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Created March 22, 2012 19:53
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Save pironic/2162872 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cacti plugins
// put this file on your remote server and then use the url in the script config.
if (ini_get('disable_functions')) {
if (in_array('exec',$disabled_funcs)) {
$load=explode(' ',$load);
} else {
if ($reguptime) {
if (preg_match("/, *(\d) (users?), .*: (.*), (.*), (.*)/",$reguptime,$uptime)) {
if (in_array('shell_exec',$disabled_funcs)) {
$uptime=substr($uptime_text,0,strpos($uptime_text," "));
} else {
$uptime=shell_exec("cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime");
echo "name:cerato users:".$users[0];
//echo " users1:".$users[1];
echo " load1:".$loadnow;
echo " load5:".$load15;
echo " load15:".$load30;
echo " uptime:\"{$days} Days {$hours}:{$mins}:{$secs}\" ";
echo "\eof";
// put this file on your remote server and then use the url in the script config.
if (ini_get('disable_functions')) {
if (in_array('exec',$disabled_funcs)) {
$load=explode(' ',$load);
} else {
if ($reguptime) {
if (preg_match("/, *(\d) (users?), .*: (.*), (.*), (.*)/",$reguptime,$uptime)) {
if (in_array('shell_exec',$disabled_funcs)) {
$uptime=substr($uptime_text,0,strpos($uptime_text," "));
} else {
$uptime=shell_exec("cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime");
echo "name:cerato users:".$users[0];
//echo " users1:".$users[1];
echo " load1:".$loadnow;
echo " load5:".$load15;
echo " load15:".$load30;
echo " uptime:\"{$days} Days {$hours}:{$mins}:{$secs}\" ";
echo "\eof";
<name>Icecast Listeners</name>
<title>|host_description| - |input_mount| - Current Icecast Listeners</title>
<vertical_label>Listener Count</vertical_label>
<name>Data Source [current_listeners]</name>
<name>Icecast - Current Listeners</name>
<name>|host_description| - Current Icecast Listeners</name>
<name>Icecast Stats</name>
<input_string>python &lt;path_cacti&gt;/scripts/ -x &lt;xml&gt; -m &lt;mount&gt; -u &lt;user&gt; -p &lt;pass&gt;</input_string>
<name>URL of AdminXML</name>
<name>Current Listeners</name>
<name>Daily (5 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Weekly (30 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Monthly (2 Hour Average)</name>
<name>Yearly (1 Day Average)</name>
<name>Hourly (1 Minute Average)</name>
<gprint_text>%8.2lf %s</gprint_text>
<name>Icecast Listeners</name>
<title>|host_description| - |input_mount| - Current Icecast Listeners</title>
<vertical_label>Listener Count</vertical_label>
<name>Data Source [current_listeners]</name>
<name>Icecast - Current Listeners</name>
<name>|host_description| - Current Icecast Listeners</name>
<name>Icecast Stats</name>
<input_string>python &lt;path_cacti&gt;/scripts/ -x &lt;xml&gt; -m &lt;mount&gt; -u &lt;user&gt; -p &lt;pass&gt;</input_string>
<name>URL of AdminXML</name>
<name>Current Listeners</name>
<name>Daily (5 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Weekly (30 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Monthly (2 Hour Average)</name>
<name>Yearly (1 Day Average)</name>
<name>Hourly (1 Minute Average)</name>
<gprint_text>%8.2lf %s</gprint_text>
<name>Mumble Stats</name>
<title>|host_description| - Mumble</title>
<text_format>Created Channels</text_format>
<text_format>Connected Users</text_format>
<name>Data Source [chans]</name>
<name>Data Source [users]</name>
<name>|host_description| - Mumble</name>
<input_string>perl /var/www/scripts/</input_string>
<name>Daily (5 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Weekly (30 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Monthly (2 Hour Average)</name>
<name>Yearly (1 Day Average)</name>
<name>Hourly (1 Minute Average)</name>
<gprint_text>%8.2lf %s</gprint_text>
<name>Exact Numbers</name>
<name>Mumble Stats</name>
<title>|host_description| - Mumble</title>
<text_format>Created Channels</text_format>
<text_format>Connected Users</text_format>
<name>Data Source [chans]</name>
<name>Data Source [users]</name>
<name>|host_description| - Mumble</name>
<input_string>perl /var/www/scripts/</input_string>
<name>Daily (5 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Weekly (30 Minute Average)</name>
