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Created September 14, 2015 15:59
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Save piratefsh/c163df2007ef18a09a20 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple command-line tic-tac-toe game in Python. Kinda TDD-ed.
import re
EMPTY = '-'
def init_board(n):
board = {}
for x in range(n):
for y in range(n):
board[(x, y)] = EMPTY
return board
def print_board(board):
for coord in sorted(board.keys()):
x, y = coord
if y == 0 and x != 0: # if is new row
print('\n' + '-' * 2* len(board))
val = board[coord]
if val is not EMPTY:
print(" %s |" % (val), end="")
print("(%1d,%1d)|" % (coord), end="")
def place_piece(board, coord, player):
if coord in board.keys() and board[coord] is EMPTY:
board[coord] = player
return True
return False
def has_won(board, size, player):
for n in range(size):
rows = [board[(x, y)] for x, y in sorted(board.keys()) if n is x]
cols = [board[(x, y)] for x, y in sorted(board.keys()) if n is y]
diagonals = [board[(x, y)] for x, y in sorted(board.keys()) if x is y]
if rows.count(player) is size or cols.count(player) is size or diagonals.count(player) is size:
return True
return False
def board_full(board):
return list(board.values()).count(EMPTY) == 0
def game_ended(board, size):
return board_full(board) or has_won(board, size, PLAYER_X) or has_won(board, size, PLAYER_O)
def game_winner(board, size):
if has_won(board, size, PLAYER_X):
return PLAYER_X
elif has_won(board, size, PLAYER_O):
return PLAYER_O
elif board_full(board):
return None
def valid_move(user_in):
user_in = user_in.strip()
matches = re.match(r"[0-9]+\s*,\s*[0-9]+", user_in)
if matches is not None:
return tuple(map(int, user_in.split(',')))
return False
def game():
size = 3
board = init_board(size)
print("Let's play some tic tac toe!")
print("X: Player X, O: Player O, (x,y): Empty spot")
print("Enter coordinate in empty spot to fill it\n")
turn = PLAYER_O
while(not game_ended(board, size)):
user_in = input("Player " + turn + ", place your piece: ")
coord = valid_move(user_in)
if coord and place_piece(board, coord, turn):
#switch turns
turn = PLAYER_X if turn is PLAYER_O else PLAYER_O
print("Invalid move.")
winner = game_winner(board, size)
if winner is not None:
print('Game ended! Player %s won!' % winner)
print('There was a tie. No one won :)')
def test():
size = 3
board = init_board(size)
assert place_piece(board, (0, 0), PLAYER_X) == True
assert place_piece(board, (0, 0), PLAYER_X) == False
assert place_piece(board, (1, 1), PLAYER_O) == True
assert place_piece(board, (0, 1), PLAYER_X) == True
assert place_piece(board, (0, 2), PLAYER_X) == True
assert has_won(board, size, PLAYER_X) == True
assert has_won(board, size, PLAYER_O) == False
board = init_board(size)
assert place_piece(board, (0, 0), PLAYER_O) == True
assert place_piece(board, (1, 1), PLAYER_O) == True
assert place_piece(board, (2, 2), PLAYER_O) == True
assert has_won(board, size, PLAYER_O) == True
assert valid_move('3,4') == (3,4)
assert valid_move('3, 4') == (3,4)
assert valid_move('a,4') == False
assert valid_move('33,49') == (33,49)
assert valid_move('33 , 49') == (33,49)
assert valid_move('fsdfdsf') == False
assert valid_move('fsdm,fdsf') == False
assert valid_move('fsdm, fdsf') == False
print('tests pass')
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Very nice code gist!
There is only one small bug: you don't check this diagonal /
(0,0) (0,1) X
(1,0) X (1,2)
X (2,1) (2,2)

X wont win using your program.

The issue is easy to fix though:
Just get 2 diagonals instead of 1 ( \ /): (from your line 43)

    diagonal_backslash = [board[(x, y)] for x, y in sorted(board.keys()) if x is y]
    diagonal_slash = [
        board[(x, y)] for x, y in sorted(board.keys()) if x + y is size - 1
    if (
        rows.count(player) is size
        or cols.count(player) is size
        or diagonal_backslash.count(player) is size
        or diagonal_slash.count(player) is size
    ): return True
   I hope it helps.

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