- fork django/contrib/postgres driver
- patch blocking postgres compatibility issues
- review with cockroachdb team to see if any issues can be fixed by cockroach
- review with django team
- merge adapter as separate cockroachdb adapter
- write docs, any admin work, etc.
- CREATE DATABASE "test__1" WITH TEMPLATE "test_" cockroachdb/cockroach#10151
- pg_table_is_visible cockroachdb/cockroach#12538
- uuid, time, inet datatypes (cockroachdb/cockroach#8719)
- Function pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible()
- Directly interpreting timestamp literals from strings.
- extract() function in extract('day' FROM '2010-02-20 00:00:00') format, 'dow' for 'dayofweek'.
- date_tunc() function
- Deferrable constraint checks. ("DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED" for constraints cockroachdb/cockroach#9897)
- Savepoints
- Tablespaces
- Schema changes inside transactions
- Sequences, setval() function
- Cursors
- ALTER COLUMN TYPE cockroachdb/cockroach#5950
- Operator patterns for varchar and text indexes.
- (