<name>Monthly (2 Hour Average)</name>
<name>Yearly (1 Day Average)</name>
<name>Hourly (1 Minute Average)</name>
<gprint_text>%8.2lf %s</gprint_text>
<name>Exact Numbers</name>
#this file goes in your /scripts/ folder
import urllib, urllib2, httplib, sys, getopt
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
DEBUG = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "x:m:u:p:", ["xml=", "mount=", "user=", "password="])
xml = ''
mount = '/writhem.mp3'
user = 'admin'
password = 'poop'
listeners = 0
for o, v in opts:
if o in ("-x", "--xml"):
xml = str(v)
elif o in ("-m", "--mount"):
mount = str(v)
elif o in ("-u", "--user"):
user = str(v)
elif o in ("-p", "--password"):
password = str(v)
password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, xml, user, password)
handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
file_obj =
dom = parseString(
for element in dom.getElementsByTagName('icestats'):
source = element.getElementsByTagName('source')
for n in range(1, len(source)):
if (source[n].getAttribute('mount') == mount):
listeners = source[n].getElementsByTagName('listeners')[0]
except IOError, e:
listeners = "Error: %s" % e
if (listeners == 1):
strCurrentListeners = "1 Current Listener"
strCurrentListeners = "%s Current Listeners" % str(listeners)
outstr = 'current_listeners:%s' % str(listeners)
print outstr
import syslog
outstr += "(%s)" % file_obj
#this file goes in your /scripts/ folder
import urllib, urllib2, httplib, sys, getopt
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
DEBUG = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "x:m:u:p:", ["xml=", "mount=", "user=", "password="])
xml = ''
mount = '/writhem.mp3'
user = 'admin'
password = 'poop'
listeners = 0
for o, v in opts:
if o in ("-x", "--xml"):
xml = str(v)
elif o in ("-m", "--mount"):
mount = str(v)
elif o in ("-u", "--user"):
user = str(v)
elif o in ("-p", "--password"):
password = str(v)
password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, xml, user, password)
handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
file_obj =
dom = parseString(
for element in dom.getElementsByTagName('icestats'):
source = element.getElementsByTagName('source')
for n in range(1, len(source)):
if (source[n].getAttribute('mount') == mount):
listeners = source[n].getElementsByTagName('listeners')[0]
except IOError, e:
listeners = "Error: %s" % e
if (listeners == 1):
strCurrentListeners = "1 Current Listener"
strCurrentListeners = "%s Current Listeners" % str(listeners)
outstr = 'current_listeners:%s' % str(listeners)
print outstr
import syslog
outstr += "(%s)" % file_obj
import urllib, urllib2, httplib
import sys, getopt
import re
from urllib2 import Request, HTTPError, URLError
DEBUG = False
url = None
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "u:d:", ["usr=", "debug="])
for o, v in opts:
if o in ("-u", "--user"):
url = '' + str(v) + '/about'
elif o in ("-d", "--debug"):
DEBUG = True
if url == None:
raise ValueError("bad user name, indicate user with -u <name> or --user=<name>")
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header('User-agent','Cacti-Python AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.89 Safari/537.1')
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
data =
## capture the game count.
regex = re.compile(r'\\/games\\">(.*) games<\\/a>')
m =
if m:
## capture the game hours.
regex = re.compile(r'\\/games\\">.*\\/games\\">(.*) hours tracked<\\/a>')
m =
if m:
## capture the achievements.
regex = re.compile(r'\\/achievements\\">(.*) achievements<\\/a>')
m =
if m:
except HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR CODE:', e.code
#print 'ERROR DATA:',
sys.exit() except URLError, e:
print 'ERROR REASON:', e.reason
outstr = u'' for k, v in sorted(items.items()):
outstr = outstr + u'{0}:{1} '.format(k, v) print outstr
#this file goes in your /scripts/ folder
use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use Date::Parse;
use Switch;
my $timeout = 200;
my $total_time = 36;
my $httpaddr = "";
my $content;
my $fail = 0;
my $tries = 0;
my %data;
my %trash;
my @keys;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $timeout;
$content = LWP::Simple::get($httpaddr);
alarm 0;
} while (!$content && $tries <= int($total_time / $timeout));
$data{Tries} = $tries;
