
zew, zfg, zfi, zfn, zfo, zgn, zgo, zke, zkg, zki, zkq, zlr, znj, znq, zpb, zpe, zpn, zpq, zpt, zpu,
zqo, zqy, zre, zrn, zuc, zud, zuj, zfg, zfi, zfn, zfo, zxe
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Im needing a 3 letter name. or 4 letter. please hit me up Jadon#0069

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If anyone has a 3 letter Xbox one account that hasn't been taken please contact me 813-326-4308

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7cv commented Aug 9, 2022

lmao anyone want mine i dont use github

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lmao anyone want mine i dont use github


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7cv commented Aug 14, 2022

lmao anyone want mine i dont use github


do i delete my thing

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lmao anyone want mine i dont use github


do i delete my thing

nah add me on disc first penta#4681

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0f4 commented Aug 17, 2022


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7cv commented Aug 17, 2022


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0f4 commented Aug 18, 2022


not much. what about you

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0f4 commented Aug 18, 2022


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0f4 commented Aug 18, 2022

i used the profile rename setting

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0f4 commented Aug 18, 2022

this username isnt even on the list above

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7cv commented Aug 18, 2022


not much. what about you

am relly fine

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0f4 commented Aug 24, 2022


not much. what about you

am relly fine

I think I found the actual last 3 letter username tbh

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7cv commented Aug 24, 2022


not much. what about you

am relly fine

I think I found the actual last 3 letter username tbh


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i933 commented Sep 3, 2022

Hi i need 3 letter

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7cv commented Sep 3, 2022

taken by penta

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ny8 commented Sep 8, 2022

I'm still getting notifications for this thread lol

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Soviasl commented Sep 17, 2022

are there any 3 letters available? i kinda want one

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7cv commented Sep 17, 2022

are there any 3 letters available? i kinda want one


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Soviasl commented Sep 20, 2022


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aelase commented Sep 23, 2022

yo anyone got a 3 letter username? looking for this sh is so tiring ngl

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aelase commented Sep 24, 2022

add me on disc (nope#8161) 7cv

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rxw commented Nov 13, 2022


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bpuj commented Nov 14, 2022


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2bf commented Nov 18, 2022


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iiuz commented Nov 25, 2022

I buy 3l here on github add me

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Can anyone give me a 3l add me on dis

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atriok commented Dec 16, 2022

Does anyone have a 3 letter gt they don’t want or want to get rid of just message me on Xbox- Atriok

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0f4 commented Jan 21, 2023

why am I still getting notifications from this -_-

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7cv commented Jan 21, 2023

why am I still getting notifications from this -_-

its getting too annoying

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eepykate commented Jan 21, 2023 via email

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1x6 commented Jan 21, 2023 via email

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I want a untaken 3 letter username please

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1x6 commented Mar 25, 2023

shush john

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Pvpboi commented Jun 22, 2023

anyone got a untaken 3 letter for free?

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zbk commented Jun 23, 2023

I received without number, last month. To be honest, I did not even work hard to get this, tried 4-5 names and got zbk available.

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cu commented Jul 27, 2023


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All 17576000 usernames checked. 0 matches found

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i have a 4 letter one which is kinda cool

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I need one so badly

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clippin commented Sep 16, 2023


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can some send me a 3l that works my discord is nlnx

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can some send me a 3l that works my discord is nlnx

ты слепой? я же написал, что я проверил все 17576000 имён. Свободных нет.

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imtaji commented Nov 7, 2023

can some send me a 3l that works my discord is nlnx

ты слепой? я же написал, что я проверил все 17576000 имён. Свободных нет.

You are wrong @accountnujen! I have just managed to get sht 2 days ago. That means there were 3 character names available until 2 days ago. Today I checked and there is no one available in 17,576 username.

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accountnujen commented Nov 7, 2023

You are wrong @accountnujen! I have just managed to get sht 2 days ago. That means there were 3 character names available until 2 days ago. Today I checked and there is no one available in 17,576 username.

значит sht был удалён. в ночь с 8 по 9 августа был запущено 4 одновременных проверки с 4 ip адресов. я не верю, что я обосрался в расчётах.

2 дня назад свободен был только sht? или были ещё свободные?

