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Last active October 26, 2015 21:51
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char_map = ['#', '=', '-', '.']
def flood(grid, node, target, depth):
x, y = node
color = char_map[depth] if depth < len(char_map) else None
if target == color:
if node not in grid or str(grid[node]) not in target:
if grid[node] in '+|-':
flood(grid, (x+1, y+1), target, depth+1)
if grid[node] == ' ':
grid[node] = color
flood(grid, (x+1, y), target, depth)
flood(grid, (x, y+1), target, depth)
flood(grid, (x-1, y), target, depth)
flood(grid, (x, y-1), target, depth)
def grid_repr(grid):
outstr = ''
for x,y in sorted(grid.keys()):
if y == 0 and x != 0:
outstr += '\n'
outstr += grid[(x, y)] if grid[(x, y)] is not None else ' '
return outstr
def get_inout(infile, outfile):
boxes = None
expected = None
with open(infile) as f:
boxes =
with open(outfile) as f:
expected =
return boxes, expected
def test_flood_one(inf, outf):
# tricky
boxes, expected = get_inout(inf, outf)
grid = {}
for r, row in enumerate(boxes.split('\n')):
for c, char in enumerate(row):
grid[(r, c)] = char
flood(grid, (0, 0), ' +=|', -1)
out = grid_repr(grid)
assert out == expected
print('tests pass')
def test():
test_flood_one('input00.txt', 'output00.txt')
test_flood_one('input02.txt', 'output02.txt')
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