if (!$content) {
# find the now table.
my $indexOfStart = index($content, "<table id=\"now\"");
my $indexOfEnd = index($content, "</table></td>", $indexOfStart);
my $_ = substr($content,$indexOfStart,$indexOfEnd - $indexOfStart);
#s/nbsp;/ /g;
#s/\s+/ /g;
@keys = ("Temperature","WindDirection","WindSpeedLow","WindSpeedHigh","BaroPressure","Preceipitation","Lightning","QueryTime");
my $n = 0;
my $indexValue = index($_,"<td class=\"value\"", 0);
for(; $indexValue != -1;)
my $indexValueStart = index($_,">",$indexValue)+1;
my $indexValueEnd = index($_,"<",$indexValue+2);
my $temp = $keys[$n];
#print "debug: " . $temp;
if ($temp eq "WindDirection") {
#god damned wind direction
switch(substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart)) {
case ("N") { $data{WindDirection} = 1; }
case ("NNE") { $data{WindDirection} = 1.5; }
case ("NE") { $data{WindDirection} = 2; }
case ("NEE") { $data{WindDirection} = 2.5; }
case ("E") { $data{WindDirection} = 3; }
case ("SSE") { $data{WindDirection} = 3.5; }
case ("SE") { $data{WindDirection} = 4; }
case ("SEE") { $data{WindDirection} = 4.5; }
case ("S") { $data{WindDirection} = 5; }
case ("SSW") { $data{WindDirection} = 5.5; }
case ("SW") { $data{WindDirection} = 6; }
case ("SWW") { $data{WindDirection} = 6.5; }
case ("W") { $data{WindDirection} = 7; }
case ("NNW") { $data{WindDirection} = 7.5; }
case ("NW") { $data{WindDirection} = 8; }
case ("NWW") { $data{WindDirection} = 8.5; }
else { $data{WindDirection} = 9; }
} elsif ($temp eq "QueryTime") {
my $tempDate = substr($_,$indexValueStart,($indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart)-6);
my $tempTime = substr($_,$indexValueEnd-5,5);
$data{$temp} = str2time($tempDate . " 2011 " . $tempTime);
} else {
# not wind direction so just store it
$data{$temp} = substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart);
#print substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart) . "\n";
$indexValue = index($_,"<td class=\"value\"",$indexValue+1);
if ($indexValue == -1) {
$indexValue = index($_,"id=\"timestamp\">",$indexValueEnd);
$data{WindSpeedAvg} = ($data{WindSpeedHigh} + $data{WindSpeedLow}) / 2;
# now for the historical
$httpaddr = "";
my @units;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $timeout;
$content = LWP::Simple::get($httpaddr);
alarm 0;
} while (!$content && $tries <= int($total_time / $timeout));
$data{Tries} = $tries;
if (!$content) {
# find the now table.
$indexOfStart = index($content, "<table summary=");
$indexOfEnd = index($content, "</table>", $indexOfStart);
$_ = substr($content,$indexOfStart,$indexOfEnd - $indexOfStart);
#print $_;
#s/nbsp;/ /g;
#s/\s+/ /g;
#whats on the site vs what do we want to output
@keys = ("avg_max_temp","avg_min_temp","freq_precip","max_temp","min_temp","max_precip","max_rain","max_snowfall","max_snowOnGround");
@units = ("&deg;C","&deg;C","%","&deg;C","&deg;C","mm","mm","cm","cm");
$n = 0;
$indexValue = index($_,"<td headers=\"header1 header", 0);
for(; $indexValue != -1;)
my $indexValueStart = index($_,">",$indexValue)+1;
my $indexValueEnd = index($_,$units[$n],$indexValue+2);
my $temp = "hist_" . $keys[$n];
#print "debug: " . $temp . ":" .substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart);
$data{$temp} = substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart);
#print substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart) . "\n";
$indexValue = index($_,"<td headers=\"header1 header",$indexValue+1);
#output both now.