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0f4 commented Nov 9, 2023

can some send me a 3l that works my discord is nlnx

ты слепой? я же написал, что я проверил все 17576000 имён. Свободных нет.

You are wrong @accountnujen! I have just managed to get sht 2 days ago. That means there were 3 character names available until 2 days ago. Today I checked and there is no one available in 17,576 username.

Luckily I managed to get one before they were all taken

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can some send me a 3l that works my discord is nlnx

ты слепой? я же написал, что я проверил все 17576000 имён. Свободных нет.

You are wrong @accountnujen! I have just managed to get sht 2 days ago. That means there were 3 character names available until 2 days ago. Today I checked and there is no one available in 17,576 username.

Luckily I managed to get one before they were all taken

У тебя цифры. Мы проверяли только буквенные. И на счёт SHT - я был прав. Кто-то просто избавился от этого аккаунта, а в этот момент наш @sht успел его зарегистрировать.

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0f4 commented Nov 9, 2023

can some send me a 3l that works my discord is nlnx

are you blind? I wrote that I checked all 17,576,000 names. There are no free ones.

You are wrong@accountnujen! I have just managed to get sht 2 days ago. That means there were 3 character names available until 2 days ago. Today I checked and there is no one available in 17,576 username.

Luckily I managed to get one before they were all taken

You have numbers. We only checked alphabetic ones. And about SHT - I was right. Someone just got rid of this account, and at this moment our@shtI managed to register it.

I bet if you check some with numbers, quite a bit more will (possibility of most of them being banned) be available

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0f4 commented Nov 9, 2023

oh and also @1zu your checker does not work

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imtaji commented Nov 10, 2023

can some send me a 3l that works my discord is nlnx

ты слепой? я же написал, что я проверил все 17576000 имён. Свободных нет.

You are wrong @accountnujen! I have just managed to get sht 2 days ago. That means there were 3 character names available until 2 days ago. Today I checked and there is no one available in 17,576 username.

Luckily I managed to get one before they were all taken

У тебя цифры. Мы проверяли только буквенные. И на счёт SHT - я был прав. Кто-то просто избавился от этого аккаунта, а в этот момент наш @sht успел его зарегистрировать. browser_imKORPRwUC

@accountnujen You are right, I was lucky to check it on right time when somebody deleted and could claim it. @0f4 with numbers there are so many available. We were just checking without numbers (only 3 characters).

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is there any username which 3 -4 characters left?

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0f4 commented Nov 25, 2023

is there any username which 3 -4 characters left?

there are lots of 4-character usernames, but 3-characters I'm not so sure

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Q00R commented Jan 12, 2024

are there yet in 2024, if yes , is it possible to make a script that automates finding them?

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FFUV commented Jan 15, 2024

Message me if you have any common short word usernames / or 3L usernames

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buying username 3 letter
discord: suzuya_.69

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0f4 commented Apr 25, 2024

can some send me a 3l that works my discord is nlnx

are you blind? I wrote that I checked all 17,576,000 names. There are no free ones.

You are wrong@accountnujen! I have just managed to get sht 2 days ago. That means there were 3 character names available until 2 days ago. Today I checked and there is no one available in 17,576 username.

Luckily I managed to get one before they were all taken

You have numbers. We only checked alphabetic ones. And about SHT - I was right. Someone just got rid of this account, and at this moment our@shtI managed to register it.browser_imKORPRwUC

@accountnujen You are right, I was lucky to check it on right time when somebody deleted and could claim it. @0f4 with numbers there are so many available. We were just checking without numbers (only 3 characters).

Yeah uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This is false, @sht was registered in 2015. The account was never deleted whatsoever, therefore, you did not register that name.

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sht commented Apr 26, 2024

@0f4 Then? what's your theory? How you think I got this username in 2023?

I was using imtaji before and renamed to sht in 2023. Check my comment on same gist:

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0f4 commented May 19, 2024

@0f4 Then? what's your theory? How you think I got this username in 2023?

I was using imtaji before and renamed to sht in 2023. Check my comment on same gist:

Oh sorry, this was just a misunderstanding.

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FFUV commented May 20, 2024

why am I still getting notifications for this

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