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Created March 28, 2024 12:50
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Simple Typescript implementation of WLED API using DDP protocol
// Usage of WLEDDdp class
const targetHost = '';
const targetPort = 4048;
const socket = new WLEDDdp(targetHost, targetPort);
// Lights all diodes white
const rgbValues: Led[] = socket.getLeds([255,255,255]);
import dgram from 'dgram';
import { WLEDClient } from 'wled-client';
export type Led = [ number, number, number ];
export class WLEDDdp {
private _socket: dgram.Socket;
private readonly _port: number;
private readonly _host: string;
private initiallyOff = true;
private jsonClient: WLEDClient;
private readonly VERSION = 0x01; // Version 1, PUSH flag not set, other flags are 0
private readonly DATA_TYPE = 0x01; // Data type RGB
private readonly OUTPUT_ID = 0x01; // Default ID for output device
constructor(host: string, port: number) {
this._port = port;
this._host = host;
this._socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
this.jsonClient = new WLEDClient({
websocket: false
this.initLeds().catch((error) => {
console.error('Error initializing LEDs:', error);
public async initLeds(): Promise<void> {
await this.jsonClient.init();
console.log('LEDs initialized',, this.jsonClient.state);
this.initiallyOff = !this.jsonClient.state.on;
if (this.initiallyOff) {
await this.jsonClient.turnOn();
public send(data: Led[]) {
const packet = this.createPacket(data);
public async setBrightness(brightness: number) {
await this.jsonClient.setBrightness(brightness);
public getLeds(initialFill?: Led): Led[] {
return new Array(240).fill(initialFill ?? [0,0,0]);
private createPacket(leds: Led[]): Buffer {
const header = Buffer.alloc(10); // DDP header is 10 bytes
header[0] = this.VERSION;
header[1] = 0x00; // Reserved for future use, set to 0.
header[2] = this.DATA_TYPE;
header[3] = this.OUTPUT_ID;
header.writeUInt32BE(0, 4); // Offset set to 0
header.writeUInt16BE(leds.length * 3, 8); // Data length
const data = Buffer.concat( => {
return Buffer.from([ color[0], color[1], color[2] ]);
return Buffer.concat([ header, data ]);
private sendPacket(packet: Buffer) {
(error) => {
if (error) {
console.error('Error sending packet:', error);
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