for (keys %data) {
printf "%s:%s ", $_, $data{$_};
print "\n";
#this file goes in your /scripts/ folder
use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use Date::Parse;
use Switch;
my $timeout = 200;
my $total_time = 36;
my $httpaddr = "";
my $content;
my $fail = 0;
my $tries = 0;
my %data;
my %trash;
my @keys;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $timeout;
$content = LWP::Simple::get($httpaddr);
alarm 0;
} while (!$content && $tries <= int($total_time / $timeout));
$data{Tries} = $tries;
if (!$content) {
# find the now table.
my $indexOfStart = index($content, "<table id=\"now\"");
my $indexOfEnd = index($content, "</table></td>", $indexOfStart);
my $_ = substr($content,$indexOfStart,$indexOfEnd - $indexOfStart);
#s/nbsp;/ /g;
#s/\s+/ /g;
@keys = ("Temperature","WindDirection","WindSpeedLow","WindSpeedHigh","BaroPressure","Preceipitation","Lightning","QueryTime");
my $n = 0;
my $indexValue = index($_,"<td class=\"value\"", 0);
for(; $indexValue != -1;)
my $indexValueStart = index($_,">",$indexValue)+1;
my $indexValueEnd = index($_,"<",$indexValue+2);
my $temp = $keys[$n];
#print "debug: " . $temp;
if ($temp eq "WindDirection") {
#god damned wind direction
switch(substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart)) {
case ("N") { $data{WindDirection} = 1; }
case ("NNE") { $data{WindDirection} = 1.5; }
case ("NE") { $data{WindDirection} = 2; }
case ("NEE") { $data{WindDirection} = 2.5; }
case ("E") { $data{WindDirection} = 3; }
case ("SSE") { $data{WindDirection} = 3.5; }
case ("SE") { $data{WindDirection} = 4; }
case ("SEE") { $data{WindDirection} = 4.5; }
case ("S") { $data{WindDirection} = 5; }
case ("SSW") { $data{WindDirection} = 5.5; }
case ("SW") { $data{WindDirection} = 6; }
case ("SWW") { $data{WindDirection} = 6.5; }
case ("W") { $data{WindDirection} = 7; }
case ("NNW") { $data{WindDirection} = 7.5; }
case ("NW") { $data{WindDirection} = 8; }
case ("NWW") { $data{WindDirection} = 8.5; }
else { $data{WindDirection} = 9; }
} elsif ($temp eq "QueryTime") {
my $tempDate = substr($_,$indexValueStart,($indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart)-6);
my $tempTime = substr($_,$indexValueEnd-5,5);
$data{$temp} = str2time($tempDate . " 2011 " . $tempTime);
} else {
# not wind direction so just store it
$data{$temp} = substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart);
#print substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart) . "\n";
$indexValue = index($_,"<td class=\"value\"",$indexValue+1);
if ($indexValue == -1) {
$indexValue = index($_,"id=\"timestamp\">",$indexValueEnd);
$data{WindSpeedAvg} = ($data{WindSpeedHigh} + $data{WindSpeedLow}) / 2;
# now for the historical
$httpaddr = "";
my @units;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $timeout;
$content = LWP::Simple::get($httpaddr);
alarm 0;
} while (!$content && $tries <= int($total_time / $timeout));
$data{Tries} = $tries;
if (!$content) {
# find the now table.
$indexOfStart = index($content, "<table summary=");
$indexOfEnd = index($content, "</table>", $indexOfStart);
$_ = substr($content,$indexOfStart,$indexOfEnd - $indexOfStart);
#print $_;
#s/nbsp;/ /g;
#s/\s+/ /g;
#whats on the site vs what do we want to output
@keys = ("avg_max_temp","avg_min_temp","freq_precip","max_temp","min_temp","max_precip","max_rain","max_snowfall","max_snowOnGround");
@units = ("&deg;C","&deg;C","%","&deg;C","&deg;C","mm","mm","cm","cm");
$n = 0;
$indexValue = index($_,"<td headers=\"header1 header", 0);
for(; $indexValue != -1;)
my $indexValueStart = index($_,">",$indexValue)+1;
my $indexValueEnd = index($_,$units[$n],$indexValue+2);
my $temp = "hist_" . $keys[$n];
#print "debug: " . $temp . ":" .substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart);
$data{$temp} = substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart);
#print substr($_,$indexValueStart,$indexValueEnd-$indexValueStart) . "\n";
$indexValue = index($_,"<td headers=\"header1 header",$indexValue+1);
#output both now.
for (keys %data) {
printf "%s:%s ", $_, $data{$_};
print "\n";
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